Steppin' Out
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Abracadabra Rhyme
Introducing the unique 'Abracadabra Rhyme' created by William Kekaula. You have the freedom to choose the syllable count, but it must be consistent across all eleven lines. The rhyme scheme is abRacadabRa, with the lines containing 'R' being reversed lines. All lines must rhyme, except for lines 'c' and 'd'.11 syllables "Steely" has 2 syllables-yet it shows as 1.
Abracadabra Rhyme Poetry Contest
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Poem Of The Day

Salmon skies rise in the peripheral east
Steely clouds linger then slowly dissipate
Nightfall wanes, as the wide blue canvas brightens
Light lifts the mood, on a summer’s day we’ll feast
In afternoon’s heated blanket we’re caressed
Umbrella blooms shade, mint perfume they release
Skin tones burn colors from an artist’s palette,
an array of browns from bronze to tawny yeast
As mountain trails call, when monarchs migrate
As the wide blue canvas brightens, nightfall wanes
Steppin' out to engage the dusty trail beast
Copyright © I Am Anaya | Year Posted 2024
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