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the little things

Poet's Notes

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*for Dilly's contest, unedited, unfiltered, in the moment

There is sun in my window this morning and it makes me smile. My wife is buzzing about outside, watering her plants, trying to nurture back to life some that have been brutalized by the recent heatwave. Soon she will leave for her bi-weekly water aerobic therapy. Not much on my schedule for today. What's new on the soup? I read a poem that is sad, melancholy, and I feel it deeply. So much suffering in the world. Little ones being bombed out of existence over land disputes and raging hatred. Just as I am musing on this rather morbid theme, a poetry friend on Facebook sends me a video of a little boy singing a pretty song and I think, "How precious is this young fellow?" And how lucky. He was born in the right place under better circumstances. Some aren't so fortunate. Then I read the poem of the day. It's a light, heartfelt poem telling us all to look for the good in others, and to be happy. My mood suddenly shifts, and I think of all the little things in life that I have to be grateful for, most of them admittedly undeserved. It is in this moment I realize that poetry is life. All the moods, the hopes, the wishes, the frank truths and the hateful lies, the ups and downs of life, all of it. It is we and we are it. Poetry can save a soul or destroy it. Those that have the gift of skillfully weaving words also have an obligation, to tell it like it is. To make us laugh or make us cry. It is humbling and at the same time, liberating. I am... poetry. sunny day delights hot espresso in my cup think I'll skip the news

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/20/2024 9:04:00 PM
A lovely Haibun, well written dear Tom! Have a great week!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/21/2024 5:08:00 AM
Hey thx much Mu
Date: 8/15/2024 5:18:00 AM
I do love your Haibun and wait for that turn at the end. Yes the little duties that make up life....keeping order in our everyday surroundings is the key to happiness. More and more I agree, Tom Skip the news. SuZ
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 8/15/2024 5:58:00 AM
Thx so much for your comment Suze. Tried something a little different here
Date: 8/14/2024 10:52:00 PM
Dear Tom, I can so well relate. I take up what you and your wife do separately. Early morning what I do first is watering my plants. In tropical weather, unless they are watered twice, in the morning and evening, they won't grow healthy. Then I do some cleaning and cooking. Later I turn to poetry, if I don't have any special assignments or travel, or guests to entertain. Thus the little things make me engaged through out. I enjoyed reading your Haibun, especially the emotions and changes, poetry creates in you.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 8/15/2024 5:58:00 AM
You're very kind. Thx Valsa
Date: 8/4/2024 9:37:00 AM
I'll take a good cup of coffee over the news just about any day. A lovely, lively read.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 8/4/2024 10:19:00 AM
My first "in the moment" poem. Thx much
Date: 7/22/2024 4:57:00 PM
Poetry is Life! Thanks for sharing.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/22/2024 4:59:00 PM
To life! (Fiddler on the roof improv)
Date: 7/22/2024 12:10:00 PM
I see much of me in this Tom. One difference - "My wife is buzzing about outside.. trying to nurture back to life some that have been brutalized by the recent ..storms." Last week I refused to turn the radio on to listen to the world news. The world has lost the ability to debate and see reason. Those that don't shout the loudest aren't necessarily wrong. Those that do aren't necessarily right. Poetry is a good coping mechanism - It can keep people sane. This haibun resonates. Cheers - Gary
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/22/2024 12:51:00 PM
Cheers back big guy
Date: 7/19/2024 5:28:00 PM
Love this so much! Thank you for sharing!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/19/2024 5:37:00 PM
A snippet of my day and thoughts. Much thx
Date: 7/15/2024 7:32:00 PM
This is lovely.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/16/2024 4:46:00 AM
I'll take lovely. Thx Mo
Date: 7/13/2024 2:27:00 PM
Great one Dear Tom. I'm sure you poured your heart out. The world is a lot of things and we can only try to help. But there isn't enough tissue to give out or enough words to help everyone heal. Our plan isn't to help everyone. That's impossible. But to make that change in bits and it starts with someone. Poetry is our gun and wine. Cheers T.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/13/2024 3:08:00 PM
Thx for reviewing my little stream of consciousness write Tonye
Date: 7/12/2024 10:03:00 AM
aww this is so sweet (reading this pretty late cuz haven't been on ps lately): but I am delighted reading this coming from you
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/12/2024 10:25:00 AM
Appreciate your visit mi
Date: 7/12/2024 8:14:00 AM
Just wonderful. Profound and equally light hearted...I feel the same way about poetry Tom. It helps me see and feel and be.., better. I love this and faving... another one of yours!!;)<3xo oh and congratulations! Oh... and was it the little boy singing, "don't worry about a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alright?" I ADORE that video!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/12/2024 8:28:00 AM
That was it, exactly! Thx Crystol
Date: 7/11/2024 1:41:00 PM
I love your style, sir. It is very much in the moment, descriptive, and the little shift in mood is sweetly felt - much to be thankful for. I'm glad to see you're still writing. You have an obligation ;)
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/12/2024 8:29:00 AM
Sir? Lol
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/11/2024 1:56:00 PM
Ahhh the Beckster. Glad you chose this humble little poem to revisit us. I really hope you'll start posting again :)
Date: 7/11/2024 7:10:00 AM
Truly impressive. Of course that is no surprise. You are a talented writer.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/11/2024 7:12:00 AM
I've got my unique style, as do you Rick. Thx
Date: 7/10/2024 8:24:00 PM
Awesome haibun writing congrats on your win
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/11/2024 6:23:00 AM
Mucho gracias
Date: 7/10/2024 2:32:00 PM
An overdose of news is certainly not to be recommended, Tommy, especially since most of it tends to put people in a bad / sad mood. Little things often go unnoticed, even though they happen to be the foundation of our everyday life. ~ Regards // paul
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 5:20:00 PM
Indeed. Thx Paul
Date: 7/10/2024 12:34:00 PM
Poetry can save a soul or destroy it.You are a soul saver Tom.I loved reading this poem with all the details.Awesome.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 12:56:00 PM
A day in the life dear Charmaine. Thank you!
Date: 7/10/2024 5:20:00 AM
Ahh get you not being bothered about placing (comment thread), I'll tell you why I did anyway... The majority of entries disregarded the brief, sent me old poems, a beautiful AI entry etc. I liked that you read the brief and ran with it in an authentic way, then turned it into a poem by adding the haiku/senryu at the end to create the haibun. My interest in this 'rough' brief was the poet view of the world. You honed in and got it. Thanks for entering.
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Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 7/10/2024 5:27:00 AM
I'll know I've made it when I have people who mimic my style... In the meantime I'll be working through my list of flaws as a poet and as a sponsor haha
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 5:24:00 AM
People are still posting AI poems after all the fuss? Amazing. Hey, one of these days I'll write a true "Dilly," just for fun. Thx
Date: 7/10/2024 4:21:00 AM
a rare window on your world, real and authentic, i like's the little things in life that bring the most happiness
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Puddifoot Avatar
Charlotte Puddifoot
Date: 7/11/2024 4:13:00 AM
i excused you a long time ago ;)
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 5:20:00 PM
My my, excuse moi Madame
Puddifoot Avatar
Charlotte Puddifoot
Date: 7/10/2024 2:41:00 PM
i'm not ma'am, the queen was
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 5:25:00 AM
Yes ma'am agreed and thx. Though I'm really due for a vacay in the Smokies. Maybe August
Date: 7/10/2024 12:35:00 AM
Skipping the news help me a lot … true words right there .
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 5:23:00 AM
We luv u Aura. Hang in there kiddo. Thx for stopping by
Date: 7/9/2024 11:00:00 PM
Great reflective write. The part about children dying really got to me because I'm in this part of the world. So... tell it as it is, eh? I'll take you up on that in my next poem. Let's see the massacre begin.
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Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 7/10/2024 5:32:00 AM
It's up already...
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/10/2024 5:26:00 AM
I remember your poem(s) about your grief and anguish over the situation. Well, well. I see I got your mojo up. We'll patiently wait
Date: 7/9/2024 2:05:00 PM
It's always the ' little things ' that make life so much better. Embracing the light, sharing a smile while counting the many blessings that surround you. Poetry is filled with many emotions, softly touching a heart and holding it close. Your thoughts caress gently around me, Tommy. Congratulations on your shared win in the contest. My best to you. Hugs, Brandy
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/9/2024 2:28:00 PM
So sweet. Thx much
Date: 7/9/2024 1:41:00 PM
Congratulations on your win in Dilly's contest, Tom! I love your unrehearsed, or should I say unedited winner. I love that your wife buzzes around it's comforting somehow. How it drifts off into another poets heartfelt feelings. Extends to how grateful you've become for the little things. A melancholy haiku, upholding how you feel about todays events. You are (oops) amazing poet. xhugs btw I think you were supposed to be 4th place, as it was skipped?
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Anaya Avatar
I Am Anaya
Date: 7/9/2024 2:33:00 PM
I understand, no fussing or bussing!
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/9/2024 2:29:00 PM
Hmmmm not sure about placement but just wanted to try writing something without fussing over it. Appreciate you muchly
Date: 7/9/2024 11:22:00 AM
Heat felt read, Woody. Poetry is whatever the poet can be everything for sure. Animals say it with simpler needs defer from God.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/9/2024 11:35:00 AM
Thx Joe
Date: 7/9/2024 10:08:00 AM
Like the Senryu. :o))
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/9/2024 10:21:00 AM
Date: 7/9/2024 6:01:00 AM
Refreshing words!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 7/9/2024 6:02:00 AM
Yes ma'am thx

Book: Reflection on the Important Things