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Cherished is the Night

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*I wrote this sonnet some years ago for my wife, who suffers from fibromyalgia since an auto accident in 1995. An anniversary poem not Aphrodite's vernal ivory skin nor Cleopatra's jasmine scented hair could tempt this man to stray in lustful sin for next to you no beauty can compare like Tristan who succumbed to Isolde's spell or Romeo who died in sweet embrace I'd freely sacrifice this earthly shell to see a lasting smile upon your face it breaks my heart to know you're in such pain you try so hard to wear a blithe facade my promise is to stay through sun and rain remembering the vows made under God let's celebrate our love 'til morning light and may we ne'er forget this cherished night

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/12/2024 1:04:00 PM
A truly beautiful way to show your love and support for your wife,Tom. Sending the Lord’s Blessings to you both. I Hope she has more good than bad days, as I know about the awful pain autoimmune conditions cause, as I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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Tom Woody
Date: 8/12/2024 2:30:00 PM
I'm sorry for your illness. Some good meds for that hope they're helping
Date: 8/1/2024 2:15:00 PM
How romantic and sweet. Sad to know she suffers. She's a beauty.
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Tom Woody
Date: 8/1/2024 2:44:00 PM
Yeah some days it's really rough. But she's a trooper. Thx
Date: 2/12/2024 6:06:00 AM
Also Tom , I should have mentioned I loved your composition on the Salem witch trials it's not just about poetry it's about educating others like me the horrors of our past in the hope our tomorrows will be gifted with tolerance and a love for all .A world wide awake to the injustices dispensed by those who lead us , if we chose to follow .
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/13/2024 5:24:00 AM
Thx Daniel
Date: 2/12/2024 5:55:00 AM
Hi Tom , loved your sonnet especially the lines I'd freely sacrifice this earthly shell , to see a lasting smile upon your face. that fior me is the ultimate show of ones love . Your words convey everything love should be . Excellent
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/12/2024 5:57:00 AM
Much thx for stopping by Daniel. This simple sonnet has special meaning for me
Date: 2/4/2024 9:16:00 PM
The deep seated love of a devoted partner, sees only one face to love, only one set of hands to hold, one broken heart to mend and one body drenched with pain to ease. Your gift of this poem to the one you love is priceless. No words can better describe the way you feel than what you wrote in this positively awe inspiring poem Tom. Cheers from a flabbergasted Wen.
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Tom Woody
Date: 2/12/2024 5:58:00 AM
Thx so much for appreciating my tribute to this special person
Date: 2/4/2024 7:23:00 AM
Awesome poem to your wife. Have a good day Tom ;)
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 2/4/2024 9:33:00 AM
Thanks much Bukang
Date: 12/30/2023 12:45:00 PM
Simply beautiful what an awesome write many blessings have a blessed new year
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/30/2023 1:37:00 PM
Hey thx Yolanda
Date: 12/23/2023 9:07:00 AM
Such a sweet poem of your love for your wife Tom. She is a lucky woman to have your devoted love. You are an inspiration to couples who traverse such roads. :)
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/23/2023 9:31:00 AM
Thank you ma'am and have a nice day
Date: 12/18/2023 8:13:00 PM
Such a beautiful Sonnet of love and devotion, dear Tommy. This is a dreadful condition; I know some friends who are on constant painkillers. I certainly hope for some breakthrough soon. Take care and say hi to your lovely wife...Hugs
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/19/2023 5:16:00 AM
Thx for visiting this oldie but goodie
Date: 12/17/2023 8:16:00 PM
A phenomenal pen, dipped in both love and compassinom. Your wife is stunning, Tom! Christmas wishes to lovers! Pangie
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/18/2023 5:20:00 AM
Yes she is and thx much Pange
Date: 12/13/2023 7:11:00 AM
Such a beautiful sonnet you wrote for your wife, Dear Tom - I can imagine how happy and proud she feels! So sad to know about her chronic illness - she is blessed to have a partner like you on her side! Love to both of you ~
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/13/2023 9:02:00 AM
Yes ma'am and thx
Date: 12/9/2023 6:50:00 PM
Very kind of you to write this for her and cherish her in her illness. I am happy to see this relationship exists in such a cold world.
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/13/2023 9:01:00 AM
Thx so much Paige for reading
Date: 12/9/2023 4:12:00 AM
this is a romantic sonnet you wrote for your wife, reiterating your commitment..i'm sure most women would love to receive a sonnet such as this; your wife is blessed to have someone like you, because it makes a big difference to have a supportive partner by your side through illness..
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/9/2023 5:57:00 AM
That's very sweet thx
Date: 12/7/2023 2:04:00 PM
What an honorable man are you. We need more men who will be faithful no matter what the circumstances (I think there are exceptions as in illegal drug use, alcoholism, and abuse and the person will not seek help. Thank you for sharing this one with us..Sara K
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/7/2023 2:16:00 PM
I'm no one special, for sure. Thx for generous comment
Date: 12/7/2023 7:09:00 AM
Magnificent Tom, a beautiful sonnet that captures the tenacity of the "weaker" sex and the depth of love that cherishes their strength.
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/7/2023 1:36:00 PM
I'm glad you could see the sincerity with which it was written. Thx much
Date: 12/6/2023 4:14:00 PM
Such exquisite beauty Tommy - just like your beautiful wife. She is stunning isn’t she, inside and outside. Perfect! So sorry to hear what she has to endure but I’m sensing a very strong spirit here. Love this loving sonnet to her full of tenderness. Such a joy to read such devotion and loyalty. Like Inky has said, you both appear much younger - you are very young at heart I would imagine from reading all your comments, etc. ( I’m like a big kid at times! Peter Pan and all that!)
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/6/2023 4:18:00 PM
We're all still kids at heart. Cosmically speaking, were embryonic! Thx so much for nice comment
Bowring Avatar
Christina Bowring
Date: 12/6/2023 4:15:00 PM
It’s an honour not just reading your poem but getting to know you a bit more. Thank you for sharing this amongst your poetic friends. Much blessings to you both. :) :)
Date: 12/6/2023 9:44:00 AM
not Aphrodite's vernal ivory skin.. nor Cleopatra's jasmine scented hair..could tempt this man to stray in lustful sin… the power a woman can hold over a man’s love, loyalty n longing!!! Strong start!! my promise is to stay through sun and rain remembering the vows made under God.. ok this line got to me!!! let's celebrate our love 'til morning light and may we ne'er forget this cherished night.. aah the magic of your words!! You paint this piece with her purity n pain.. You craft such beauty !!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 12/6/2023 9:47:00 AM
That's quite a comment. Thank you
Date: 12/5/2023 9:12:00 PM
What a sweet poem. I can imagine how happy she must have been reading your poem of deep assurance of support in her chronic painful condition. This is the best a husband can do for his wife. Your dedication and love for your wife is greatly appreciated dear Tom.
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/6/2023 4:37:00 AM
Much thx Valsa
Date: 12/5/2023 1:25:00 PM
This should be my favourite poem of yours. I love the first four lines. Not Cleopatra's jasmine scented hair. Indeed no earthly beauty can shake your love.
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/5/2023 1:26:00 PM
She's the real deal. Thx Tonye
Date: 12/5/2023 10:58:00 AM
Anyone living with pain is a battle only they can go through, but help is always appreciated. Hope your sonnet went down well.
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/5/2023 12:40:00 PM
Sure. She tends to favor the ones that are about her ;) thx
Date: 12/5/2023 6:09:00 AM
Just beautiful Tom, a lovingly expressed anniversary sonnet for your dear wife. Wish you and her the best.
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/5/2023 6:18:00 AM
Much thx for support Dennis
Date: 12/5/2023 4:01:00 AM
Oh my, every word here is filled with so much love and swirling in elegance of pure affection! Your wife looks really sweet and like such a beautiful lady.. I know someone who suffers with fibromyalgia as well and how worse the pain gets.. I do hope that her pain soothes and she gets some relief..You've written a very enchanting sonnet for her, conveying true emotions & I honestly loved reading this, especially that opening with 'Aphrodite' and 'Cleopatra' mentions.. Gorgeously woven! :) a fav
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/5/2023 5:28:00 AM
Despite her pain she is more concerned about what she can do for others than herself. Thx Hiya
Date: 12/5/2023 3:12:00 AM
ah, she must have melted like butter reading this. My prayers are with you and your beautiful wife, may she find comfort in your loving heart always and forever Woody :)
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/5/2023 5:27:00 AM
Very sweet thanks Rose
Date: 12/4/2023 5:22:00 PM
Your words and love have touched my heart and soul, Tom. A beautiful tribute Sonnet to your lovely wife. It is always uplifting to me, to hear words of true love and commitment like you've shared with us, my friend. My prayers are with you both. May God bless the Love you two share. A FAV for my list. Bill
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/4/2023 5:27:00 PM
Thx Bill. I try to write mostly fiction and not reveal to much of myself. I'm glad you appreciated this one
Date: 12/4/2023 1:12:00 PM
An "amateur poet" succeeds. A delightful, heartfelt sonnet paints love in brilliant, knowing colors. ;o)
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/4/2023 1:48:00 PM
Haha. Yep I freely admit it. Thx much for support

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