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Candy Crushed - poop humour warning!

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Trump's tarrifs (if they go ahead) will affect the whole world not just mexico, Canada and China. Be afraid, be VERY afraid.


Though craving their sweet choc chip pieces I’m boycotting candy by Meeses I loathe, nay abhor This global trade war Trump's tariffs – what a crock of faeces!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/5/2025 5:14:00 AM
Love "Candy crushed" and agree with its message. We're in for trying times.
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Date: 2/4/2025 1:12:00 PM
- Your humor is priceless... (even though some people scare me) - hugs
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Date: 2/3/2025 7:06:00 PM
oh, yes, you have this a....hole's number
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/4/2025 2:00:00 AM
I am SO glad to see China Canada and Mexico fighting back ! hugs Jan xx
Date: 2/3/2025 1:56:00 PM
He's a felon with a paunch the size of a watermelon. A mouth that looks like a worm hole and is a heartless beast who has no soul. He's placing tariffs and tolls on our neighbors... and wants to be a king that no one can control. He's already made a deal with Mexico's lady president. She stood her ground. Jan, I'm not giving up my peanut butter cups!
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/3/2025 2:27:00 PM
You sure summed it up so eloquently I'm glad Canada and Mexico are standing up to the weasel. I'd never heard of let alone tried peanut butter cups until Tim Smith mentioned them one day and I managed to source some dark chocolate ones - totally lush! hugs Jan xx
Date: 2/3/2025 1:06:00 PM
We need all the giggles we can get, thank you! Blatantly expressed tariffs with the intent to crush us as a nation and make us the 51st state is not being taken lightly here in the land of toques and poutine. My nervous system is hating this. xomo
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/3/2025 1:45:00 PM
We can see what he is trying to do Mo - I hope he gets his just desserts and Canada, China and Mexico retaliate:-( hugs jan xx
Date: 2/3/2025 12:27:00 PM
believe me, jan, i am very afraid and can't imagine how we'll get through the next four years considering the damage he's already done in such a short time. it's embarrassing to know that the whole world is watching the fiasco our government has become. write on!
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/3/2025 12:33:00 PM
I know some won't agree with my anti trump poems but i write as I see and try and raise a smile and its the whole world who should worry:-( hugs jan xx God help America (and us all) xx
Date: 2/3/2025 12:19:00 PM
Jan, thanks for this one. Many of us realize he’s doing this just for kicks. The idea is to scare everyone including our friends. If they were really smart, both Canada and Mexico would close the border with the US and ride it out. People in the US are not used to any hardship. This really is the time for the entire world to stand up to this psychotic bully and disgusting international menace.
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/4/2025 2:01:00 AM
I'm SO glad to see folk standing up to the bully boy Lin! hugs Jan xx
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Lin Lane
Date: 2/3/2025 1:58:00 PM
You're right, Duke. He's a bully boy using scare tactics because he has the power. A felon cannot vote but he can become president. How ludicrous!
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/3/2025 12:32:00 PM
I couldn't resist that final line Duke, he is an embarrassment on so many levels and a dangerous man if he doesnt get his own way - a psychotic bully - yep I agree! hugs Jan xx
Date: 2/3/2025 12:11:00 PM
The Uk will be next on his list, hopefully he'll give us a miss, along with Musk, maybe they'll bite the dust, well anyway that's my wish. Have a lovely evening Jan. xx
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Jan Allison
Date: 2/3/2025 12:17:00 PM
I worry for us too John, he is a loose cannon, shame he can't get fired! hugs jan xx

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