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Long Overdue Update! - Timothy Hicks's Blog

About Timothy Hicks
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My name is Timothy Hicks, and I've been writing for 5 years now, since I was 13. My main hobbies include writing, playing my piano, origami and bicycling.

I'm a bit OCD about some things and some would refer to me as a nervous pacer. I like to do outdoor activities, but at the same enjoy my alone time where I can sit and write. I'm a very avid reader and enjoy several different genres: horror, science-fiction, fantasy, and mysteries such as Sherlock Holmes.

I've had several different jobs including shakerboarder, pizza-make and cotton candy maker-and-distributor.

I like to think of myself as someone that can fit into almost any crowd and I always try to stay on the bright side of things. I swear very little and hardly ever get mad at people. I believe spreading smiles is a much better practice than sharing negativity...

Long Overdue Update!

Blog Posted:12/1/2017 11:55:00 PM

Hello, my friends!


Wow. It's been such a long time since I've gotten on the Soup that some may be wondering if I still exist (I do ... lol). To tell you the truth, there have many unexpected things going on in my life that I've had to prioritize and reorganize how I spend my time.


Since I've moved from Idaho to Georgia a year and a half ago, I am changing gears yet again and will be now going to live in an RV/camper trailer with my brother, sister-in-law, and my nieces, and start travelling the states. The reason why this is all started is a bit complicated to explain, but it ended up with selling the house, selling the car, downsizing the vast majority of our stuff, buying a truck powerful enough to haul a camper trailer, buying a generator and other various equipment that's needed for RV living. And while a lot of this stuff was happening a lot of us were on the edge of our feet with Hurrican Irma just around the corner - we were told we were gonna experience some crazy heavy duty winds, and we were halfway planning on leaving the state (but couldn't afford to so we just hunkered down). Fortunately, the weather forecast was wrong, and we only got the tiny edge of it in Rome, Georgia.

While this stuff is going on, we are planning and saving up money for a huge trip (really, "vehicled convoy", if you will) to head BACK to Idaho to visit family and friends. This involves an RV, a van that will be pulling a pop-up trailer, AND a heavy duty truck that will be towing a camper trailer, all the way across America. AND this will all take place in January (the dead of winter).

Not the smartest time of year to travel, but it's the way everyone's plans lined up.

To be sure, this is already quite a bit stuff on my plate, but life threw another curveball our way two weeks ago. Before I go into it, I have to give a little backstory ...


A little over six months ago my sister and her family got the opportunity to travel to Kenya for a missionary trip and they took it. They are traveling missionaries, and have done work in an orphanage in other countries such as Guatemala and Honduras. Their plans were to set up an orphanage if they could over there, living off of donations, prayer and whatever work they would come across. They lived with a host family (the main man of the house, being a pastor), who would help them with their goal.


Well, they later found out that the people that they were living with lied about their intentions and just invited them to stay to scam them out of their money because they were quote-unquote "rich Americans". Things got dramatic real quick, and the pastor was even threatening to deport them if they didn't give them x amount of money.


They were obviously shocked by the whole ordeal, having the only people they knew in a foreign country betraying their trust and little money and resources to know what to do next. They sat down and prayed that God would send help ... and out of nowhere, He did. A random stranger walked up to them and said, "Are you the one I'm supposed to meet?" (no joke) ... some other complicated stuff happened that is a little too hard to explain through this blog, but the bottom line is that they were able to get out of their stick situation with a newfound friend.


It's truly amazing the great lengths people will take to betray, cheat, and steal from you, all the while being under the guise of a "pastor" .... convincing you to stay with them in their country to do charity work and set up an orphanage ... when, really, all they want is your money.


Some truly evil people out there ... no doubt about it.


Shortly after this took place, even more dramatic stuff happened in Kenya. A supposedly very controversial presidential election took place and the people that lived in their village were NOT happy about the results (to say the least). So much so that violent riots broke out, and even a couple dozen people were outright murdered by all this chaos. They had to hunker down in their house for a whole week and a half until things "blew over".


But unfortunately, things only escalated from there. Two weeks ago my sister and her family informed me that the other candidate, Odinga, still claims that he is the rightfully elected president and won't back down. He wants to split the country in two as a compromise ... but the only way that this could happen is civil war.


Sensing the tensions of this unsolvable conflict, (that could easily turn violent) they took the first flight they could out of the country back into the States. They just arrived a few days ago and are living with us in our camper trailer set up.


I am thankful that they made it out of the country in this difficult time, but still fairly shocked by it all. They've had to restart their lives out of nowhere.

Luckily, God provides, and with the help of several church members and friends they know back in northern Idaho they have potential opportunities in work and a place to stay, back in Idaho.


So, that's basically the gist of what's been going on in my life. I'm still on the lookout for online work so that I can help my brother with the bills as well travel the country. Once that happens I will be greatly relieved.


Sorry in advance for the lengthy details, but I felt the need to get some stuff off my chest. As well as keep in touch with my Soup friends.



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Date: 12/4/2017 6:23:00 AM
Hi Timothy, glad to hear from you after a long time...your sister and her family have had a truly adventurous mission trip, and thank God for His divine intervention that has saved them through it all:) best wishes to you to get a job soon:)
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Date: 12/3/2017 2:28:00 PM
Hi Timothy!! Glad to hear that you're keeping well and active, my friend. I don't usually do blogs, but must have been divine intervention that led me here:) That's quite a story which you narrated...enough stuff to build on and turn it into a book. Good luck to you and yours. // paul
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Callus Avatar
Paul Callus
Date: 12/4/2017 3:45:00 AM
Like Jan said, do keep us updated...and do not neglect your muse:)
Hicks Avatar
Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:33:00 PM
Thanks Paul! Didn't really think of it like that before, but you're right ... it is story material. My sister's family told me that the trip opened their eyes to the deep seated corruption of people. In Kenya they tell you that Americans are too trusting and naive ... and because of that they prey on them. Now they believe them.
Date: 12/3/2017 11:54:00 AM
golly Timothy that is really scary what happened and so glad it had a good ending. Do keep us posted of your travels when time allows:-)take good care my friend:-) hugs jan xx
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Hicks Avatar
Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:29:00 PM
Thanks Jan! It seems that when life is the busiest my writing is the slowest (and vica versa). I am happy my family made it back from that corrupt country ... not a place I will be visiting anytime soon!
Date: 12/2/2017 3:18:00 PM
My goodness, what an experience they went through, Timothy! And boy you are a regular gypsy boy, aren't you? it's good knowing you are still around. Missed you! I'm happy your family made it out of that mess. So unfortunate for the citizens of such governments of unrest.
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:26:00 PM
Thanks Andrea! A "gypsy boy", eh. Not the life I imagined but the one that developed nonetheless ... haha. My returning family tell me a lot of horror stories from their time in Kenya. Apparently pastors who prey on the gullibility of Americans are quite commonplace, unfortunately. They've met a lot of "holy people" yet not one of them was a Christian. Not a place I would like to live.
Date: 12/2/2017 12:24:00 PM
wow, what an scary experience for them! I'm so glad they made it out ok. Thank you for sharing. It's really nice to hear from you, Tim, I wish you the best on your upcoming adventures. Merry Christmas!
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:22:00 PM
Thanks Becca! I'm excited to travel around, but at the same time am eager for things to settle down a bit as well.
Date: 12/2/2017 6:33:00 AM
Hi Tim: So nice to hear from you with an update. That was quite a scary experience your sister and her family went through. Unfortunately those countries are rife with corruption and greed. Thankfully they made it out with their lives intact. Your RV trek to Idaho sounds like a real adventure . Hope the weather is not too extreme and there is no heavy snowfalls. Pack chains for all the wheels and not that I know much about all that stuff. Will you need antifreeze in the oil? I am sure you have it all covered and well thought out. We’ll look forward to updates of Timothy’s Travels and wish you a wonderful Christmas with all your loved ones. SuZ
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:17:00 PM
Thanks Suz! Yes ... from what they tell me Kenya is a very corrupt country with many two-faced people, unfortunately. To tell you the truth I'm not very mechanically inclined, but I trust my brother that he knows what he is doing, as far as the preparations go. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas as well, Suz!
Date: 12/2/2017 1:44:00 AM
The testimony about your sister & her family is awesome. The mission field can be very dangerous. Your sister and her family are brave and selfless to venture into it. Faith and trust gets you through. I was curious as to what happened to you, so I am glad you have given us an update. Your trip sounds like it is going to be fun. God Bless you and your family Tim.
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:14:00 PM
Thanks Rob! They've been in quite a few countries, but nothing so dramatic as their time in Kenya. I believe they are probably gonna take it easy from all the world traveling for a bit (but who knows what can happen? Life changes so fast)
Date: 12/2/2017 1:10:00 AM
Hi Tim, found your blog...what an experience for your sister and her family to go through...and very sad to have gone through such a terrifying experience! But as you said, good hearted people will be helped for their self sacrificing spirit...And you all have an amazing spirit of adventure- , and true pioneering spirit to carry you to wherever you all need to go...Africa has so many dangers, I have friends from different countries, that have experienced similar horrors- some are refugees here in South Africa. So I understand what they must have gone through- Very brave ! Would love to hear news from you in your travels...(((Hugs)))
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 12/3/2017 10:12:00 PM
Thanks Aqua! Yes ... definitely a wakeup call to see what life is like outside of a first world coutry. Makes my at home problems seem small in comparison. I am excited for my upcoming trip :)

My Past Blog Posts

Glitches Commenting ... anyone else?
Date Posted: 4/20/2021 9:15:00 PM
Spoken Word Poetry
Date Posted: 3/27/2021 5:20:00 PM
Published My First Book
Date Posted: 3/19/2021 11:09:00 AM
Moving (again) ... Hoping to Find Some Calm This Year
Date Posted: 7/19/2020 11:01:00 AM
Long Overdue Update!
Date Posted: 12/1/2017 11:55:00 PM
Let's All Come Together - A Call To Understanding
Date Posted: 11/22/2016 10:50:00 AM
Five Words - Concluded & Judged
Date Posted: 6/9/2016 12:24:00 AM
A Poetry Game
Date Posted: 6/5/2016 9:47:00 PM
Five Words --- Update
Date Posted: 6/5/2016 5:03:00 PM
A Question About Best Poems
Date Posted: 5/25/2016 12:49:00 PM
At the Mountains of Madness - Concluded
Date Posted: 5/24/2016 3:45:00 PM
At the Mountains of Madness - Update
Date Posted: 5/21/2016 12:31:00 AM
What Do Friends and Family Think?
Date Posted: 5/12/2016 2:27:00 PM
Home Sweet Home
Date Posted: 4/30/2016 11:03:00 PM
Date Posted: 4/27/2016 12:03:00 PM
Contest Suggestions ...
Date Posted: 4/16/2016 10:48:00 AM
Getting Closer to Crunch Time
Date Posted: 4/13/2016 4:05:00 PM
From Constipated Pelicans To Lavender Recessions
Date Posted: 4/7/2016 2:29:00 AM
Thirteen Syllables - Concluded
Date Posted: 3/31/2016 3:41:00 AM
Ghazal - Concluded
Date Posted: 3/27/2016 12:30:00 AM
March of the Footle - Concluded
Date Posted: 3/10/2016 8:32:00 PM
Update on Footle Contest
Date Posted: 3/2/2016 7:02:00 PM
First Contest, and First Blog
Date Posted: 2/29/2016 8:51:00 PM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
4/25/2021 Pocketful of Hardened Suns Free verseappreciation,beach,beauty
4/17/2021 One More Rosey Trip Narrativechild,childhood,cute love
4/14/2021 The Earth As It Is Free verseanimal,appreciation,beaut
4/11/2021 I Am That Iamb Dramatic Verseangst,bereavement,christi
4/5/2021 Unequal You, Unequal Me Dramatic Versebereavement,encouraging,e
3/23/2021 I Toss Another Stone Free verseallegory,analogy,apprecia
5/17/2020 As Above So Below Verseanalogy,appreciation,beau
5/12/2020 Lune - Music Versemusic,
5/12/2020 The True Wonder Bread Free verseanalogy,angst,childhood,c
5/9/2020 Coccinella Magnifica Light Verseadventure,cute,friendship
5/6/2020 The Heavens Trapped Prose Poetrybeauty,bereavement,humani
5/4/2020 Avian Legos Imagismanimal,appreciation,beaut
5/2/2020 In the Wild, Far From My Home Dramatic Verseabsence,change,endurance,
4/29/2020 We Were Fireflies Prose Poetrychildhood,confusion,deep,
4/26/2020 To the Dandelion In the Concrete Personificationcharacter,endurance,flowe
4/25/2020 Who Knows If Magic Exists Prose Poetryappreciation,beauty,famil
4/24/2020 The Dandelions Beg To Differ Prose Poetryanxiety,appreciation,beau
9/3/2016 Never Out of Season - a Short Story Narrativeaugust,bereavement,blue,c
8/1/2016 Eclectic Wonders In Seasonal Flowers --- a Collab Rengayappreciation,beauty,flowe
6/20/2016 The Holiday Season Grookanger,deep,holiday,humani
6/20/2016 From Words - Everything Grookanalogy,bible,christian,d
6/11/2016 Space Cadet Grookanalogy,deep,humanity,hum
6/5/2016 Birds In Tuxedos - a Collaboration Rengayanimal,beauty,change,imag
5/28/2016 January Jest - a Collaboration Rengayautumn,beach,change,natur
5/26/2016 Beautiful Callouses Sonnetbeautiful,beauty,desire,d
5/24/2016 Musical Pantoum Pantoumchildhood,feelings,growin
5/23/2016 Convictions and Visuals Grookanalogy,christian,deep,hu
5/18/2016 Cascade Adventures --- Pt 2 Haibunadventure,beauty,childhoo
5/18/2016 Cascade Adventures --- Pt 1 Haibunadventure,beauty,childhoo
5/16/2016 Summer Haiku Haikubeautiful,beauty,happy,na
5/15/2016 When It Comes To Me Dramatic Verseadventure,celebration,cha
5/12/2016 The Man of the House Trioletblue,childhood,dad,father
4/27/2016 Ego-Beneficiary Grookanalogy,deep,philosophy,u
4/14/2016 That Was a Human Dramatic Monologueabuse,angst,bereavement,c
4/9/2016 Everyday Is Beautiful Carpe Diemappreciation,cheer up,chi
4/9/2016 If It Be Your Wish To Educate Carpe Diembeauty,humanity,image,inn
4/7/2016 A Question In the Sky Verseadventure,allegory,beauty
4/5/2016 Who Are You --- Not For Contest Light Verseaddiction,character,cheer
4/4/2016 Angel Senryuangel,bible,cheer up,funn
4/3/2016 Element Water Free verseallegory,allusion,bible,d
4/2/2016 The Only Thing That Is Foreseeable Grookdeep,poetry,poets,simple,
3/30/2016 Love Without Hope Quatrainallusion,analogy,desire,g
3/28/2016 The Apple Doesn'T Fall Far From the Tree Free verseadventure,crazy,cute love
3/28/2016 Is Humanity That Bad Monokuanxiety,bereavement,coura
3/27/2016 Hush Now and Go To Sleep Ghazalblessing,childhood,courag
3/23/2016 Where Freedom Finds the Fire Romanticismallegory,analogy,beauty,d
3/22/2016 Some Words Are Like Mountains Elegyanger,angst,betrayal,blue
3/20/2016 The Eye Is Such a Braggart Dramatic Verseappreciation,bereavement,
3/20/2016 Bedtime - a Pantoum Pantoumbrother,child,feelings,ki
3/18/2016 Element Wind Alliterationadventure,allusion,bereav
3/16/2016 Two Birds Monokufun,funny,humor,humorous,
3/16/2016 Little Miss Spring Light Verseadventure,appreciation,be
3/15/2016 The Modern Age, Oh So Strange Footleamerica,angst,bereavement
3/15/2016 I Have a Love Affair With Parenthesis Light Verseaddiction,funny,nonsense,
3/15/2016 You Forced My Hand Pantoumcheer up,fun,funny,humoro
3/12/2016 That Delicious Something Romanticismbeauty,desire,emotions,he
3/9/2016 Two Little Sparks Odeadventure,character,child
3/8/2016 Amber Questions Fibonacciallusion,appreciation,bea
3/7/2016 Element Earth Verseanalogy,deep,earth,humani
3/6/2016 Black and White Rhymeappreciation,color,dream,
3/4/2016 Optimistic Orange Odeappreciation,beauty,image
3/4/2016 Operation Contemplation Grookallegory,america,analogy,
3/1/2016 Between Beauty and Villainy Free verseappreciation,beauty,berea
2/29/2016 In Sain Plight Light Versefun,funny,humor,humorous,
2/29/2016 The Girl At School Drops Her Pencil Footleallusion,crush,cute love,
2/29/2016 Concerning Math and How To Say It Light Verseamerica,education,england
2/28/2016 The Stud From the Spud State and the Red Dragon Damsel Narrativeadventure,beauty,blessing
2/27/2016 Life According To Miss Ooh-La-La Romanticismbeauty,fantasy,feelings,f
2/26/2016 In Performance --- Haiku Haikuappreciation,beautiful,be
2/25/2016 Party Foul Limerickfun,funny,giggle,humor,hu
2/24/2016 Here's An Idea Light Verseanxiety,bereavement,forgi
2/24/2016 Sitting Awkwardly So They Don'T See the Evidence Footlecheer up,fun,funny,giggle
2/23/2016 Dragonfly --- Haiku Haikuappreciation,beautiful,be
2/23/2016 Coastal Sunset --- Haiku Haikubeach,devotion,image,imag
2/22/2016 Georgia On My Mind Free verseadventure,anxiety,beautif
2/22/2016 Hexagonal Hysteria Monokuanxiety,beauty,color,conf
2/21/2016 You Are Nothing --- As Am I Verseanger,angst,feelings,how
2/19/2016 What It's Worth Free verseallusion,bereavement,deep
2/18/2016 Not a Poem Please Read I do not know?angst,anxiety,appreciatio
2/18/2016 My Friend, the Walking Contradiction Light Verseappreciation,dedication,e
2/17/2016 Dreams In the Dark, Will They Spark Than-Baukanxiety,art,conflict,drea
2/17/2016 River of Dreams Free verseappreciation,beautiful,bl
2/17/2016 Monoku 1 Monokudeath,devotion,family,far
2/16/2016 Norse God In Human Disguise Footlefantasy,funny,humor,humor
2/15/2016 A Tomb of Ancient Bloom Romanticismappreciation,beauty,devot
2/15/2016 In a Perfect World Grookhumanity,imagination,intr
2/14/2016 When the World Grew Wings - Full Rhymeallegory,allusion,beautif
2/14/2016 When the World Grew Wings - Part 1 Rhymeallegory,beautiful,bible,
2/13/2016 For Eileen Rhymeappreciation,cheer up,ded
2/13/2016 In Regards To the Universe Grookappreciation,bible,blessi
2/12/2016 Mariana's Trench Haikuappreciation,beautiful,be
2/11/2016 Cornelius Writes a Poem Light Versefrench,funny,humorous,int
2/10/2016 The Opposite May Be True Grookanti bullying,christian,d
2/8/2016 Thin Ice Lyricbeautiful,feelings,love,y
2/7/2016 Circle of Life Shapebaby,blessing,child,child
2/7/2016 It Is Not Only the Candle Wick That Burns Shapeappreciation,change,image
1/4/2015 Gaining Perspective Sijoencouraging,introspection
1/4/2015 Tangible Rhymenostalgia,philosophy,toda
1/4/2015 Blood of Your Passion Prose Poetryallegory,america,angst,to
12/14/2014 The Lion Within Ghazalanxiety,emotions,fear,fee

My Photos

Fav Poems

Imagine Depression Rhymedepression,on writing and
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I Will Rage Against the Dying of the Light Coupletdeath,life,life,death,dea
The Best Poem Ever Epicdeath,words,heart,heart,
Black For a Reason Rhymeholiday,social,
Cocaine Is Her Name Free verseaddiction,
This Is Poetry Rhymewrite,writing,life,writin
Color Me Free versephilosophy,god,me,people,
Sometimes In Relationships Ghazalintrospection,love,relati
Somewhat Twisted Thoughts of the Day Light Versefunny,life,
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Crystal Clear Prose Poetryfamily,love,
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How To Slow Down Time Free verseanalogy,imagination,time,
Lost Senryuconfusion,
1 Cherry Blossom Haiku Haikuapril,children,spring,
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Quieter Voice Terzanellevoice,
Amazing Prose Poetrywriting,
Why I Want To Go To Heaven Proseheaven,
The Quill Masters Free versefun,poets,
Rain and Rain and More Rain Free versenature,
He Was My Sun Pantoumwar,
The Elephant In the Room Free versefunny,humorous,life,metap
The Young Gardener Versebeauty,bird,daughter,gard
Responding To Pain Rhymechristian,inspiration,pai
Self Less Coupletintrospection,
Please Lord Rhymegod,grief,poetry,
What Annoys Me Coupletbetrayal,
The Gift To God, I Gave To Give - Odedevotion,
What Are We Free verselife,love,people,
Not Today, Not Anymore - Epicbusiness,work,me,work,hig
God's Kind of Poetry Free versefaith,god,perspective,uni
How To Die Free verseage,death,dream,
Poetry Pillar Odebeauty,creation,desire,lo
Innovation Acrosticchange,light,
Take Me To Church Monokubird,
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Lotus Bloom Free verseallegory,beauty,dark,
Quote Inspired By Justin Free versebeautiful,devotion,emotio
Haiku 69-About the Swan Lake Haikubird,blue,
Time Lost Eyes Blitzimagination,
Wisdom Is Monokumen,wisdom,universe,
Of Stargazers and Starshooters Narrativeanalogy,appreciation,poet
Around the Campfire Quatrainadventure,beautiful,color
Love Is Free Senryufreedom,love,
The Celestial Pillow Monokublessing,death,life,
Butterflies of Saturn Coupletbeauty,butterfly,fantasy,
Hearts and Solitaire Verseangst,humanity,loneliness
Butterfly Alphabet ABCbirth,butterfly,creation,
Today I Wrote Poetry Prosehappiness,society,solitud
Wimpy Kid With a Big Imagination Free versedeep,children,hope,meanin
The Big Question For Those of Little Faith Free verselife,
Little Fire Dramatic Monologuecourage,death,fire,growth
My Poetry Garden Narrativegarden,
Ode To Earth Free versebeauty,earth,nature,
On Coming Home Free versespace,
Gathering Wool Free verselost love,
December Acrosticbeauty,blessing,growing u
Insipid Nights Tankafeelings,people,
John F Kennedy - Martin Luther King Jr - Robert F Kennedy and Donald Duck Free versephilosophy,
For the Beautiful Mystic Rose Odebeauty,dedication,deep,fo
Instant Telegram Haikuadventure,art,beauty,happ
In a Field of Gold Quintain (English)lost love,nature,
I'M Sorry My Love-An Almost Sonnet of My Deepest Admiration Rhymegoodbye,humor,silly,
King of Silence Proseallegory,evil,humanity,po
Overtones Free verseart,beauty,blessing,dedic
Summer Splendour Haikuimagery,
At the Mountains of Madness Free verselost love,
Jesus Was Turkish Free verseage,animal,bible,inspirat
Boats of Shame Blitzabuse,baptism,courage,sla
Impending Sense of Nap Coupletsleep,
Along the Shady Paths of Vivid Green Narrativesad,
Spring Rain Haikunature,
Boy Oh Boy and a Girl Rhymeadventure,boy,childhood,c
Wild About Books Versebooks,sad,
The Sham of My Humanity Free verseanger,grief,heartbreak,hu
Subtraction Man Quatrainfarewell,humor,symbolism,
Swirling Leaves Haiku Haikunature,
Complex Verseabuse,community,sound,
Normally My Mind's a Meadow Narrativecrazy,mental illness,
Things Change Narrativeage,best friend,boy,chang

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Book: Shattered Sighs