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the magnetic allure of a crescent moon appeals to the isolation of my soul from worldly ties I relish the joy of gratitude - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gogyohka is a poetry form developed by Enta Kusakabe in Japan and translates literally to "five-line poem." It is an off-shoot of the tanka form. It has no syllable rules, and does not usually rhyme. Preferably, each line would be a separate, usually short, phrase.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/11/2022 10:21:00 AM
Nice to hear about a new form to try, Paul: Your accompanying image is wonderful. There appears to be a bird perched on the tip of the moon. I am planning to work on a new form I found called a “Haikoum” on my vacation in Florida next week. Stay tuned. Hugs, SuZ
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 11/12/2022 4:44:00 PM
I couldn’t find it on the web either, Paul: It is in a book of poetry exercises I am taking to Florida with me. Title is Wingbeats 11. It is available on Amazon in a Paperback or Kindle.
Callus Avatar
Paul Callus
Date: 11/11/2022 11:15:00 AM
I tried looking up "Haikoum" but to no avail. So I'll be relying on you for udates :) Enjoy your vacation; I believe Florida is still quite warm at this time of year. Warm regards & Hugs // paul
Date: 11/11/2022 9:38:00 AM
Nice to be introduced to this form. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing and for dropping by my page. I like the creative snapshot that accompanies this one as well. Sara
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Date: 8/16/2022 12:41:00 PM
WOW!!! What a wonderful write/picture. Thanks for adding the note at the bottom. Have a blessed day................
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Paul Callus
Date: 8/23/2022 1:11:00 PM
Thank you for the lovely reaction, Paula. Goodnight & blessings // paul
Date: 7/29/2022 2:35:00 PM
I like the form and your find use of it for this poem, Paul. The picture matched well also my friend. Bill
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Paul Callus
Date: 8/13/2022 2:44:00 AM
Glad you enjoyed the poem, Bill. The form itself has not been highlighted on Soup. Hope this will alert others to it. Regards // paul
Date: 7/20/2022 2:33:00 PM
I have not seen this form so thanks for the explanation. The allure of the moon and the peace of nature. Nicely written. love phyl
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Date: 7/18/2022 11:57:00 AM
haven't come across this form of tanka before but I really love it, Paul - must try it
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/19/2022 1:55:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed it, Jack...thank you. ~ Best regards, my friend // paul
Date: 7/11/2022 1:12:00 PM
What is more beautiful than the magnetic allure of a crescent moon, it satisfies the souls and sets our hearts on fire. An intense awesome Description of what a crescent moon can do, it sings to your soul and makes your heart flip - lovingly turn your wedding ring thrice and your wish will come true. Hugs, warm regards and blessings, Jennifer.
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/15/2022 1:28:00 PM
That you, Jenny. Your insightful feedback is always appreciated. ~ Have a lovely weekend, my friend. Warm regards & blessings // paul
Date: 7/10/2022 9:54:00 AM
how magical is the moon and how enchanting this poem....i call this phase the Cheshire Grin...often recall Alice in Wonderland...the beauty of such a poem as is this, we are given a path and so often in the lines, the neuropathways diverge into memories...
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/11/2022 1:56:00 AM
Good morning, Timothy. Thank you for stopping by with most welcome comments. Enjoy the week ahead. // paul
Date: 7/10/2022 12:50:00 AM
An outstanding example of her form Paul. Romantic and in tune with nature. I love it! It is wonderful to be back reading poetry again. Please share this with PFT. Gorgeous! Blessings xxoo
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/10/2022 2:05:00 AM
Good morning dear Connie! It is great to see you back home and in good spirits. I will certainly share according to your wishes :) Warm regards & Blessings // paul
Date: 6/30/2022 8:10:00 PM
Wonderful poem Paul. a Favorite my friend...
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:08:00 AM
Thank you for the lovely visit and fav, Michael. Best regareds, my friend. // paul
Date: 6/29/2022 4:48:00 PM
Dear Paul, magical lines from you, as always are! But every time I am in awe! The poem and the image - both are stunning! Best ~ Mala
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:30:00 PM
Thank you for your generous comments, dear Mala. Your words are a source of encouragement. ~ Best regards // paul
Date: 6/29/2022 8:38:00 AM
"the magnetic allure of a crescent moon" speaks volumes! Beautiful, stunning and deep. :)Paulette
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:31:00 PM
Your feedback, adorned with lovely adjectives has been a delight to read, Paulette! Thank you! ~ Warm regards // paul
Date: 6/27/2022 8:52:00 PM
Dear Paul, it takes a special gift to bare a soul with such beautiful brevity. The masterful strokes of your inspired pen caresses the page with poetic artistry and finesse. Your last line thrills me. Warmest wishes and hugs, my eloquent friend.. ~Susan
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:19:00 AM
Thank you for your generous complimentary comments, Susan. Always a pleasure to have you visiting, my friend. Warm regards & Hugs // paul
Date: 6/22/2022 11:56:00 PM
Beautiful, Paul.
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Paul Callus
Date: 6/23/2022 2:08:00 AM
Thank you, Andrea. Have a lovely and productive day :) // paul
Date: 6/22/2022 9:33:00 PM
Such good wording Paul, matched only with the picture it creates of separation from this world. Trust all is well with you in these days, blessings always,Gordon
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/9/2022 4:07:00 AM
Thank you for the feedback, Gordon. ~ Life has been ultra too hot at times, but I'm not grumbling :) Regards & Blessings // paul
Date: 6/17/2022 11:41:00 AM
Dreamy lines Paul, very much enjoyed this unique form!
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/9/2022 4:00:00 AM
Thank you, James. It's been only these last couple of years that I was introduced to this form; it is quite popular. Regards // paul
Date: 6/14/2022 7:04:00 AM
Both poem and image are beautiful!
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/9/2022 3:47:00 AM
Glad you enjoyed, Karen....thank you! Regards // paul
Date: 6/14/2022 6:18:00 AM
LOve your example, Paul...
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/9/2022 3:25:00 AM
Thank you, Harry. Best regards // paul
Date: 6/13/2022 10:25:00 PM
Wonderful!!! Lovely imagery... So beautifully penned...
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/9/2022 3:25:00 AM
Thank you, Supraja. May you have an enjoyable weekend. // paul
Date: 6/13/2022 12:52:00 PM
this is magical, paul! i love it!
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:36:00 PM
Thank you so much, Ilene. Best regards // paul
Date: 6/13/2022 11:14:00 AM
Beautiful photo--and a beautiful poem, Paul. Imagery succinctly conveyed.
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/9/2022 3:07:00 AM
Thank you for reading and liking, Vijay. Have a nice weekend! // paul
Date: 6/13/2022 10:38:00 AM
Paul, what a beautiful thought - relishing the joy of gratitude. There is much to be meditated on in those words of wisdom! Thank you for sharing your mystical experience in the moon's light! Blessings!
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:22:00 PM
Thank you, Sam for reading and enjoying. Your comments are truly appreciated. Regards & Blessings // paul
Date: 6/13/2022 7:40:00 AM
I often go out on a clear night and just gaze up at the night sky and just enjoy the peace it brings. I've learnt a new word and form today. Hope you're keeping well Paul. Tom
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/7/2022 2:20:00 PM
I'm keeping well, my friend, and hope that you are as well. Thank you for your visit and feedback, my friend. Regards // paul
Date: 6/13/2022 7:36:00 AM
Just beautiful Paul . A fav! This touched my heart. So deep and full. I can relate to your poignant words . Big hugs and blessings, Susan :)
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Paul Callus
Date: 6/21/2022 11:51:00 AM
Thank you for the lovely comments and the fav, Susan. On rereading my poem I realize that these few lines could easily have found a place in one of your own poems! ~ warm regards and hugs // paul

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry