Ekphrasis Poems. Examples of Ekphrastic and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Ekphrasis poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of an Ekphrasis.
An ekphrasis poem is a form of poetry concerning itself with the visual arts, artistic objects, and/or highly visual scenes, but there is more to ekphrasis. What is ekphrasis in poetry (complete definition)?
To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain - Zhang Huan
Form: swap quatrain/senyru utilised for experimental haibun
Inspired by a photograph from the performance piece: "To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain" by Zhang Huan
"Beyond the mountain, there are mountains"
Traditional Chinese Proverb
stop and analyse,...
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Form: Ekphrasis
Emily Dickinson
She passed away upon a day
Where silence lie in sullen vein
Where whispered notions plant a seed
Of all the words penned in belief
Hoping a man would come to see
A well lit road clear and...
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art, dedication, deep, feelings,
Form: Ekphrasis
The Living RoseLove is a rose, but you'd better not pick it
Only grows when it's on the vine
Handful of thorns and you know you've missed it
Lose your love when you say the word mine
By Linda Ronstadt
The Living...
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Form: Ekphrasis
Vase of Peonies - Claude Monet
every illusion starts with a wish
or a hope perhaps, and mine is this
that I'm the hundreds of petals that remain
and with each petal lost I won't feel this pain
abundance is missed when eyes look to...
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anxiety, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
My Wandering Eye
Each brush stroke sparks a fire
Burning endless miles
As one man sits in silence
Looking back through his life
Deep within his mind a memory set in time
Resurfacing through his life
A masterpiece
Lost in time
Taken from...
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art, beauty, child, inspirational,
Form: Ekphrasis
To mingle with your affairs
A thought....locked in a stare
A dynamic explosion
With movement and motion
A moment I've come to share
As if to inhibit
A mind set at ease
I splash a daring brush stroke
To capture your need
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art, color, desire, devotion,
Form: Ekphrasis
The Double Secret - Magritte 20 minute draft
firstly notice the neatly combed hair
arms and hands would be needed for that
I detect something amiss
the breadth of those shoulders
not those of a keen swimmer
how location and the individual attributes conflict
whilst beauty is only...
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Form: Ekphrasis
The Nostalgia of the Infinite by Giorgio de Chirico -10 minute draftround and round we go on ladders
looking straight ahead, feeling lopsided
believing this lack of synchronicity is ours to shoulder
we meet a fool, listen to their perspective
lengthen our steps to go nowhere
each pre-determined vantage...
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Form: Ekphrasis
Stella not a GalStella
not a gal
yelled for
a guy
passionately painting
my eyes
go back and forth
in lines
and curlicues
in lighting
and floral
irises flicker
voyaging North
and South
East and West
without rest
strange fountainlike
links with my mind
birds intertwine
vanilla egrets
imitate the...
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Form: Ekphrasis
The Commonplace - Magrittemark reality by a notch in a tree
honest recognition of the not dissimilar
I wish I wouldn't notice so much -
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Form: Ekphrasis
The Tower of Blue Horses Painting by Franz Marc
a mane shake might shift perspective
create an illusion of ~
as flickers of the same construct
momentarily separate
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Form: Ekphrasis
The Lady of the NightThe Lady of the Night
Alone, Luna dominates the sky,
glowing from Sol’s reflected light.
Her mares, dark blotches set
against the white light.
She is the queen of the night sky,
full face proudly displayed.
Strange things are said to happen
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Form: Ekphrasis
Winter WonderlandWinter Wonderland
Winter wonderland, white
icing on brown cake, mister
nor’easter’s icy breath, snow-
tires spin helplessly, caught in
eider down drifts, I would
rather be in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!
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Form: Ekphrasis
Bird in Space sculpture by Constantin Brancusiwhen we're the very essence of a thing
strangulated to shed the extraneous
released to float freely
without entity making us dull or brittle
would we strip away the entirety of thought
willingly forget whether we ever flew or...
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Form: Ekphrasis
My Home
Form: Ekphrasis
Specific Types of Ekphrasis Poems
Read wonderful ekphrasis poetry on the following sub-topics:
art, love, monoku, nature, people
and more.
Definition | What is Ekphrasis in Poetry?