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Poetry Resources

Poetry resources for all teachers and students. Free downloadable teaching resources for poetry. If you create poetry resources for students or teachers, please share them by emailing them to PoetrySoup. Once we receive them, we will add them immediately to this directory of poetry teaching resources.

Free Downloadable Resources for Poetry

Viewing the folder poetry/resources/documents

 forms_terms_definitions File folder
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 poems File folder
 poetry_forms_terms File folder
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Education-By-Poetry-Robert-Frost.pdf PDF file 57 KB
Elements-of-Poetry.pdf PDF file 87 KB
how-to-read-poem.pdf PDF file 15 KB
How_To_Teach_Poetry.ppt PPT file 586 KB
introduction_to_poetry.ppt PPT file 1,192 KB
Introduction_to_Reading_and_Understanding_Poetry.ppt PPT file 3,601 KB
Mill_What Is Poetry.pdf PDF file 71 KB
Poem Analysis.doc Microsoft Word document 58 KB
poetic_devices.pdf PDF file 156 KB
Poetry-Explication.pdf PDF file 53 KB
Suicidal-Poets.PDF PDF file 886 KB
The_Romantic_Era_19th_Century.pdf PDF file 200 KB

Good External Resources

In additon to PoetrySoup, there are many online resources available that can be helpful for both teachers and students looking to explore poetry. Here are a few:

1. Poetry Foundation ( This website offers a wealth of resources, including a searchable archive of poems, articles about poetry, and lesson plans for teachers.

2. Academy of American Poets ( This site offers resources for teachers and students, including a searchable database of poems, lesson plans, and poetry resources for children.

3. Poets & Writers ( This site offers a variety of resources for writers, including a database of literary magazines and contests, as well as a section devoted to teaching poetry.

4. Edutopia ( This site offers a range of resources for teachers, including articles about teaching poetry, lesson plans, and tips for incorporating poetry into the curriculum.

5. ReadWriteThink ( This site offers lesson plans and activities for teaching poetry, as well as interactive tools for students to create their own poems.

We hope these resources are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Why Poetry Resources for Teachers and Students

Poetry is a powerful form of expression that can inspire and engage both teachers and students. However, finding the right resources and tools to teach and learn poetry can be a challenge. In this PoetrySoup Resources page we will explore the importance of poetry resources for teachers and students and provide some helpful suggestions for finding the best tools to enhance your poetic inspiration.

The Importance of Poetry Resources

Poetry is often seen as a difficult and intimidating subject for both teachers and students. However, with the right resources and tools, it can become a fun and engaging subject that encourages creativity and critical thinking. Poetry resources can provide teachers with lesson plans, activities, and worksheets that make teaching poetry more manageable and enjoyable. For students, these resources can offer a variety of poems, writing prompts, and analysis tools that help them understand and appreciate poetry.

Poetry Tools for Teachers

There are many poetry tools available for teachers to use in the classroom. One of the most popular resources is the Poetry Foundation, which offers a wide range of lesson plans, activities, and articles for teachers. Another helpful tool is the Academy of American Poets, which provides a variety of resources, including lesson plans, videos, and podcasts. Additionally, websites like ReadWriteThink and Scholastic offer interactive poetry activities and games for students of all ages.

Poetry Resources for Students

For students, there are many resources available to help them explore and understand poetry. One of the most popular is the Poetry 180 project, which provides a poem for each day of the school year. This resource is perfect for students who want to read and analyze a new poem every day. Another helpful tool is the Poetry Out Loud website, which offers a collection of poems and resources for students participating in the Poetry Out Loud competition. Additionally, websites like and Poetry4Kids provide a variety of poems, writing prompts, and activities for students to explore and enjoy.

Poetic Inspiration

Poetry resources not only provide teachers and students with tools and activities, but they also offer a source of inspiration. By exploring different poems and writing prompts, students can find their own poetic voice and style. Teachers can also use these resources to find new and exciting ways to teach poetry and inspire their students. With the right resources, poetry can become a subject that students look forward to and enjoy.

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