Wave and Shore
I am a wave.
From far I come to you
Swimming with desire.
In wild curls I come,
Riding with music,
Travelling on sunbeams.
Within my hidden folds,
I carry the thoughts of love,
Wishing to rest on the shore.
Lashing playfully, I come,
Looping into a sensational hug!
But how sad, I can only embrace you
Just for a brief moment!
Over our heads, seagulls wing.
Around us, soapy foams giggle.
In wild ecstasy, I roar,
Crashing my head on your breast.
But I am made to drift away,
Leaving nothing behind,
But a stretch of dampened sand,
Reminding that we have once met.
Can I ever hold you again?
Wish I could once more,
Rush into your arms.
Sometimes I feel,
I am on an eternal journey.
With desires unappeased,
I continue traveling miles.
Let us be a pair of seagulls,
Flying in tandem, you forever,
Staying close to me,
With your wind under my wings!
Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2023
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