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Poems by Sara Kendrick

Sara Kendrick - LIFETIME Premium Member Sara Kendrick - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Sara Kendrick. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Sara Kendrick.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/26/2025 In Store 53 Free verse
03/26/2025 Early Morn 24 Rhyme
03/23/2025 Remember When 102 Tercet
03/20/2025 but the shadows turned it gray 484 Suzette Prime
03/19/2025 Dill Pickle Hated Blue Cheese 98 Quintain (English)
03/16/2025 The Fierce Storm 127 Free verse
03/15/2025 Unforgotten 80 Other
03/11/2025 Prayer 113 Prose
03/11/2025 Apricot Morning Something For Which To Be Thankful 86 Other
03/10/2025 The Scripture Was Visible 85 Rhyme
03/10/2025 Thou Word He Has Not Hidden 47 Limerick
03/09/2025 lover absent 153 Other
03/07/2025 north 138 Haiku
03/06/2025 south 153 Haiku
03/06/2025 Bird 101 Tyburn
03/02/2025 The Sound Of Silence 198 Free verse
02/27/2025 Wild Wisteria Vine In Winter 330 Free verse
02/23/2025 Friday, February, 21, 2025 148 Free verse
02/23/2025 This Morning At February End 120 Free verse
02/22/2025 Tornado 192 Shape
02/19/2025 The Winter of Our Love 364 Etheree
02/18/2025 sunset 346 Haiku
02/17/2025 daffodils 395 Haiku
02/15/2025 small 449 Haiku
02/12/2025 Dry Land 120 Rhyme
02/10/2025 Set For Life 209 Etheree
02/08/2025 plan 240 Senryu
02/08/2025 filled 174 Senryu
02/07/2025 Valentine 210 Senryu
02/05/2025 There Is A River 411 Lyric
02/04/2025 Spring 259 Rhyme
01/28/2025 New Clothing 338 Rhyme
01/27/2025 Food Source 363 Free verse
01/22/2025 What 396 Free verse
01/22/2025 One-Sided 358 Monoku
01/22/2025 birds 404 Haiku
01/19/2025 gray 259 Haiku
01/17/2025 heavy 418 Haiku
01/16/2025 rising sun 527 Tanka
01/13/2025 Magenta 597 Triolet
01/12/2025 white 676 Tanka
01/05/2025 Life After Eighty 346 Free verse
01/05/2025 Love's Story 271 Free verse
01/04/2025 Jimmy Carter's Life 226 Clerihew
12/31/2024 Computer or Internet 305 Free verse
12/29/2024 male 397 Tanka
12/26/2024 Christmas Ended 653 Shape
12/25/2024 In Spring 633 Sonnet
12/20/2024 Rain 534 Tanka
12/20/2024 Wordplay Or How To Rack Your Brain 462 Rhyme
12/19/2024 Christmas and New Year 427 Free verse
12/08/2024 Fairy Granny's Fantasy 464 Rhyme
12/03/2024 Grounded In The Moment 395 Diminished Hexaverse
11/25/2024 running away 621 Senryu
11/21/2024 golden 256 Haiku
11/18/2024 freshly 337 Haiku
11/17/2024 Aging Ungracefully 380 Rhyme
11/17/2024 Dysfunctional Family 364 Rhyme
11/16/2024 The Cookies 408 Rhyme
11/05/2024 two 563 Haiku
11/03/2024 simultaneous 479 Haiku
10/29/2024 sliver 354 Haiku
10/28/2024 It Cannot Be Helped 554 Rhyme
10/22/2024 My Truths 533 Verse
10/21/2024 Haiku 354 Haiku
10/21/2024 clinging 314 Haiku
10/20/2024 transparency 720 Haiku
10/19/2024 Pumpkins 2 298 Pleiades
10/19/2024 Pumpkins 642 Pleiades
10/18/2024 Opal 207 Pleiades
10/18/2024 Maple 210 Pleiades
10/18/2024 full 148 Haiku
10/14/2024 monarch 177 Haiku
10/11/2024 purple blossoms 215 Tanka
10/11/2024 fall's sun 131 Haiku
10/10/2024 Autumn Colors 244 Free verse
10/07/2024 Inside Love Dances 227 Other
10/04/2024 Near The Peach Orchard 300 Jueju
10/02/2024 early fall 211 Senryu
10/01/2024 The Lakeside Cottage 249 Rhyme
09/29/2024 Spring's Resurrection 489 Jueju
09/28/2024 Helene 182 Shadorma
09/27/2024 Bells 191 Other
09/27/2024 under 122 Tanka
09/26/2024 Storm Brings Disaster 229 Other
09/24/2024 gingko 191 Haiku
09/24/2024 breeze 193 Haiku
09/23/2024 signs of autumn 298 Haiku
09/22/2024 Fulfilment 242 Rhyme
09/21/2024 What Are You Planting 377 Free verse
09/20/2024 My Favorite Elementary School Teacher 285 Rhyme
09/20/2024 Silence 126 Free verse
09/20/2024 Love 170 Lanterne
09/19/2024 Personality 199 Lanterne
09/13/2024 Mother Said 239 Other
09/12/2024 river 252 Haiku
09/12/2024 beauty 185 Tanka
09/10/2024 two 157 Haiku
09/09/2024 A Little Fire Then 257 Hybronnet
09/06/2024 Sounds That Animals Make 296 Rhyme


Quote Left "Forgiveness heals an open wound, the spirit repairs the soul" Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Sara Kendrick

Quote Left If everyone else sticks their head in the fire, would you? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Sara Kendrick

Quote Left 'If I let love reign in my heart, love will over shadow each of my adversary's faults.' Sara Kendrick Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Sara Kendrick

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Introverted, quiet, compassionate, giver

Sister of four biological brothers ,two adoptive brothers

Lover of God, Family, Country

Who feels love, compassion, dedication

Who fears downward spiral of our nation

Moral decline of the people

Would love to see a national revival

Resident of Georgia, USA


Book: Reflection on the Important Things