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Conscious Uncoupling

Poet's Notes

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Requiem for Henry and Sylvia The papers arrived today. I gaze out the window of our posh villa and witness yet another spectacular Tuscan sunset. To my delight, a red-billed leiothrix is flitting about the umbrella tree, as if searching for its lost mate. I rise, slip on my Bottega Venetas and pour myself another cup of Danesi Italian coffee. Memories flood my brain without my consent. There were happy times spent at the beach, endlessly searching for the prettiest or most unique seashells. Were they really good times? Maybe. It's all a blur now. The large envelope lay on the expertly crafted Bocote table her artisan father made for us as a wedding gift. Rusty, our faithful corgi, rests at my feet. But he's not asleep. He's glaring at me with eyes of disdain, as if it was my fault she left. I ask Alexa to play Handel's Messiah, then slowly open the drawer to finish the task at hand. There is just one problem. Where did I put that damn Montblanc Royal pen? musing on what was under a Tuscan sunset coffee tastes bitter

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/15/2023 2:47:00 AM
Great storytelling, Tom. One question I frequently ask Alexa is..."Alexa where is my glasses" (lol) A fine haibun written, my friend. Thanks for your visits!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 11/15/2023 11:04:00 AM
Ha! Glasses and keys, right? Thx
Date: 10/17/2023 7:42:00 AM
Tom, I'm glad you said this was "all fiction'. I can only echo the lovely comment of readers as I agree!
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Tom Woody
Date: 11/12/2023 1:03:00 PM
Thx Babs
Date: 10/13/2023 8:56:00 PM
Memories come uninvited. Some are painful. The look of disdain in your dog's eye, I can feel. This slice of life I really enjoyed, but the question remains.... Why did she leave? If you wish, she will come back. Your haibuns can be read like a story Tom.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/14/2023 3:58:00 AM
Thx much. Comments like this encourage me to keep writing
Date: 10/11/2023 4:17:00 PM
A seeming doorway lefted ajar and voyeuristicly scenes of another life is seen in its narrow lens. You casted an image in the piece that appear gloomy but not so I guess.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/11/2023 4:19:00 PM
I'd say gloomy. Divorce even in paradise is still divorce. Thx for visit Greg
Date: 10/11/2023 8:14:00 AM
It sounds like a beautiful place. You are always so good at writing stories. The disdain look from your corgi might be he or she needs out. I'm always asking Alexa to play music as well.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/11/2023 9:25:00 AM
Ha! True. Maybe he's just got a guilty conscience
Date: 10/11/2023 7:45:00 AM
I really like this form. After reading some of yours and Sara’s I have enjoyed giving it a try.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/11/2023 9:25:00 AM
A new one? I'll come take a peek. Thx
Date: 10/10/2023 4:30:00 PM
Another fine Haibun, Tom. Very engaging story. I liked the detail you included with each item you described throughout the story. The Haiku summarized the story well. It was like you were told to write a brief about the story. Have a great week, my friend. Bill
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/10/2023 5:01:00 PM
Yes, it would be fun to write the whole story out. Thx Bill
Date: 10/10/2023 1:55:00 PM
ahh the remembrances here flooded of the movie Under The Tuscan Sun....good movie but like your poem it brings in warmth of the country therein....little glimpses we can expand on...but more so when i lived in Mexico i was to start a relationship with an Italian woman who wanted me to return with her...while i greatly appreciate the great introspection here...more so decades still later...i lament my decision not to go....thanks, great poetry touches all our depths
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/10/2023 2:43:00 PM
All of the what ifs... never to be revisited. Thx for visit
Date: 10/10/2023 1:26:00 PM
It seems you are in a phase of story telling and not writing about yourself? It makes me wonder if you are writing of people whom you know and doing it from the perspective of one of them. Great description. I especially like how your did your haiku. The juxoposition at the end was fabulous
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/10/2023 1:37:00 PM
Thx. I rarely write about my life, though I've done more this go round than ever before. This is pure fiction.
Date: 10/10/2023 6:39:00 AM
- What we call "happy moments/time" don't always take the direction you want - Great range of emotions, Tom - Lovely poem - hugs
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/10/2023 6:40:00 AM
Sadly they don't, especially when emphasis is on the wrong things. Thx
Date: 10/10/2023 6:32:00 AM
Tuscan sunset! How beautiful is the way you weave imagery and do storytelling! Absolutely stunning! And that twist at the end, is brilliant! I love the way this flows with such melancholic and touching emotions, describing how one feels when they lose someone, and is left pondering, one way or another if it was their fault, and the worst is when some memories stay so fresh in our mind, refusing to leave, that can pull one down! Brilliant haibun! I guess im late to reading this! But love it
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/10/2023 6:33:00 AM
You're always welcome on this page inky, late or otherwise. Appreciate the review
Date: 10/10/2023 6:09:00 AM
I love the imagery. I can just about see those baleful looks of your Rust and the expertly carved Bocote table, the papers sitting on it. You're so good at these. I second Silents comment. You should put out a book of Haibun. I'd buy one for sure. Thanks for commenting on my video Tommy always good to see you. Hugs
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/10/2023 6:16:00 AM
Are you kidding? It's a genuine treat to visit your page. Thx for support, always
Date: 10/9/2023 5:28:00 PM
You are so good at creating a scene. I love the imagery.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/9/2023 6:34:00 PM
I'm a work in progress. Always learning from good poets like you. Thx
Date: 10/9/2023 2:46:00 PM
Oh, wow, so descriptive. The self-projecton of the red-billed leiothrix searching for their mate and the deep reflections pair perfectly with the haiku. Such a poignant contrast between the spectacular sunset and the memories that made the coffee taste bitter.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/9/2023 2:55:00 PM
Yes and thx so much for visit
Date: 10/9/2023 7:21:00 AM
Sigh, this was such ane emotive read and the person in this haibun sounds so lonely.. But also living in a state of confusion as he is unclear about why his lover left, everything feels blur to him.. Maybe he knows deep within but doesn't want to accept that! When love stories remain incomplete and the quill yearns to scribble the next chapter but is held in guard by the roots of the past.. You're truly a brilliant Storyteller dear Tom, always enjoy reading your captivating haibuns really! :)
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/9/2023 7:31:00 AM
Very kind. Yes, it would be interesting to learn what the next chapter has in store. Me? I'm rooting for them to reconcile. Thx
Date: 10/9/2023 5:17:00 AM
ah is this the one i liked before? i think it is..been there, done it, got the scars, estranged though technically still married
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/9/2023 5:50:00 AM
Divorce is never pretty, even in paradise
Date: 10/8/2023 7:41:00 PM
Stephen King levels of specificity in this one. Good scene building.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/9/2023 5:50:00 AM
Much thx
Date: 10/8/2023 4:51:00 PM
I do love a good Haibun. This is clever as it shows why the love left due to how materialistic and narcissistic the narrator sounds. I was thinking Alexa was the new love already moved in but then I saw in the comments it was the AI Alexa. Good one, Tom, More please. SuZ
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 5:19:00 PM
Ahhh glad you caught that Suze. Too much emphasis on stuff, not enough on relationship building. It happens.thx
Date: 10/8/2023 3:15:00 PM
Tom this is interesting and engaging. I wanted to read more! Love the haiku!
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 3:47:00 PM
Well, Charmaine below suggested a possible follow up so who knows. Thx
Date: 10/8/2023 1:53:00 PM
You are so great when it coems to Haibum..An amazing story telqet.I love the Tuscan Sunset..A pity she had to leave..too early..She could have Stated forever.Coffee tastes bitter without her crystal sugar,but Tuscany remains so magical..One could fall in love again.Wonderful post.I love it.
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 2:12:00 PM
I know :)
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 10/8/2023 2:10:00 PM
Sorry had my maltese dictionary on..Sorry for any typos...She should have stayed is what I meant.??
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 10/8/2023 2:09:00 PM
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 2:01:00 PM
Hmmm... nice perspective. Maybe he will, though I suspect he may have been the problem. Dogs have an intuition about these things. Love your visits Charmaine
Date: 10/8/2023 11:58:00 AM
Creative write (filled with descriptive imagery) though I'm not one who will talk to a computer. Enjoyed reading.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 12:00:00 PM
Ha! I don't have Alexa either. No interest. Thx for visit
Date: 10/8/2023 7:08:00 AM
You could write a book on haibuns... storytelling that some will relate to.. nice ending also.
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One Avatar
Silent One
Date: 10/8/2023 12:13:00 PM
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 9:34:00 AM
Should I call it, The Haibun book? Thx for support
Date: 10/7/2023 8:28:00 PM
The splendor of nature remains, even as we're touched by sorrow. Lovely writing, Tom. :)
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 5:50:00 AM
Thx for read Evelyn
Date: 10/7/2023 8:25:00 PM
so surpring poem, nicely penned, are these memories of Italia, enjoyed yann
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 5:50:00 AM
Much thx yann
Date: 10/7/2023 6:25:00 PM
Well crafted tale of sorrow, loss, and awakening. I preferred a brew of Lilly and a Lucky. :o/
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Tom Woody
Date: 10/8/2023 5:50:00 AM

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry