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AI is NOT a teaching aid for poetry & Copyright - Suzette Richards's Blog

About Suzette Richards
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Poetry has been my passion since my retirement from an accountancy based career a dozen years ago. I currently live in South Africa and this rainbow nation has inspired many of my poems. I also have British nationality and embrace their grammar and spelling, but I read widely and am not fazed by strict grammar rules: A pavement/sidewalk; glasses/eyeglasses; judgement/judgment, et cetera; they are one and the same to me when I read poetry. To date, I have self-published a number of books, including the poetry anthology by international poets, © Time, 2014 ISBN 978-0-620-60578-6, and have been cited in many international publications, both poetry journals, as well as in scholarly handbooks. Some of my short stories have been published in international electronic publications, and one of my novellas had been short-listed for an Afrikaans SA publication.

I serve on the Board of Advisers, of Taleemi Baithak. (See my blog, Words of Wisdom, 29 September 2023.)

I have a number of poetic forms to my credit, notably, Suzette Prime (listed here on PoetrySoup), as well as Suzette sonnet.

My most recent books which include examples of my poetry as well as notes regarding poetry - available directly from me:

  1. © The Eutony of Words, 2018 ISBN 978-0-6399382-0-2
  2. © Docendo discimus, 2021 (Revised 2023) ISBN 978-0-620-95432-7
  3. © Flight of Thoughts, 2023 ISBN 978-0-6397-8880-7
  4. © Downtown - Poetic Devices, 2023 ISBN 978-0-7961-1968-1
  5.  © Rocking Poetry, 2033 ISBN 978-0-7961-2824-9

I am pleased to be part of this vibrant poetry community.

My avatar: Free spirit, by Suzette Richards 2023 - image generated.

AI is NOT a teaching aid for poetry & Copyright

Blog Posted:10/5/2024 7:17:00 AM

AI-GENERATED material is not copyrighted, except under special circumstances:

       AI and Copyright Law: What We Know | Built In

Following on to a comment made on one of the earlier blogs that using AI to generate poems to act as training wheels so to speak until the person gets the hang of it is a good thing, can’t be further from the truth – it is a machine: rubbish in, rubbish out (just faster). A person’s brain is far more developed than any AI, especially in the sphere of creating and design. Think of the Tesla cars that don’t seem to quite get it right with the many design faults, eg batteries, windows, etc.

Granted, AI has its uses in literature. It saves me time and effort to read a poetry analysis online that someone else had gone to the trouble of generating (also saving on my data). Sometimes it might produce interesting text as it did in the following piece I used in my Reverse Graffiti contest held April 2024 – I was rather chaffed with myself for choosing just the right prompt for the CoPilot app.


 The light, a celestial dancer, obeys your whispered command. It pirouettes through the veil of existence, bending and refracting, weaving prismatic tapestries at your behest. In its luminescent waltz, it paints the cosmos with hues unseen, illuminating secrets whispered by the ancient stars. You, the conjurer, stand at the crossroads of reality, a weaver of constellations. With each gesture, you bend the fabric of time, twisting fate into new patterns. The auroras bow before you, their emerald veils swaying in reverence. The moon, a silver coin in your palm, dances to your cosmic symphony. Will you summon dawn’s blush, coaxing the sun from its slumber? Or shall you veil the world in twilight, casting shadows upon the land? The light, your loyal companion, awaits your whispered decree. For in your hands lies the alchemy of existence, where miracles bloom and stars bow. So command, enchantress of photons, and watch as the universe bends, yielding to your will. 


However, AI cannot and should not be used to teach people how to write poetry; because the long and the short of it is that it just can’t write decent poetry to save its artificial life. It seems to want to rhyme anything and everything in kindergarten level rhyme. Here are some examples of the mess that AI generates. Remember that AI can’t create, but only regurgitates what it can read from various sources on the internet.



Magis Of The Orient
Magis Sent from East
With presents on hand
Wishing, walking with glued hand
By land ravelled from Orient far
Praying, bowing before the mightiest Star
Never before in a lifetime…


AI-generated this BS at my request, dated 5 June 2024, for an example of a Suzette Prime poem. It cited Suzette Prime poems posted at PoetrySoup as its reference, and I checked the sample poems listed. I was horrified!

First off, Suzette Prime is a Syllabic Verse and therefore, has no rhyme or metre: hand/hand, and far/Star.

Prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 … Therefore, the following lines are incorrect.

  1. By land ravelled from Orient far (9 syllables)
  2. Never before in a lifetime (8 syllables)

Suzette Prime instructs poets not to use capital letters (except in the case of proper nouns). Therefore ‘Sent’ and ‘Star’, as well as ALL the capitalisation of the first letters in the lines are incorrect.

{Edit] The following poem is not enough text to analyse by the AI checkers, but it is entirely my own creation. My Suzette Prime poems test on average 15% probability for AI content as the poetic form with its distinctive phrases (instead of sentences) creates a different rhythm to that of standard poetry, ie it does not conform to rules such as rhyme and metre.

Here is what Suzette Prime should look like:


the pulchritudinous moonwake captivates 



implicature is 



as our psyche thirst for light

so poetry shines into the recesses

illuminates umpteen flaws


provides balm for forsaken

© Suzette Richards (2023)



Beneath the glow of a grand chandelier, [10]

Heroes rise, their hearts devoid of fear. [9]


This was AI-generated on 5 October 2024. I have highlighted the stressed syllables. It is a rhyming couplet that must be in iambic pentameter throughout, ie ten syllables per line: */|*/|*/|*/|*/

Here is what a Heroic Couplet/Verse should look like (meter highlighted for ease of reference):


Like burnt-out logs on ice-cold firedogs nudge,

emotions crumble at tentative touch.

© Suzette Richards (2023)



There once was a man named Nate, [7]

Who yawned at a furious rate. [8]

His stretch was so grand, [5]

It spanned the whole land, [5]

And now he’s known as “Stretchy Nate the Great.” [10]


This was AI-generated 5 October 2024. Even making allowances for the fact that the Limerick has an oral tradition and recited rather than read, it is no excuse for the very uneven line lengths and the “meter” that is all over the place (I have highlighted the stressed syllables per usual speech patterns). For some fine examples of Limerick, see the contest results page for this poetic form listed here at PoetySoup.

From the above, it can be seen that AI’s poetry skills are not improving with age (4 months later) – some old, same old. Also see my example posted in the footnotes: Sonnet for Suzette. I will not even start on the sonnets and other classic poetic forms that it butchers with its hackneyed rhymes and old school “imagery” and tired “metaphors” – rife with clichés.  AI is not to be trusted to influence future poets, as it would lead them up the garden path. Not that it cares one jot as it has no emotions …It might be here to stay, but with a Dunce cap on its head in the classroom corner.



[Edit] Contests: I would like to suggest that the minimum number of entries per contest is lowered from 35 to 20. This will allow for a quicker turnover of some of the contests that, from my experience as a sponsor, seem to stall and often filled up at a later date with spam (text unrelated to the contest and AI-generated material). Sponsors would obviously still have the choice to increase this number (as is the current practice). TPS vetoed this suggestion as it is not about a quick turnaround, but keeping the quality of the contests in tact.√

The winners’ lists of contests are ideal sources of information on poetry and highly recommended, especially to the new poets.


Some people might be content to read any which way poetry, but AI does not belong in contests where poets are celebrated for their originality and skills. My suggestion is that TPS add an option under Poem Form on the submission page to allow those poets who like to post AI-generated poetry (and see no fault in doing so) to indicate the source of their poems. By the same token, TPS could remove the threat of expulsion from the site to make it easier for them to come forward. I am calling on transparency, not only in the poetry, but all material posted on here. TPS is looking into this ...

[Edit] Team PoetrySoup has added AI generated under the CATEGORY section on the submission form. Thank you :) 8 October 2024

Only English Language Poems Allowed. AI generated poetry must be designated as such in the category field. No Links, titles, or additional text. Just the poem text. Thanks.

[Edit] To pick out newly posted poems from the link provided (New Poems) dealing with the topic of AI or having AI content, click on the ‘Category’ button and it would list all the ‘a’ categories first, amongst which you would find this. It is also a great way to search for poems per category that interest you. 10 October 2024

PoetrySoup is not my property, but it has been my emotional haven for more than a dozen years and I would hate to see it go down the drain.

Happy weekend, Soupers


Postscript: My poems are now open for comments. I had a 3 month mourning period for a good friend who passed away in June. Thank you for understanding.

Burden of Proof 

For the sceptics regarding AI coming out of the closet: I have for a long time used AI to generate material for my blogs, and it was even the star of the show in my abovementioned contest - these insets are clearly identified (see my blog above for examples). I have now posted a poem where I had used AI to sketch the bare bones of it and I reworked it, eg the rhyme, word choices, etc - the final stanza is entirely my creation; something that is as clear as daylight to those with a keen eye for detail. That brings us to 'transparency'. I would like it if ANY material posted that has been AI-generated, would be clearly marked as such (similar to citing the sources as a footnote - see my latest articles here at PoetySoup for examples where I cite the sources/references).

The Heir (

This is what the early edition of an AI-generated poem looks like (it has not improved much with age …)

Sonnet for Suzette

From Roy Jerden, via ChatGPT 

O Beauty, thou art like the morning light,
Refreshing, fair and with a radiance bright;
Thou fill'st my heart with joy, my soul with grace,
And art the muse that leads me to this place.

Like summer's eve, thou art serene and still,
And yet within thee lies a fiery will,
A spirit bold, that doth my senses fire,
With love and wonder, higher and higher.

Thou art the sunshine of my every day,
The star that shines upon my darkened way;
And in thy presence, all my fears depart,
Leaving behind a calm and tranquil heart.

So let me bask in thy sweet-scented beams,
And with my love, sing sweet and endless dreams.



In parting, I would like to leave you with the following thought – AI material does not make one FEEL:

Poetry is what happens when your mind stops working, and for a moment, all you do is feel.  ~The 2nd-century Greek philosopher, Atticus.

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Date: 10/6/2024 7:58:00 AM
Thanks for your email. "My suggestion is that TPS add an option under Poem Form on the submission page to allow those poets who like to post AI-generated poetry (and see no fault in doing so) to indicate the source of their poems." We replied to your email. We think this is an interesting idea. We are considering it...figuring out a way to consider it without encouraging it.
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Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/8/2024 7:26:00 AM
Thank you Team PoetrySoup for including 'AI generated' under the CATEGORY section of the poetry submission form. I have updated my poem, The Heir, in line with this. Update: This category has now been removed.
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/7/2024 10:52:00 AM
It should be easy enough to add "AI content" (and leave it at that - no % required), at the top of the list to select the Poem Form from. Under the red highlighted field: " AI-generated poems unless specied above". Many poets pick incorrectly the Poem Form for their poem anyway, so I don't think that it would have such a great impact. If they feel strongly about it, the poetic form could be listed under "Key notes".
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/7/2024 4:36:00 AM
TPS If sponsors are to continue judging blind, then a report button needs also be installed to report those poems suspected of being 100% AI (or a large portion of it). It goes without saying that those poems would not place. In other words, the poem would normally have been excluded from entering the contest (flagged). We are running contests to entertain and sometimes educate, but we are not the Moral Police.
Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 10/7/2024 3:41:00 AM
That's a good point, although they currently sign that's it not AI now and that hasn't deterred them. Each contest can already have it's own rules and no AI can be one of them. Maybe we should have a AI contest and scrutinise the crafty humans doctoring their AI poetry to win haha (although saying that I think an AI contest would be interesting as AI can do wonderful things in the right hands - it just needs the honesty attached to it and the ability to screen it out if it's not what you want to read)
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/7/2024 2:06:00 AM
DD, I still hold that NO AI-generated poetry will be allowed in contests. This will obviously follow that those who are dishonest, would be reported to TPS for action as they see fit. Perhaps the poem in question removed from this site? My proposed 'remedy' might be the first step towards destigmatising AI-generated content - there would be no reason for people not to be open and honest about it, unless they consciously set out to deceive, and that says more about their character than the offending poem(s) ;)
Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 10/7/2024 1:15:00 AM
It's definitely a good idea and if a filter could be added to the new poems list to remove those identified as AI so we can read real poetry and not have the most recent 100 as AI obscuring real poets work. It's a shame that idea requires honesty though...
Parker Avatar
Arlo Parker
Date: 10/6/2024 4:46:00 PM
Splendid addition. Interesting to see who will admit posting artificial emotion and beauty. Bravo, TPS.
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/6/2024 8:49:00 AM
Thank you.
Date: 10/5/2024 8:11:00 AM
It depends what training means to people. If training is 'show me the poem fixed' then it's poor. If it is asked to indicate the weaknesses in a poem and advise if the next version is better then it's not too bad. I've had my poetry critiqued online by Rattle poetry journal, by published poets, by peers and by AI. My feedback is the same (and don't I know it - edit and tell us what you're talking about!) so I find it quite good, if only as a way to not bore my friends asking the same thing.
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Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/5/2024 8:29:00 AM
Your description of feedback has merit. I was on one site some years ago when the only feedback was that my poems where rubbish (a stronger word was used). Did I learn from that? No, I went on the internet to do some research, only to find that poetry, like any language, has moved on and what I thought were valid points, no longer applied. Reading modern poets might still be the best form of education there is. Thanks for the tip the other day, DD :)
Date: 10/5/2024 7:22:00 AM
Suzette, great blog, lots of wonderful information, and I totally agree the worst training tool ever created. This only makes a new writer lazy and unable to grasp the concept of poetry writing. Constance
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Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 10/5/2024 7:28:00 AM
Thank, Constance. The best way to learn anything is with a pen and paper - not me saying so, but top educationalists. We poets are a dying breed, but will persevere :)

My Past Blog Posts

Han Kang - Nobel Prize in Literature 2024
Date Posted: 10/10/2024 7:31:00 AM
AI is NOT a teaching aid for poetry & Copyright
Date Posted: 10/5/2024 7:17:00 AM
Message from Eileen
Date Posted: 9/22/2024 9:34:00 PM
Pie-in-the-sky - NEW CONTEST
Date Posted: 9/15/2024 12:42:00 AM
The Enigma of Rhyme and Metre
Date Posted: 9/2/2024 11:09:00 PM
Back when tigers used to smoke
Date Posted: 8/25/2024 12:26:00 AM
MOTHER SAID with Refractory Rhymes - NEW CONTEST
Date Posted: 8/15/2024 11:25:00 PM
Collective nouns - senryu - A Heads-up
Date Posted: 8/14/2024 11:38:00 PM
My Contests and Questions
Date Posted: 8/5/2024 12:13:00 AM
Collective Nouns and Senryu - NEW CONTEST
Date Posted: 7/24/2024 11:51:00 AM
9 is not PRIME – List of Punctuation marks
Date Posted: 7/22/2024 11:06:00 AM
Happy Birth Date Nikola Tesla with The Tesla 3-6-9
Date Posted: 7/10/2024 12:03:00 AM
9 is not PRIME – New Contest and Selection Process
Date Posted: 7/5/2024 9:38:00 PM
Poetry Should be Felt – Suzette Prime
Date Posted: 7/5/2024 12:13:00 AM
Poetry should be Felt – A HEADS-UP
Date Posted: 6/27/2024 10:04:00 PM
Suzette Prime contest - relaxing the NO punctuation rule
Date Posted: 6/18/2024 9:51:00 AM
Voir dire
Date Posted: 6/12/2024 11:48:00 PM
Poetry should be Felt – NEW CONTEST
Date Posted: 6/5/2024 12:40:00 AM
Closet Drama Defined
Date Posted: 5/23/2024 4:54:00 AM
Poetry seen through the colour wheel
Date Posted: 5/19/2024 2:43:00 AM
Happy Mother's Day
Date Posted: 5/12/2024 12:09:00 AM
Curtains - NEW CONTEST
Date Posted: 5/5/2024 1:28:00 AM
Reverse Graffiti – FINALISED
Date Posted: 5/5/2024 1:18:00 AM
Don't take my words for it
Date Posted: 4/28/2024 1:37:00 AM
Nursery Rhymes - The Sequel
Date Posted: 4/19/2024 9:05:00 PM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
10/10/2024 BALLAD OF ELEANOR RIGBY Balladmusic,
10/10/2024 long winter Haikunature,
10/8/2024 Life is a garden Suzette Primeanalogy,birth,death,flowe
10/7/2024 Friday the Thirteenth Balladculture,
10/6/2024 The Heir Metrical TaleAI generated,mythology,
10/6/2024 Lost and Found Teeth Limerickbird,boy,humorous,
10/5/2024 Inevitable Suzette Primeanalogy,
10/2/2024 Avarice Enclosed Rhymeanalogy,
9/29/2024 HURRICANE HELENE Juejuanalogy,symbolism,
9/28/2024 Stranded in Peace Quatrainnature,
9/26/2024 Insidious AI Concreteintegrity,poems,poetry,po
9/22/2024 Celestial Reinforcement Imagismdepression,moon,
9/13/2024 Pie-in-the-sky Versesatire,
9/7/2024 Vanishing Point Free verselife,
9/3/2024 Love Conquers All Hybronnetlove,
9/3/2024 The Scent of Words in the Air Shapeinspiration,poetry,
8/23/2024 Le Clown au Cirque Monokusad,
8/15/2024 The Co-dependent Pantoumaddiction,
7/25/2024 a loveliness Senryulanguage,nature,
7/19/2024 For the Love of Nectar Alexandrineanalogy,bird,love,
7/11/2024 Emmanuel Macron - When an A Makes All the Difference Clerihewhumorous,language,
7/10/2024 Mother said --- Versehumorous,mother,
7/8/2024 The Earth from a Distance Sonnetnostalgia,
7/8/2024 SWING Acrosticlife,
7/7/2024 Existential Dramatic Versepsychological,
7/5/2024 Lingering Dusk Free verseallegory,analogy,flower,n
7/3/2024 The Dancer Otherdance,emotions,joy,
6/14/2024 A Child of Light Otherdaughter,
6/10/2024 Cultural Mores Mirror Free verseintrospection,
6/7/2024 Ocean Glass Quatrainemotions,introspection,
6/5/2024 Cave canem Suzette Primefear,
5/31/2024 Layers of Life Enclosed Rhymelife,remember,
5/17/2024 Fair and Square Coupletdance,
5/13/2024 Love Lauded in Song Free verseromance,
5/13/2024 The Truth in Time Sonnethorse,mythology,
5/9/2024 Silence of the Sea Otherpeace,
5/6/2024 Love Sonnetlove,pain,
4/6/2024 From Purgatory to Paradise Haibunafrica,nature,
3/22/2024 Autumn Sonnetanalogy,autumn,
2/23/2024 The Last Leaf Tankaautumn,feelings,friend,im
2/20/2024 To everything there is a season Otherlife,nature,seasons,
2/9/2024 Redamancy in Venice Sedokalove,
2/3/2024 Quiescent Versephilosophy,
1/29/2024 On a Thesaurus Diet Suzette Primeanalogy,nature,philosophy
1/23/2024 The Wind Teased Sijoloss,
12/9/2023 Wabi-sabi Verseanalogy,culture,life,
11/23/2023 Into the Sanctity of Mount Everest Suzette Primeintrospection,philosophy,
11/3/2023 Moonwake Suzette Primemetaphor,nature,philosoph
10/16/2023 The Rocking Chair of Memories Suzette Primeanalogy,memory,metaphor,p
10/5/2023 Eidolon Sonnetlife,
9/30/2023 Free As a Bird Suzette Primefreedom,introspection,
9/10/2023 The Dilatory Thought Verseintrospection,
8/25/2023 Through the Keyhole Iambic Pentameterdream,fantasy,
8/8/2023 View From Basement Flat Dramatic Verserelationship,
7/27/2023 When Doves Cry Terzanelleeulogy,
7/26/2023 You Shall Reap What You Sow Ekphrasisart,
7/8/2023 Graceful Lily Sonnetpoetess,
6/21/2023 Thalassophile Alexandrinesea,
6/17/2023 Girls On the Bridge - Edvard Munch 1899 Ekphrasisart,
6/14/2023 Recombobulating Chaos Free versenature,
6/10/2023 Relativity - a Vignette Prose Poetryemotions,
5/27/2023 Dreamscape Suzette Primedream,metaphor,philosophy
5/25/2023 The Seeds of Time Quatrainanalogy,introspection,met
5/24/2023 The Moon By Day Sonnetromance,
5/13/2023 Too Old For Mother's Day Free versemothers day,
5/8/2023 Discord and Peace Ekphrasisanalogy,anger,angst,child
5/6/2023 Thick Mist - Wujue Juejuanalogy,nature,
4/22/2023 If a Tree Should Fall Suzette Primedream,philosophy,
4/19/2023 Like Burnt-Out Logs Heroic Coupletemotions,simile,
4/18/2023 An Attenuated Tree Branch Personificationimagery,metaphor,nature,
4/12/2023 Verismo Suzette Primeanalogy,introspection,met
4/6/2023 A Tree Tankaanalogy,image,nature,
4/5/2023 The Welkin - and - the Influences Juejuanalogy,nature,
4/1/2023 The Custodians - a Contemporary Fairytale Othernature,
3/19/2023 Alone Suzette Primeanalogy,inspiration,metap
3/9/2023 A Waste of Space Proseculture,introspection,lit
2/15/2023 Passion - Metaphorical Realism Suzette Primeart,extended metaphor,pas
1/30/2023 Dare To Take a Stand - Zettie's Sonnet Sonnetmetaphor,
1/30/2023 I Dance With Shadows - Yclept Sonnet Sonnetanalogy,city,dream,metaph
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12/9/2022 By the Silvery Light of a Moon Sonnetmythology,romance,
11/12/2022 Either Way Sonnetanalogy,nature,parody,sat
10/6/2022 Redamancy Lament Suzette Primeafrica,analogy,grief,lost
9/23/2022 You Are the Music Sonnetlove,poetry,
9/9/2022 Thank You Ma'Am - In Memoriam Queen Elizabeth Ii Sonnetdeath,funeral,grief,in me
7/20/2022 Ignorance Is Bliss Quatrainwisdom,
7/16/2022 The Cup of Life Rubaiyatdeath,life,philosophy,
6/12/2022 The Original Mistake Villanellephilosophy,
3/4/2022 Blinded By War Kimoconflict,war,
1/15/2022 The Perfidy of Memoirs Free verseinspiration,memory,
12/11/2021 Withered On the Vine Terzanellehumanity,
10/18/2021 2 Lunes Otherlost love,poetry,seasons,
9/15/2021 What Are Words - a Florilegium Poem Otheranalogy,emotions,literatu
8/15/2021 Out of the Darkness Sonnetanalogy,introspection,
7/24/2021 Circumlocution - Venn Diagram Free versemath,relationship,
7/23/2021 Golden Spiral - a Phi Poem Othermath,poems,poetry,
7/13/2021 He Has a Name Elegygrief,
7/11/2021 I Don'T Give a Rat's Tail Concreteanimal,literature,
7/4/2021 Brocken Spectre - a Florilegium Poem Otherintrospection,poetry,reli

My Photos

Fav Poems

I To Poisonous Honey Free verselife,
The Usurper King Dramatic Monologueidentity,satire,
O April Free verseappreciation,april,beauty
O Charming Rhymehumorous,valentines day,
Summer Peak Haikusummer,
Prime Crime - Bt Than-Baukdream,horror,
The Grey Suzette Primeintrospection,
Earth Prayer Verseprayer,
Unsure the Shore Sonnet8th grade,beach,bereaveme
Hall Pass Sonnetlove,
Fiery Events Haikufire,love,
Best In Show Dodoitsuwinter,
The Wait Rhymebody,devotion,truth,
Love In Love With Love Sonnetlove,spiritual,
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Telegraph Pole Potd Imagismimagery,
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Ashes - Edvard Munch Ekphrasisart,inspiration,
Pulchritudinous Rhymeart,
A woman called house Free versehome,
Bantu Free versepoetry,
I Died Sonnetallusion,anger,angst,
Salvations Rests Behind True Faith's Gold Door Sonnetappreciation,art,bible,ch
The Forming of Thoughts Rhymeangst,
Debacle Rhymeconfusion,evil,history,
Pearl-Prayer Sijoemotions,heaven,life,long
When doves cry Free verseeulogy,
apologies for the truth Suzette Primephilosophy,senses,
Vanishing Point Free verseangst,anxiety,heartbreak,
Amberina Ballerina, Whatever Verseintrospection,
Roots and Dandelion Dreams: A Mother's Heart Ekphrasisheart,love,mothers day,na
Misty Blues Quatrainlost love,solitude,
Not for Contest - Impact of AI on poets Rhymeart,
Sea Shore Night Sijonature,sea,
Reason I Believe Free versehow i feel,
Yesterday's Wishes Free verseanxiety,

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things