Mary Rogers - Now a Song
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This is a repost. Maria Williams and her husband Ron were kind enough to create a computer generated song and fantastic video with my authentic lyrics and from the seed of my melody. Of course, the hope is always that some artist will stumble upon this awesome creation and do something with it. We hope you enjoy this sad, melancholy song.
Couldn't pay the rent, could you Mary?
Back out on the street, dearest Mary.
Winter's in the air/once a girl with pretty hair,
And the days are shorter now, my sweet Mary.
Where will you go, Mary Rogers?
Parks can be so cold, Mary Rogers.
Out into the night/shadows everywhere a fright,
(Tell me) where will you go, Mary Rogers?
Store clerk turned her head, will you Mary?
Run fast as you can, dearest Mary.
Cops are on the way/daddy's calling you to play,
And the gun you dropped they found, my sweet Mary.
What will you do, Mary Rogers?
Jail can be so cold, Mary Rogers.
Throw away the key/pray to God on bended knee,
(Tell me) what will you do Mary Rogers?
Stranger took you in, did he Mary?
Promised you the moon, dearest Mary.
Black eyes gave away/what an awful price to pay,
And nobody held your hand, my sweet Mary.
When will it end, Mary Rogers?
Men can be so cold, Mary Rogers.
Needles always lie/mommy's back home baking pie,
(Tell me) when will it end, Mary Rogers?
Slept under the bridge, did you Mary?
Zero Fahrenheit, dearest Mary.
Peaceful dreams hold sway/fly across the Milky Way,
No more worries for the pain, my sweet Mary.
When will we learn, Mary Rogers?
People can be cold, Mary Rogers.
Turn our heads away/it may be our child someday,
(Tell me) when will we learn, Mary Rogers?
Time to wake up now, won't you Mary?
Paradise is here, dearest Mary.
Old world passed away/it's a bright and lovely day,
And the sun shines just for you, my sweet Mary
Copyright © Tom Woody | Year Posted 2024
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