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Portal - part 2

NOTE: Please read part 1 so this makes more sense As soon as her words enter my brain I feel the force of a million gees pressing against my body, but only for a nanosecond, then nothing. Absolute stillness and quiet, yet an awareness of travelling at great speed. My companion is in and out of phase, body parts appearing then disappearing. I look at my hands and feet. Same. No stars, only blackness and then... Arrival. But where? I am standing on a sandy beach, but the sky and ocean are different, more colorful. I am suddenly aware of others. Staring at me. Staring at her. Rainbow tinted people with silver wings, hovering a few feet off the ground. Feeling faint, I drop to my knees and ask, "Is this heaven?" fish out of water houston we have a problem radio silence My celestial guide now addresses me, "Welcome to Elan, Paul. But your name really isn't Paul, is it Thomas? Thomas Woodward? Or shall I call you Winky? Elwood T. Cockroach? Sam Dumpty? Norman? You are a complicated soul, Thomas, with many manifestations." "I, I don't understand. What is this all about? Why am I here?" I reply. "We are Elanites, Thomas. We travel the universe through portals in time and space. We are empaths and can sense a soul in distress. When one is on the brink of death we traverse great distances in an attempt to rescue such one. Often, we are too late..." her voice trails off. The others who had shown such keen interest in my arrival now go about their business, though I can't help but notice there is an eclectic group assembled. Quite obviously, not all present are Elanites. I ask, "Are some of these people aliens you have rescued from other worlds?" "Yes, Thomas. You may be wondering why you are here, why we went to such great lengths to bring you to Elan. In your former life you lamented that you were unloved, that no one cherished you or even remembered your name. Here you will be adored more than you can imagine. Thomas, we have not had war on Elan for over a hundred centuries. No crime, no hatred, no injustice. Only love, kindness and empathy. And Thomas, I have been selected to be your mate for life. Do you find me attractive? Desirable? We are meta-morphs, which means I can transform into any kind of woman you wish. Or I can remain as I am. Whatever your dreams are, I can help make them a reality for you. This is your new home, your destiny. Do you understand?" I gaze around at the marvelous gift that has been bestowed upon me and all I can think of is, why me? What did I do to deserve this new start? One thing is for certain, I will never devalue myself again. My life is precious and has meaning, a purpose. She takes my hand and whispers, "Come." The adventure begins. living in the now accepting the undeserved universal bliss * This story incorporates character and story references that I have created in the past, including my eight part epic - Elan World

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/17/2025 11:47:00 AM
"Portal - part 2" is a captivating continuation of your intriguing story. You've skillfully built upon the sense of mystery and suspense established in part 1, introducing unexpected elements and leaving the reader eager to learn more. I particularly appreciate the way you've seamlessly integrated elements from your previous work, such as "Elan World," into this new narrative. This adds a layer of depth and complexity to the story, suggesting an interconnected universe of your own creation.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 2/17/2025 12:07:00 PM
Appreciate you patiently reading and reviewing my sci-fi tale
Date: 6/28/2024 9:05:00 AM
Hmmm this is comparable to near death experience except In this case, it's Elan instead of heaven. I hear the near death people see colors that do not even exist on earth and blind people who die and have the experience are Able to finally describe what they saw as if they had sight and had never been born blind. I am really into NDEs now. This just kind of reminded me of one
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Tom Woody
Date: 6/28/2024 11:43:00 AM
Thx for taking time to read my two parter
Date: 6/28/2024 8:59:00 AM
Good grief. My tenth click to find one I haven't read yet . Here goes.
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Date: 6/22/2024 4:05:00 AM
Hi Tom: I am struck by how we have had similar manifestations of imagery, although years apart. (I wrote the "People with Wings" back in 2007) I like that you have ended in a Utopian world but being human must be wondering if it will last. I always enjoy your stories. SuZ
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Tom Woody
Date: 6/22/2024 11:40:00 AM
Thx for spending time with my two parter
Date: 6/5/2024 6:07:00 AM
So, you are writing a book then . . . ; )
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Tom Woody
Date: 6/5/2024 6:21:00 AM
Ha! No, but this would be a nice theme to expand upon
Date: 5/25/2024 4:03:00 PM
How can I get into Elan? Do I need a portal powder? some magic wand or a hand snap? I'm curious. Feels like a place to be in, doing away with the fight, hate and wars in our world. I already have the man I want to create in my head. Hahaha. "Whatever your dreams are, I can help make them a reality for you." Thomas should share in this gift. Great delivery Tom.
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/25/2024 5:22:00 PM
Grateful :)
Date: 5/22/2024 5:28:00 PM
Tom, you devised a very interesting explanation. That would be something to have what one wants. I think you probably have that anyway in the here and now. We can get it by being least I think that since I have a gem of a partner.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 5/22/2024 5:44:00 PM
Thanks for patiently reading my story and for comment Duke
Date: 5/22/2024 11:09:00 AM
WOW!!! I enjoyed reading your very creative/wonderful "Portal-part 1" write. Now back for more. A great "Portal-part 2" write/pretty picture/ending. Now for a book??? Have A Blessed Day Writing Away..................
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/22/2024 2:34:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed the story Paula
Date: 5/18/2024 11:21:00 AM
I really get the sense of sci-fi, and from the very first lines. I love sci-fi, international, all good! I can't get enough on Netflix! Back to your world, Haikus-perfect short intervals help break up mass of words. An admission about a man who knows his own significance "And Thomas, I have been selected to be your mate for life" no jealousy is everything, everything needs a mate, even male plants' pollen for breeding (production of seeds). The last but not the least stanza touched me, tearing up!
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/18/2024 2:15:00 PM
I love good scifi too. Thx Anaya for review
Date: 5/15/2024 10:04:00 PM
Beam me up Tommy! I want go too. This is so cool. You should be writing novels. I wish I had your imagination. Write on! Write on!
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/16/2024 4:59:00 AM
I have a dozen short stories I could develop but too lazy I'm afraid. Thx
Date: 5/12/2024 4:38:00 PM
Super sweet! A pleasure to be invited to your poetic universe. I look forward to reading more ... Time for me to take a hand of An Elanian!
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/12/2024 4:51:00 PM
Elanites are way cool. We hope. Thx
Date: 5/12/2024 9:57:00 AM
You've created a fascinating world.
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/12/2024 10:19:00 AM
Thx Mike. I wrote an epic titled Elan World some years ago and I drew some inspiration from that
Date: 5/11/2024 8:11:00 PM
" Whatever your dreams are, I can help make them a reality for you. ' You know I like this thought. :) That's the way it should be. You've created an amazing story, Tommy. So moments and emotions within. Life is precious and it does have meaning. :)
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Brandy Nicole
Date: 5/12/2024 7:52:00 AM
:) So true
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 5/12/2024 6:14:00 AM
I'd like to think that's the real message here. Someone cares for us, even when it's not always apparent. None of us are truly alone
Date: 5/11/2024 10:23:00 AM
Without the benefit of your previous stories I still find this fascinating and see such potential! (Your haiku here was pretty humorous too :) ) Sci-fi/ fantasy is a genre I adore. At risk of being too general I'll still say, your Elan mentor is every man's fantasy woman... anything to please your taste. I feel like the poem I just wrote this morning kind of speaks to that sentiment.(our daily bread) I'm posting it now If you'd like to read it. Tom this is awesome writing, story telling! Love!
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Crystol Woods
Date: 5/12/2024 10:57:00 AM
Oh... that's good! Writing villains is so fun! I enjoyed your book "Winky" very much and I'm honored that you would share it. You're just a great guy Tom...I don't care what they say! Lol...JK;)
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 5/11/2024 12:43:00 PM
Thx so much. Yeah I don't have my other stories posted here currently but you read Winky (thank you). I'm soooo tempted to turn my little metamorph into an evil she devil in a third installment but we'll see. Nothing like a great twist!
Date: 5/10/2024 9:40:00 PM
What a beautiful world to land in. How I wish if it existed and we too would be given entry there. Dear Tom, thank you so much for the delightful read you allowed. Loved reading both parts.
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/11/2024 6:04:00 AM
Thanks Valsa. I'm happy with my little tale of tragedy turned salvation
Date: 5/7/2024 1:39:00 PM
Such a wonderful conclusion to the story. Now he really has a reason for being, for living - a rebirth. ‘ rainbow tinted people with silver wings’ - love that image and the picture is stunning too. ‘Living in the now’ so profound and I try to remember that often. I love the story here - keep your mind and heart open to all possibilities. Really enjoyed this Tommy. Thank you for sharing. May his adventures continue … :):)
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/7/2024 3:33:00 PM
Thanks you for the patient read and commentary
Date: 5/7/2024 4:01:00 AM
Imagine a portal opening to a new, undiscovered world filled with infinite possibilities. Wow! The thrill of being given a second chance, a chance to explore and discover the beauty of a new planet and perhaps even find a new soulmate. Your gift of storytelling takes us on a journey beyond our wildest dreams and inspires us to reach for new heights. The power of your words ignites a fire within us, reminding us that anything is possible if we have the courage to take that first step. Bravo a wonderful conclusion and a fave for me...Hugs
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/7/2024 5:12:00 AM
It's a theme we've both explored in one way or another. Thanks so much for review Maria
Date: 5/6/2024 9:33:00 PM
Tom, I very much enjoyed the satisfying and beautiful happy ending of your two part story. Thank you for sharing. :)
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/7/2024 5:11:00 AM
Thank you for taking the time to read it Evelyn
Date: 5/6/2024 12:11:00 PM
A great haibun, so well imagined, so well written. I once read that NASA discovered a planet that had our own atmosphere. Yet it is unreachable and so tiny no one can say if there is life there.
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:26:00 PM
I'll ask Thomas. Might be the one. Thx Vic
Date: 5/6/2024 7:56:00 AM
back for part 2 after rereading 1, and now i'm really weirded out lol dunno what to say (a rare occurrence) except to reiterate "it's well written"
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Charlotte Puddifoot
Date: 5/7/2024 3:42:00 AM
you're welcome senor
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:27:00 PM
Muchos gracias senora
Date: 5/6/2024 7:34:00 AM
Interesting conclusion and I recognise a lot of those names.. Through its lyrical prose and poignant storytelling, this haibun inspires us to embrace the present moment, accept the gifts of the universe with gratitude, and embark on our own journey of self-discovery and growth. Its message of universal bliss and the importance of cherishing life's precious moments serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and wonder that surround us, if only we have the courage to embrace them..
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:27:00 PM
Yes I thought you would recognize them. Thanks for sticking by me these years
Date: 5/6/2024 7:05:00 AM
Simply fabulous, a pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing your gift.
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:28:00 PM
My pleasure as well. Thx
Date: 5/6/2024 6:15:00 AM
And you find a soul mate through your journey into the cosmic unknown. And a world where there is no crime, no hatred, no injustice. Only love, kindness and empathy--- Hold that hand and let the adventure begin! Power of your intellect, Tom.
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:28:00 PM
Let's hope she doesn't change into Jezebel. Yipe! That's another story
Date: 5/6/2024 6:00:00 AM
Hello Tom, I loved reading your story, which unfolds like a cosmic odyssey with themes of despair, redemption, and ultimate discovery. Through your introspective musings, I liked how you explore the depths of human emotion and the profound journey of self-realization. Also your protagonist's transformation from hopelessness to wonderment is a powerful message of the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to dream. I enjoyed the adventure! - Blessings, Daniel
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:29:00 PM
Much thanks for insightful comments
Date: 5/5/2024 11:49:00 PM
First of all i love the picture used and how youv written this second part too. I noticed some names youv mentioned here which is part of you, this is so very deep and has that introspective touch to it too ina. Very fantasy filled manner. Which is also very soulful! Clever one! I can resonate with those alienish empaths. Maybe i am one too, as i feel the same. Beautiful ending too “My life is precious and has meaning, a purpose. She takes my hand and whispers, "Come." The adventure begins.” Love soothing conclusions! Where theres hope for new beginning, etc at the end of all. Pleasure reading both the parts. Did you just write this? Youv nailed it! One of my faves ever from you again
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Tom Woody
Date: 5/6/2024 3:30:00 PM
Yes I wrote part one Saturday and part two Sunday. I think. Anyway I'm so happy you like my bizarre stories

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry