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Poems by Jan Allison

Jan Allison - LIFETIME Premium Member Jan Allison - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Isle Of Man poet Jan Allison. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Jan Allison.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/27/2025 Not today Tumbleweed 198 Limerick
03/26/2025 Jimmy Riddle 340 Limerick
03/23/2025 Blue cheese and old pickles 127 Free verse
03/22/2025 Irish Phallus-See - bawdy poem 488 Limerick
03/21/2025 what a shame about his name! - bawdy warning 538 Limerick
03/18/2025 St Patrick’s Day Blunder 408 Limerick
03/16/2025 Betrayal 283 Rhyme
03/15/2025 My First Pet 252 Couplet
03/14/2025 Winter Warmer - Bawdy limerick warning 292 Limerick
03/12/2025 Bride and Gloom 229 Monoku
03/10/2025 No More Coercive Control - FICTIONAL POEM 334 Free verse
03/08/2025 WHEN DID YOU LAST SEE YOUR FATHER! 348 Monoku
03/05/2025 OVER THE RAINBOW 288 Rhyme
03/04/2025 Tu Hung-Lo 266 Senryu
03/02/2025 MANGY MONGREL 336 Haiku
03/01/2025 kingfisher 258 Haiku
02/27/2025 Sensational Sunset 392 Monoku
02/25/2025 BAWDY LIMERICK 384 Limerick
02/20/2025 KILLER ON THE LOOSE 477 Etheree
02/17/2025 A FISHY TALE 637 Rhyme
02/14/2025 He really Cocked Up on Valentine’s Day 495 Senryu
02/04/2025 my cynical valentine - bawdy 616 Senryu
02/03/2025 Candy Crushed - poop humour warning! 508 Limerick
02/02/2025 The 'Queen of Poop' returns! 453 Limerick
02/01/2025 Tribute to my Vogon Valentine 459 Vogon Poetry
01/29/2025 Perhaps in the time voters will realise they made a huge cock up! 300 Senryu
01/24/2025 THE GIRLS ARE BACK IN TOWN! 512 Limerick
01/23/2025 Lost and found 394 Triolet
01/20/2025 It's in his kiss 321 Rhyme
01/19/2025 Absolute blooming creativity! 405 ABC
01/16/2025 Precious Pussycat 565 Quintain (English)
01/11/2025 Burning Love 846 Limerick
01/07/2025 Holiday Fun 401 Limerick
12/30/2024 Resolutions 580 Pleiades
12/18/2024 Stollen 769 Pleiades
12/12/2024 Santa Pause 583 Rhyme
12/10/2024 Fairy Fantasy 349 Rhyme
12/01/2024 I am thankful for 639 Rhyme
11/27/2024 Toilet Humour and Risque Rhymes - new book 1173 Limerick
11/25/2024 He's cracked it! 596 Limerick
11/13/2024 ROCKET MAN - FOR JOSEPH MAY 808 Limerick
11/06/2024 Sky watcher 777 Monoku
11/05/2024 My definition of hell on earth! 718 Monoku
10/31/2024 Holiday Limericks 651 Limerick
10/15/2024 His brothers are spell bound! 961 Limerick
10/13/2024 Absolute proof that I am the queen of poop 764 Monoku
10/10/2024 No Strings Attached 529 Limerick
10/07/2024 life after death 561 Jueju
10/07/2024 The Mouse with the Hat 469 Couplet
10/06/2024 The Fairmile Guest House 349 Limerick
10/01/2024 A I poems on Poetry soup 511 Lyric
09/22/2024 signs of autumn 604 Haiku
08/28/2024 Olivia Newton-John 1131 Limerick
08/27/2024 God KNOWS - I'm a poop poet! 656 Monoku
08/24/2024 Circus Dancer 628 Monoku
08/22/2024 My Favourite Poet - Inspired by Arthur Vaso's Poem of the Day 659 Limerick
08/20/2024 Dress to impress!- bawdy humour 747 Limerick
08/18/2024 I Am Fear 687 Quintain (Sicilian)
07/26/2024 Beach babe - a little bawdy 780 Limerick
07/25/2024 Head Boy 823 Limerick
07/20/2024 A cock and bull tale - Risque Rhyme 808 Limerick
07/18/2024 The Latest Soup Scoop 852 Monoku
07/06/2024 Dental Drama 770 Limerick
07/03/2024 Poetry cheats 708 Acrostic
07/02/2024 Raindrops 660 Free verse
06/29/2024 Ten a day - inspired by Deb M's POTD 1084 Limerick
06/28/2024 summer 653 Haiku
06/20/2024 Donald John Trump 876 Clerihew
06/13/2024 Prepare for take off 651 Verse
05/23/2024 Girl with a pearl earring 944 Ekphrasis
05/12/2024 Ewe Called 732 Limerick
05/08/2024 Heather on the hills - BAWDY WARNING 964 Limerick
05/01/2024 Doggone 726 Limerick
04/23/2024 Paper chase Ephemera 711 Free verse
04/21/2024 Zephyr 401 Rhyme
04/16/2024 Yellow 649 Couplet
04/08/2024 HIGH TEA 876 Limerick
04/07/2024 SOCK IT TO ME 799 Personification
03/26/2024 CAGE RAGE 844 Limerick
03/21/2024 Sun 788 Personification
03/17/2024 Blue 336 List
03/16/2024 Uplifting 413 Acrostic
02/27/2024 THE QUEEN OF POOP FIGHTS BACK! 994 Limerick
02/19/2024 Spring time 539 Etheree
02/13/2024 When Trust Has Been Broken 699 Rhyme
02/09/2024 Pour reeding and righting 548 Limerick
01/27/2024 Beach Bummer - BAWDY WARNING 857 Limerick
01/23/2024 Autumn 655 Haiku
01/22/2024 Precipice 598 Acrostic
01/21/2024 Valentines Day Dilema 401 Rhyme
01/20/2024 Moonlight Shadows 448 Fibonacci
01/16/2024 Tea Time 497 Personification
01/15/2024 Bouquet Blunder 613 Limerick
01/11/2024 Winter Magic 458 Rhyme
01/04/2024 Oblivion 489 Acrostic
12/30/2023 Total transformation in 2023 660 Sijo
11/28/2023 La Luna's Lure 618 Alliteration
11/25/2023 DIVORCE 574 Acrostic


Quote Left Forget working out ...the only six pack I'm ever going to get is chocolate! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Jan Allison

Quote Left Many parents take their screaming babies to a baby changing room - but sadly no one will swap Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Jan Allison

Quote Left Mum knows best... but our children THINK they know better! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Jan Allison


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Thought I better get round to writing a bit about myself. 

I'm married and live on the Isle of Man 

My poetry journey began in November 2013 after my husband was diagnosed with cancer. The first poem I wrote was called was Splendid Isolation. This was written after we returned to the Isle of Man after his surgery in England. I felt so alone and vulnerable in the accommodation  - all I really needed was someone to talk to face to face and maybe have a hug! I posted a few poems on a friends facebook page - mainly humerous poems . An on-line friend Jenny Brewer saw my poems and kept telling me to join here. It took about 3 weeks of her asking me if i had joined to pluck up the courage to finally post and 'Just Desserts'  was the first poem I posted here - it is based on a true experience! Since then my life has been a whirl.  In Jared Pickett's collaboration I teamed up with Darren Watson and we wrote together collaboratively as JaDazzle United.

I adore penguins - the animals not the biscuits!
Loveeeee tall men with greying hair
I love baking/cooking
I like to potter in the garden - need more time to commit to it but have an aged mother who needs me more than my garden does
Adore most types of music - will give anything a listen
Best ever gig - Knebworth 1986 when 'Queen' headlined

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry