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Poems by Andrea Dietrich

Andrea Dietrich - LIFETIME Premium Member Andrea Dietrich - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Andrea Dietrich. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Andrea Dietrich.

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Best Andrea Dietrich Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/27/2025 The Beautiful, Answered Prayer 38 Rhyme
03/26/2025 The Dancers From Hell 79 Quatrain
03/26/2025 Thinking About Bread -Manna 69 Ekphrasis
03/25/2025 Where's the Respect for Your Elders? 91 Rhyme
03/24/2025 My Beautiful Bright Light 42 Etheree
03/24/2025 Two-line Quote 163 Couplet
03/23/2025 Escape of the Leprechaun 93 Limerick
03/22/2025 Swimming In Grief 207 Etheree
03/21/2025 He Awaits His Fate 261 Rhyme
03/21/2025 A Tipping Balance 159 Rhyme
03/20/2025 Old Pickle 155 Rhyme
03/19/2025 Mulberry trees and Butterflies 137 Free verse
03/18/2025 Blue Cheese and Old Pickles 200 Rhyme
03/17/2025 Lost Forlornly in Space 236 Quatrain
03/17/2025 On Kissing the Blarney Stone 183 Rhyme
03/16/2025 Of Beautiful You 282 Rhyme
03/15/2025 Memories Lost Within a Frozen Mist 257 Etheree
03/15/2025 my pear and plum 181 Haiku
03/15/2025 clouds like sheep 209 Haiku
03/13/2025 This Lingers On 230 Rhyme
03/13/2025 A Twilight Reflection 290 Quintain (English)
03/12/2025 Let the Words of My Mouth 166 Rhyme
03/11/2025 In the Clouds 231 Rhyme
03/10/2025 The Echo Returns Not 236 Rhyme
03/09/2025 How Wonderful 288 Monorhyme
03/09/2025 John Newton 164 Clerihew
03/08/2025 The Reluctant Bride 326 Other
03/07/2025 No More 262 Rhyme
03/06/2025 Cascade Hiku 270 Haiku
03/05/2025 April Hiku 329 Haiku
03/05/2025 the moon on a spoon 231 Rhyme
03/03/2025 The Fish from Differing Schools of Thought 228 Narrative
03/03/2025 A Beautiful Fleeting Life 246 Sonnet
03/03/2025 Star-Gazed 199 Couplet
03/02/2025 A Letter to Myself 220 Quatrain
03/01/2025 Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill 233 Clerihew
03/01/2025 Slab City 178 Tanka
02/27/2025 Lavendar Dreams Hiku 328 Haiku
02/24/2025 A Hiku Set Free 199 Haiku
02/24/2025 Mind of the Heart 224 Quatern
02/22/2025 Augury 185 Sonnet
02/22/2025 Wine and Dine 194 Quatern
02/22/2025 At the Lake Hiku 169 Haiku
02/19/2025 I’ve Been Listening to Your Eyes 316 Rhyme
02/18/2025 Untainted 341 Etheree
02/18/2025 Dreamer and the Dreamed -edited 429 Sonnet
02/17/2025 Over and Over and Over Again 425 Rhyme
02/17/2025 Cowboy Footles 291 Footle
02/16/2025 My Vines in Winter 408 Free verse
02/15/2025 Behind The Pumpkin Eater’s Tale 344 Rhyme
02/15/2025 Undergrowth With Two Figures - Van Gogh 354 Free verse
02/14/2025 A Valentine 294 Senryu
02/13/2025 My Bloody Valentine 188 Quatrain
02/13/2025 Sand Promises 241 Rhyme
02/12/2025 On Vacation 126 Senryu
02/11/2025 Sky of Fireflies 232 Etheree
02/10/2025 Inside My Dusty Box of Memories 227 Verse
02/10/2025 The Golden Age of Music 244 Acrostic
02/09/2025 At the Cemetery 322 Haiku
02/06/2025 The Cauldron of Magic Potion 330 Verse
02/06/2025 Florence Nightingale 175 Clerihew
02/05/2025 Sweet Explosion 154 Rhyme
02/04/2025 my valentine 359 Senryu
02/02/2025 Empty Shells 417 Free verse
02/01/2025 I Write On - and On 372 Couplet
01/31/2025 Embodying the Light 445 Rhyme
01/30/2025 One Spring 340 Monorhyme
01/29/2025 Time Always Goes 342 Free verse
01/28/2025 My Inescapable Valentine 188 Other
01/27/2025 My Cats 254 Rhyme
01/26/2025 How Sweet God’s Blessings that We Know 439 Kyrielle
01/24/2025 Etched in Stone 259 Sonnet
01/23/2025 In the Woods 405 Sonnet
01/22/2025 As Sun Dies - POTD 609 Personification
01/21/2025 Mark Twain 361 Clerihew
01/20/2025 Silence Vs Noise 301 Triolet
01/19/2025 My Deepest Fantasies 267 Quatern
01/18/2025 When You Are Old 391 Rhyme
01/18/2025 Scratched 474 Tanka
01/17/2025 God Walks Warmly Alongside Death 439 Triolet
01/17/2025 Gardens of Delight 489 ABC
01/15/2025 Ivory Flakes 395 Etheree
01/14/2025 To Be as a Child 416 Rhyme
01/13/2025 Romantic Passion Inevitably Ends 426 Free verse
01/12/2025 Dear John 526 Lyric
01/12/2025 Waterfalls 389 Footle
01/10/2025 Dumpster Fire Wardrobe 425 Limerick
01/09/2025 Michael Caine 388 Clerihew
01/08/2025 Using John Denver Song Titles to Create More Songs of You 489 Rhyme
01/07/2025 Dear Donna 371 Ottava rima
01/05/2025 A Canvas for Kansas 251 Footle
01/03/2025 Cats I’ve Lived With 461 Quintain (English)
01/01/2025 Alfred Hitchcock 343 Clerihew
12/31/2024 Cacoethes 424 Free verse
12/30/2024 New Years Old Wishes 464 Free verse
12/28/2024 Recognition - revised for a missing line 485 Sonnet
12/27/2024 One Goal: Practice Gratitude 422 Verse
12/24/2024 A September Day's Ending Sonata 604 Lyric
12/24/2024 my umbrella 397 Tanka
12/23/2024 Forgive Me or Forgive Me Not 429 Rhyme


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Andrea Dietrich grew up in Iowa and now resides in Utah with a spouse and two cats. She has two grown children and six grandchildren. Having graduated BYU with a Spanish major/ESL minor, she has spent most of her adult life teaching. It wasn't until 2000 that she began writing in earnest and discovering her "niche" as a writer of lyrical poetry. The internet opened up a new world for her, and she has spent two decades now participating in poetry clubs, acting as a judge of poetry contests for various magazines, for the website Shadow Poetry, and for Poetry Soup. 

Ms. Dietrich has won numerous awards, as well as the title Poet of the Year 2008, from the Yahoo group, Poetry For Thought. In addition, she has won prizes from the magazines Lucidity, Bell's Letters, Art with Words, Poets at Work and SP Quill, the magazine for which she wrote grammar and poetry articles as well as movie reviews and for which she acted as poetry editor for the head editor Marie Summers for six years. Many of her poems appeared in Shadows Ink, a yearly published series of chapbooks of award winning poetry as well as in numerous other anthologies. Her short stories appeared in many issues of SP Quill and much of her poetry was published in eight chapbooks (no longer sold online). 

Since coming to Poetry Soup, Ms. Dietrich has been both contest sponsor and winner of numerous contests. In 2010, her poem "Cinder Girl" was first place winner of Soup's International contest (these contests are no longer held).  A song was created from her lyrics "Honeymoon Serenade" ( and two movies have been made featuring the poetry of Andrea Dietrich: "A Tale of Fire and Ice" (a 4 min. Z-Film Fest Project, 2014) and the full length movie "Six Days of Sistine" in which 20 poems of Ms. Dietrichs serve as the thoughts of two characters played by Jamie Campbell Bower and Elarica Johnson (directed by Richard J. Perry, 2019)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry