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Blog Posted:2/25/2024 2:29:00 PM
'Ello everyone. After having an interesting (and somewhat spirited) conversation with a fellow poet, I began to wonder what is and what is not acceptable protocol when commenting on another poet's post. Of course, if one is blocked from commenting, that's one thing. But if not, then when is it appropriate to comment, and when not? Here's an example: The post in question is religious in nature. You are of another belief (opinion). Is it ok to leave a comment representative of your viewpoint? Or, if the subject is political, can you leave a tactful, opposing comment? Here's another issue. Is it intrusive to enter into a dialogue with two or more poets who are engaged in a conversation, creating a thread of three or more? Or does the very nature of a public forum like this one invite and even encourage such communication? Or does a poster or commenter have the right to discourage such entry into a public conversation? It can be confusing. This blog is open to discussion. I'd really like to hear your comments (threads allowed) on these or related matters. Maybe we'll find there's no right or wrong, just personal preference? Tommy

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Date: 2/27/2024 8:33:00 AM
I see no harm in diverse views offered as long as courteous ~ we can agree to disagree, it is a public platform. People are mostly intolerant on religion though, not open to the possibility of an alternative belief or realisation, as far as I’ve seen.
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Seeker Avatar
Unseeking Seeker
Date: 2/27/2024 7:59:00 PM
True. A discussion should not attempt to thrust a belief or idea down someone’s throat. Gently share with those who care to pair.
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/27/2024 9:09:00 AM
I think you would agree that trying to aggressively convert someone who does not want it is entirely different than offering a simple observation to someone based on one's faith based beliefs. Thx for contribution
Date: 2/27/2024 6:34:00 AM
Well, Tom, as the song says "nobody's right if everybody's wrong" I try to comment on the poem and how it touched me ... BUT...i often drop a little "tongue in cheek" tickle as the poem provides.
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/27/2024 6:42:00 AM
I frequently do the same, though not everyone has a funny bone, to be sure
Date: 2/26/2024 11:09:00 AM
Hm whats up!Well i hvent been checking blogs etc on here but thought of checking today and, hmm,its common sense not to speak sometimes or discuss religion where theres difference in opinion or thoughts. I have been taught from a young age when to stay silent, especially when it comes to politics and religion. So for me, i would say, sometimes we need to learn how to not say anything in certain situations. I see so many insult islam, but do i go preach? Nope. Its their opinion, and i refuse to talk to the wind. Plus im not into religious or political poems, i believe silence speaks volumes. And kindness is beautiful, we are all senstve souls, best say nothing if it isnt positive. Im one
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 2:53:00 PM
I respect all views and absolutely believe in freedom of speech and religion, even the right to not believe. JW's have won numerous court cases in both the United States Supreme Court and the European court of human rights in regards to such, thus ensuring precedents for freedoms for all. As far as dark poetry, I've written a few myself.
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 2/26/2024 2:39:00 PM
Thats fine, its educational and insightful what you’ve written about JW and what they are going thru or been thru in russia, and it did inform me too. And i like spiritual poems, spirituality is different. And about comments, your comments been decent but iv had some experiences here where some religious poets comment telling me my dark poems are not the way to go. And to choose god. For godsake, dark poems does not define my religious view , in those moments i look at poets background/age and choose to ignore knowing its their age, respecting individual differences once more but I wish they would be also considerate however it is what it is and true block.
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 1:19:00 PM
I respect your view. As for me, I am politically neutral, so typically don't comment on political poetry. However, I am religious (spiritual) and do do tend to be drawn to those, or to poetry that discusses various aspects of existentialism. You've read for yourself what is going on in Russia. Nevertheless, JW's will never be silenced, since their commission to preach and their backing comes from the Son of God himself. So if someone doesn't like my scriptural points or references, they can always block me.
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 2/26/2024 11:09:00 AM
that gets easily offended as i can feel energy of comments, and i am allergic to rudeness so i dont take sarcasm or indirect bullying lightly, i say back what i have to say, (not on this site) but other sites. Anyhow. Lets stick to poetry and kindness. Hope youl find some answers too meanwhile through this blog (Was my comment) ahah oops
Date: 2/26/2024 10:13:00 AM
An excellent Blog query. Some are sensitive to comments, some are oblivious and some are welcoming. Public posting opens doors some may rather wish to avoid. Prepare each piece for publication to reflect one's needs, but don't take offense when thoughtful feedback is offered. :o/
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 12:48:00 PM
Amen! Good gosh folks it really is that simple
Date: 2/26/2024 6:12:00 AM
well, if you assume nothing is acceptable nowadays you'll be relatively safe, and bear in mind that some people enjoy taking offence, they're not happy unless they're being offended by something lol
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 6:36:00 AM
Those who scream the loudest against censorship are sometimes the ones who wish to enforce it against someone else... when convenient. As far as the taking of offense, there's a Bible verse that addresses that, but I'll hold off lol
Date: 2/26/2024 2:25:00 AM
Tommy, it is always best to ignore, as it just causes an argument... I have been offended by poems on here, that go against what I believe in, be it politically or religiously.. But I don't bother to comment, what good will that do? Very rarely you will change that person's opinion and we live in a world where we all have different beliefs and ideas.. Me, personally, I do not force them on others and very rarely will you see me post a poem about them.. I think its always important comment positive on poems, there always something nice to say, if you have read the poem.. I don't particularly like religious poems, but I will comment on the structure of the poem and not be negative..
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 6:52:00 AM
Tis sad, tis sad. And yet kids in high school join debate teams, where they are encouraged to engage in intelligent, spirited banter when representing clearly opposing viewpoints. Wait till they get to the real world. I like Charlotte's comment above
One Avatar
Silent One
Date: 2/26/2024 6:36:00 AM
I agree, but how many times have you seen healthy dialogue on here on contentious things?
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 5:24:00 AM
Yes, negativity or criticism is one thing, sharing a personal view or opinion is entirely a different animal. But I don't think we should be afraid or intimidated by healthy dialogue. If some take offense because you entered the conversation well, it happens
Date: 2/26/2024 1:46:00 AM
I agree with Eve's philosophy below. Tom, if you wish to pursue a philosophical inquiry such as religion, you might consider giving it a voice using Suzette Prime --- a nice challenge for your creative flair.
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 5:21:00 AM
Lol. Maybe I'll try one.
Date: 2/26/2024 12:52:00 AM
If, I read something I don't like or I don't believe I just ignore it and go to another poem. Everyone has different opinions and religious preference, and it is not my place to correct them.
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/26/2024 5:20:00 AM
I'm not sure it's a matter of "correcting" Eve as much as it is about proffering an alternative viewpoint. Some say freedom of speech is what makes America great. This freedom has come under increasing attack in recent years.

My Past Blog Posts

Date Posted: 3/8/2025 9:58:00 AM
The Challenges of Contest Sponsorship
Date Posted: 2/2/2025 2:44:00 PM
Peace on da Soup
Date Posted: 1/19/2025 2:54:00 PM
Freedom of Speech in Poetry - Where to draw the line?
Date Posted: 11/26/2024 4:38:00 PM
Another Lovely AI Blog
Date Posted: 11/19/2024 1:50:00 PM
Recommendations for Changes/Upgrades to Poetry Soup
Date Posted: 10/7/2024 7:09:00 AM
Paranoia and the Mob Mentality
Date Posted: 10/5/2024 10:03:00 AM
Why did you join Poetry Soup?
Date Posted: 6/23/2024 1:43:00 PM
Revisiting AI Poetry
Date Posted: 6/1/2024 5:41:00 AM
Date Posted: 2/25/2024 2:29:00 PM
The Social Media Conundrum
Date Posted: 12/24/2023 2:59:00 PM
By Way of Clarification...
Date Posted: 11/18/2023 3:21:00 PM
AI Poetry - Much Ado About Nothing
Date Posted: 10/8/2023 11:33:00 AM
Welcome Poets Old and New!
Date Posted: 9/19/2023 4:59:00 PM
Thank You
Date Posted: 7/29/2023 4:40:00 PM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
3/10/2025 When You Need A Friend Sonnetfriendship,
3/3/2025 MONSTER I do not know?depression,
2/24/2025 Labyrinth of Loneliness Sonnetloneliness,
2/12/2025 Sky of Fireflies Haibunwar,
1/30/2025 Time Stops For No One Free verseage,destiny,
1/15/2025 Faustian Fraud Narrativebetrayal,desire,
12/29/2024 Manifesto Narrativejudgement,
12/18/2024 Strayed Sheep Narrativeanimal,humor,
11/9/2024 Time Traveler - A Message for Humanity Prose Poetrysymbolism,
10/31/2024 The Spirit, The Water and The Blood Lyricforgiveness,hope,murder,
10/9/2024 Detente Sonnetangst,peace,
10/1/2024 Us Rispettoromantic love,
9/25/2024 Witcher County Road Haibunchild abuse,fear,religion
9/16/2024 The Persons That We Are Sonnetconflict,
9/6/2024 Wizards of Destruction Lyricjudgement,religion,
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8/4/2024 Perfection Rhymehope,
7/26/2024 I Found Someone To Love Today Pantoumanti bullying,
7/21/2024 Dark Underbelly Alliterationevil,forgiveness,
7/16/2024 Poetry Soup Acrosticchange,
7/11/2024 Jack and Jill - The True Story Narrativehumor,
7/8/2024 the little things Haibunappreciation,
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6/28/2024 Island Girl Free versetribute,
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6/2/2024 Iron Man Haibunfear,
5/12/2024 Romantic Rendezvous Alliterationromantic love,
5/5/2024 Portal - part 2 Haibunfantasy,suicide,
5/4/2024 Portal - part 1 Haibunfantasy,suicide,
4/24/2024 Surreality Free verseconfusion,
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3/9/2024 The Tempest In Your Heart Prose Poetryangst,missing you,
3/1/2024 Kensington Avenue Haibunemotions,
2/27/2024 The Ghost of Winston Smith Narrativephilosophy,
2/18/2024 Hold Your Head High Sonnetappreciation,friendship,
2/11/2024 Seafood Sundays Narrativehumor,
2/4/2024 The Minstrel of Moscow Haibunjudgement,
1/27/2024 Debacle Rhymeconfusion,evil,history,
1/14/2024 With My Dying Breath Prose Poetryanxiety,fear,
1/7/2024 Life is a Song Narrativeappreciation,music,romant
1/4/2024 This I Believe Haibunfuture,hope,
12/30/2023 Helter Skelter Rhymeconfusion,corruption,fear
12/23/2023 Bill and Ted's Excellent Conversation - A Message for 2024 Narrativehope,love,
12/16/2023 Golgotha Haibundeath,faith,
12/10/2023 Photograph Free versedesire,fantasy,
12/6/2023 Mary Rogers Lyricmental illness,
12/3/2023 Cherished is the Night Sonnetappreciation,health,love,
11/30/2023 Soar Senryudream,
11/26/2023 To Be Where She Is Haibundeath,sad,
11/21/2023 The Poe Rhymehumor,
11/19/2023 The Final Danse Macabre Haibunbible,judgement,
11/16/2023 Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas - Fiction Narrativechristian,christmas,
11/14/2023 She's a Fine Girl Senryuappreciation,friendship,
11/12/2023 Conception's Glory Monokumiracle,
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10/7/2023 Conscious Uncoupling Haibundivorce,memory,
10/4/2023 Bono and Me Haibunlove,music,
10/1/2023 Let Me Be the One Versefriend,
9/28/2023 Apocalypse Now Haibunanxiety,fear,
9/25/2023 Superstar Haibunaddiction,anxiety,celebri
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9/20/2023 Emergent Free versebeauty,celebration,
9/16/2023 Song of the Poet Lyriclove,song,
9/14/2023 The Gift Proseallegory,holiday,hope,
9/10/2023 I Dream Poetry Free versedream,poetry,
9/7/2023 Poe's Untimely Demise Rhymehorror,
9/4/2023 Persona Non Grata Free verselonging,perspective,unive
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8/30/2023 Do We Matter Narrativeinspirational,
8/27/2023 My Date With Taylor Swift Narrativehumor,
8/24/2023 Mountain Serenade Haibunnature,romantic love,
8/21/2023 Dreamscape Lover Free versedesire,dream,romance,
8/18/2023 Ludicrous Lucidity Haibunaddiction,loss,solitude,
8/15/2023 Ignis Fatuus Free versedestiny,hope,
8/12/2023 Gaslight Me Prose Poetrylost love,
8/10/2023 Abyss Sonnetangst,
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8/2/2023 Sapiophile Desire Listappreciation,
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7/28/2023 Rebirth Me Prose Poetryhope,mental illness,
7/26/2023 What Inspires You Listinspiration,
7/22/2023 Why I Became a Poet Biohow i feel,
7/18/2023 Swim Haibunconfusion,desire,

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Fav Poems

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The Kissing Gate Coupletdesire,friendship,love,
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Moonlight on Meadows Sonnetdream,
A Lazy Man S Prophecy Free verseabuse,bullying,change,con
selfless syllables Alliterationdedication,encouraging,fr
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Wild Roots of September Free versefarm,life,nature,nostalgi
Preaching Peace Verseappreciation,beautiful,ja
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The Beauty of Writing Free verseliterature,
I Spied A Valley Low-POTD Free verseanimal,funeral,people,
Maria Williams Rhymebest friend,
T Woodys Flower Free verseextended metaphor,
I go Insane Free verseabsence,gothic,
I kissed the Moon Nonetmoon,
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In tune Free verseallusion,appreciation,cry
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Art of Forgiveness Free verseforgiveness,
White As Snow Free verseforgiveness,snow,youth,
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Roots and Dandelion Dreams: A Mother's Heart Ekphrasisheart,love,mothers day,na
Blueberry Skies Rhymeheartbreak,
Misty Blues Quatrainlost love,solitude,
Thank you, Mary Lyricdedication,hope,inspirati
THE LAST GOODBYE Narrativedeath,inspirational,loss,
FANTASTIC BEASTS - Dinosaurs - Collab with Tom Woody, spoken by Sam Scott and Sara A Epicadventure,fantasy,fate,na
Will I Find You in the End Rhymegod,
Final Farewell Free versedestiny,
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry