The words I write are simple
I'm as simple as they come.
I'll never be the best poet
But I'm an okay one!
I write simple rhymes,
Expressed with words understood,
But I'll continue learning
As every person should.
So don't look to me for perfection
Here it won't be found
But if you enjoy simplicity
You can stop looking now! :)
I am married, going on 18 years to a sweet heart of a man, Harvey. We have 2 children. Our daughter, Rosalie,is 17 years old and a blessing everyday. Our son Hunter Harvey lives with God until we meet again. He passed away at 2 months old from SIDS.
We are a happy little family living in the mountains of West Virginia. I'm a teacher by profession, an ordained non denominational Christian minister , and I love to write, play ukulele, sing, sew, craft, cook, read/ listen to audiobooks and study my Bible.
I'm originally from New Hampshire but moved here in 2002. We have one little dog, a chihuahua jack Russell mix named Sassy, a gold fish named Sushi, a female calico cat named Sookie, and 2 male cats. The oldest named Salem(he's all black), and a tiny male kitten named PorkChop or Chopper...a long haired orange and white stripe.
(I know we dropped the"S" name for the last kitten... but we are only fostering until our friend can keep him.. Otherwise we'd have named him, Sunny!;)
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.( Numbers 6:24-26 KJV)
<3<3 xoxo Love, Crystol