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The Tempest In Your Heart

O daughter of thunder, slayer of dragons (and of men's hearts), why do you hurt me so? For which sin must I reside in this purgatory of despair, this abyss which allows me no peace nor ray of hope? If I were to serenade you with a sorrowful song might I be forgiven, or would your spite remain? Like an inferno that ravages a man's flesh and scatters his ashes to the four winds, the heat of your wrath torments me to no end. Remember, please, the days of old when trust informed our friendship and lush lyrical gardens were ours to frolic about and delight in. I pine for your touch, your gentle stroke upon my brow, the tender poesy whispered in my ear that brought me to my knees, weeping. This solitude is worse than enduring a hundred hells. If I were to fly across the sea to where you are, would you still forsake me? How I abhor this isolation, this insanity which haunts me in my dreams. I call but you do not answer, your silence more deafening than the horn of battle. I beg you, end this pain. Let us enjoy sweet society once more. Sing to me a lilting lullaby, bring my troubled spirit peace. O daughter of thunder, speak poetic words of comfort and I shall welcome you back with open arms... or will this wicked tempest in your heart last for all eternity? *image not mine

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 4/25/2024 3:44:00 AM
Is it adapted from tempest gy Shakespeare by any chance? I'm Enthralled btw.....its so goooddd
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 4/25/2024 5:27:00 AM
No it sprang from my brain after a tousle with a friend. Thx much
Date: 4/5/2024 7:49:00 AM
What anguish is this? The torment seems terrible. I like the appeal at the end. Moving
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Tom Woody
Date: 4/5/2024 8:19:00 AM
This is an oldie I originally wrote in old English but edited to be more contemporary. Thx for stopping. I've actually written quite a few new ones for PS this go round
Date: 4/1/2024 6:10:00 AM
Romantic lines filled with hope plus pain. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I appreciate your visit to my page. Sara K
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Tom Woody
Date: 4/1/2024 6:13:00 AM
Thx for visit
Date: 3/21/2024 6:46:00 PM
Once, they frolicked in lyrical gardens, enjoying each other's company. The writer longs for the touch of a lover, but the callousness of a former lover has left him alone in unbearable solitude. Nicely written Tommy, but what can one say, except keep away from these daughters of thunder with wickedness in their hearts. Lol...Hugs
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/22/2024 8:20:00 AM
Hmmm who knew Ron was a bad boy lol
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Maria Williams
Date: 3/21/2024 8:38:00 PM
Yes, true, speaking for myself,
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 3/21/2024 6:53:00 PM
They say some girls are drawn to the bad boy types. Is it possible the reverse is also true? Hmmm ... Thx for visit Maria
Date: 3/21/2024 1:54:00 PM
My my Tom I would have to say...? Not wishing To dissalusion you 'by any means' from what I Know when folks..Well turn mean.' They are Like old trout left out in the sun.. Beyond your Touch, if I may say so much.? I reckon just get Concentrated on the positives and let the acerbic ones find a friend who will put them up For a month.' LOL)))) I like the illustration and The wordings good , but people dont work at Life now..' they just imagine now fancy that.!!
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/21/2024 2:07:00 PM
Old trout left out in the sun too long. I get it!
Date: 3/18/2024 2:20:00 AM
I came to know about your poems through mail. A great read, difficult to pen prose poetry when based on reality and imagination. The invocation and the muse is fabulous
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/18/2024 5:45:00 AM
Through mail? Thx much for visit :)
Date: 3/16/2024 3:03:00 PM
Tom, this is interesting. The tempest in our heart could be any internal pain that we carry within. The way you've written this allows me to open it up as a lesson....while likely a love, it could be something else. Daughter of thunder could be allegorical for any hurt we carry within our heart. I might be able to soothe my own heart if I could figure out this ongoing journey. Reflection and adjusting how to think about life's losses and hurts is never easy. You've something special here.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/16/2024 3:25:00 PM
Interesting interpretation and who am I to question it? Very cool
Date: 3/15/2024 1:27:00 AM
I like this piece. I was re-reading it in classical(archaic) English "O daughter daughter of thunder(or daughter of the tempest :):)) slayer of dragons(and mens hearts) why dost thou afflict me so"....enjoyed
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/15/2024 5:09:00 AM
I actually wrote it that way first. I still have the original. Thanks Mo
Date: 3/14/2024 3:24:00 AM
Read this again for it is beautiful.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/14/2024 5:12:00 AM
Date: 3/13/2024 10:22:00 PM
Thanks for your comments I really loved your poems Too Looking forward to seeing more comments from you
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/14/2024 5:12:00 AM
Hey thx Scooby, er, Vic
Date: 3/12/2024 11:20:00 PM
Hi Tom, this is quite beautiful. I’ve written a few prose poems, but not many. When I think of prose poetry, the amazing works of Charles Simic comes to mind. One of his notable prose poems is “The World Doesn’t End.” Here is an excerpt from it, capturing his style: “We were so poor I had to take the place of the bait in the mousetrap. All night I lay awake in the dark, nibbling the cheese and dreaming of the mouse that never came.”
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/13/2024 6:14:00 AM
Interesting excerpt. I'll have to look him up. Thx so much for visit
Date: 3/12/2024 5:49:00 PM
Dear Tom, I adore the dramatic and dynamic emotional expression of your prose poetry. I was all in at "O daughter of thunder, slayer of dragons". Intense, exquisite and artistic! A fav my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/12/2024 6:26:00 PM
A fave from Susan Ashley is the highest honor. Thx much for liking my angsty little poem
Date: 3/11/2024 11:13:00 PM
So very powerful and evocative. It is so sad that you are left in the purgatory of despair. Definitely, your heartfelt plea will not go unattended. I hope you get lifted into seventh heaven soon when she comes and joins you. Your prose is so poetic and it flows freely, dear Tom.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/12/2024 5:38:00 AM
Yeah, he's determined though. Thx Valsa
Date: 3/11/2024 1:24:00 PM
Wow. Blown away. Artful at it's very best. Well done Pete,
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/11/2024 2:23:00 PM
Muchos gracias
Date: 3/11/2024 10:18:00 AM
Tom , I'm absolutely blown away by this poem it is so beautiful , this is so incredibly powerful, I feel your pain , the love and forgiveness this is without question the best poem I have read on here , an absolute favourite for me , simply stunning . This is my kind of poem .
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/11/2024 10:36:00 AM
If you like this style you'll enjoy my collaboration with the excellent Irish poet Liam McDaid titled: Dreamscape Lover. Thx Daniel
Date: 3/11/2024 9:26:00 AM
I am reading many poems hoping for peace in one's soul. And to be expected. We are living in a world where evil is considered good. A powerful write.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/11/2024 10:37:00 AM
I'm with you Victor. Thx for visit
Date: 3/11/2024 5:52:00 AM
Intensity of your words resonates throughout--an invitation so heartfelt won't go unanswered. Impressed by the power of your vocabulary, Tom.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/11/2024 5:53:00 AM
Thx Veej. I like the feel and sound of some of the older style poetry. Not everyone's gig
Date: 3/11/2024 4:02:00 AM
Wow the kind of “prose” that made me resonate and feel the depth of emotions expressed here; daughter of thunder; what a powerful way to address, i love your slight use of alliterations, similes, metaphors and descriptive diction throughout this and how evocative and soul hitting your lines are: i think this is one of my most fave poems written by you! Impeccable! I loved “ slayer of dragons (and of men's hearts), why do you hurt me so?“ that hit strong “ serenade you with a sorrowful song mi”
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/11/2024 5:51:00 AM
It's a bit old style so surprised you like it but thrilled you do. Have an awesome week
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 3/11/2024 4:05:00 AM
Would the spite remain? Ah those with onyx hearts so frozen wouldnt shake for a song really! Ah but i just love the way you sound so sincere and how evocative those lines are: o the longing, solitude; silence of that is deafening; (some use silence as a form of abuse too emotional) every word here is so touching, the ending too is brilliant! And beautiful pic to go with it so fitting! Fave it is
Date: 3/10/2024 5:42:00 PM
Yes, it will. Nice one Tom. Loved the imagery.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 3/11/2024 5:52:00 AM
Her tempest fit will remain? GAAA! Oh well, it happens. Thx Tonje
Date: 3/10/2024 4:38:00 PM
the somewhat archaic tone isn't really my thing, so it doesn't melt this ice maiden's heart, but i'll read it anyway, just because
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/10/2024 4:42:00 PM
The original was Shakespearean but I toned it down. I try to be as eclectic as possible. Win some lose some :)
Date: 3/10/2024 3:51:00 PM
' I shall welcome you back with open arms. ' Words of comfort, indeed. Even though waiting is difficult, there's peace knowing that God will provide the answer, not in your time; but in His time. Your thoughts touch my heart.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/10/2024 3:58:00 PM
Kind of angsty I know but more along the lines of what you like. Thx
Date: 3/10/2024 12:43:00 PM
Your poem opens with a powerful invocation, addressing the subject of their longing as the "daughter of thunder" and the "slayer of dragons." These vivid metaphors evoke a sense of awe and fear, underscoring the intensity of emotions and their perception of the subject's power... However, leaves the question of reconciliation unanswered, leaving the reader to ponder the possibility of redemption and the enduring power of forgiveness in the face of emotional upheaval.... Nicely done Tom
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/10/2024 12:45:00 PM
Haha. I love your analyses. Yeah, she's a force of nature this one. Makes having her a must
Date: 3/10/2024 10:57:00 AM
You have to forgive and reach out. Poignant poem.
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/10/2024 12:40:00 PM
Tell her that :)
Date: 3/9/2024 11:48:00 PM
This is a powerful, impactful piece of so well written prose dear Tom. The title is so captivating and grabs the reader from the start alongside the picture. The longing, despair and anguish of separation cries out across the ocean for the object of desire, yearning, wanting. You have profoundly expressed the torment of being separated from the loved one - one that could drive the desperate lover to insanity. A mind and heart so tormented that it longs for peace that only reconciliation could
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/10/2024 12:40:00 PM
Nailed it. Thx much Christina
Bowring Avatar
Christina Bowring
Date: 3/9/2024 11:50:00 PM
bring. Great storyteller from you as always. Hope you have a peaceful Sunday and hope your wife is feeling better. :):)
Date: 3/9/2024 6:45:00 PM
Quite powerful... in both words and imagery... An impressive piece of writing, Tom!
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Tom Woody
Date: 3/10/2024 12:40:00 PM
Always good to hear from you Kel

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry