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Poems by Paul Callus

Paul Callus - LIFETIME Premium Member Paul Callus - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Malta poet Paul Callus. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Paul Callus.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/03/2025 Complexity 184 Etheree
01/08/2025 a summer storm 415 Tanka
12/29/2024 Prolonged Adolescence 443 Verse
12/04/2024 Self-doubt 496 Verse
12/02/2024 Haiku Allure 864 Haiku
09/30/2024 Beaver Island TRI 586 Rhyme
09/24/2024 Signs of Autumn 385 Haiku
09/13/2024 Sterile Love 243 Free verse
09/01/2024 Hit and Run - TRI 696 Rhyme
08/10/2024 Ignorance is Bliss 646 Limerick
07/28/2024 redlight district 685 Senryu
07/12/2024 Miser 294 Acrostic
07/10/2024 Jumping to Conclusions 362 Limerick
07/10/2024 Addiction 344 Suzette Prime
06/26/2024 Bitter Memory 543 Acrostic
05/04/2024 Phew! A Trunk Will Do! 485 Limerick
04/28/2024 LIFE 346 Acrostic
04/04/2024 When the Moon is Full 734 Blank verse
01/20/2024 Dyslexia 489 Fibonacci
12/31/2023 Tragedy 346 Sijo
12/19/2023 A Sad Tune 529 Haibun
12/13/2023 winter nature haiku 534 Haiku
11/21/2023 Plutomania 327 Quatrain
11/08/2023 November Birthday 450 Ninette
10/17/2023 An Autumn Sky Haiku 587 Haiku
10/05/2023 Hi-Poo Senryu 352 Senryu
08/26/2023 Strawberry Haiku 546 Haiku
08/18/2023 A Haiku About a Haiku 803 Haiku
07/12/2023 Against All Odds - July 934 Etheree
07/11/2023 Jalopy 358 Acrostic
06/30/2023 Arachnid Encounter 662 Rhyme
06/25/2023 She Dances 504 Verse
06/23/2023 Finesse 634 Rhyme
06/21/2023 A Gift of Love 826 Rhyme
05/31/2023 Spring Morning 812 Other
05/23/2023 Country Mouse 516 Rhyme
05/16/2023 Fire Poppies 970 Jueju
04/28/2023 Xenophobia 704 Rhyme
04/01/2023 April 999 Acrostic
04/01/2023 Betsie Belle - Nursery Rhyme 712 Rhyme
03/26/2023 Bantu 842 Verse
03/14/2023 Clinging On 983 Verse
02/28/2023 Forest Tryst 790 Crystalline
02/24/2023 Fly Nursery Rhyme 695 Rhyme
02/24/2023 Let the Sun Shine 664 Verse
02/05/2023 Love Haiku String 792 Haiku
01/24/2023 Hand In Hand With You 759 Acrostic
01/16/2023 I Miss You 758 Rhyme
12/27/2022 Hiku Haiku 967 Haiku
12/27/2022 The Cardinal and the Rose 665 Rhyme
12/01/2022 Phew Nursery Rhyme 776 Limerick
11/14/2022 Enhancement 490 Verse
11/08/2022 All Hallows Evening 682 Sonnet
11/05/2022 The Layabout 563 Tanka
10/04/2022 A Moment In Time 1249 Quatrain
09/01/2022 Moments of Inertia 808 Tanka
08/23/2022 Time To Go 958 Triolet
07/25/2022 In Denial 1030 Free verse
07/16/2022 Sloth 748 Rhyme
06/13/2022 Gogyohka 1040 Tanka
06/01/2022 Big Dave 1217 Limerick
05/25/2022 Reticence 723 Tanka
05/19/2022 Songs Inspired Haiku String 919 Haiku
05/05/2022 The Silent Saint 1824 Monoku
04/28/2022 From Rags To Riches 1298 Rhyme
04/08/2022 Yearning 1192 Verse
03/16/2022 Blue Jay 1540 Haiku
03/13/2022 From Andrea With Zump 968 Limerick
03/12/2022 Beneath the Veneer 652 Rhyme
02/20/2022 A Hiku Haiku 817 Haiku
02/18/2022 Lonely Tanka 995 Tanka
02/06/2022 Newness Senryu 991 Senryu
02/06/2022 Relationships 687 Free verse
01/25/2022 The Introverted Mood of Night 736 Rhyme
01/18/2022 Boxed In 1395 Rhyme
01/08/2022 Basho Inspired Haiku 1126 Haiku
12/31/2021 Modern Haiku 1024 Haiku
12/29/2021 Candid Camera 609 Rhyme
12/12/2021 Fog On the Horizon 1099 Haiku
12/03/2021 The Curve of Life 1352 Tanka
11/26/2021 Hiku Mix 655 Haiku
11/16/2021 Las Posadas Haiku 507 Haiku
11/08/2021 Crossing Over 700 Free verse
10/17/2021 Summer Night 609 Haiku
10/16/2021 Words and Action 994 Couplet
10/01/2021 Forever Young 1303 Couplet
09/26/2021 The Honest Truth 982 Couplet
09/10/2021 Bathed In Moonlight 651 Rhyme
09/02/2021 Numb Heart 764 Rhyme
08/31/2021 Riverbank 675 Tetractys
08/29/2021 Jumping the Gun 506 Light Verse
08/21/2021 Here Comes the Light 596 Verse
08/04/2021 Carolyn Devonshire Rip 1643 Rhyme
07/26/2021 Blueberry Hill 569 Rhyme
06/29/2021 Late Summer Haiku 1298 Haiku
06/22/2021 Seagull 525 Tanka
06/11/2021 Pier Cove 1278 Rhyme
06/01/2021 Death Knell Tanka 497 Tanka
05/23/2021 Crossroads 1433 Triolet
05/18/2021 Haven 488 Acrostic


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