A Strange Galaxy
| Free verse | stars, |
| Free verse | analogy,courage, |
The Train Set
| Rhyme | 6th grade,christmas,feeli |
Bright Star
| Personification | dark,imagery,light,magic, |
Morning Star
| Verse | appreciation,beauty,metap |
Dragon's Tooth
| Sapphic stanza | fantasy, |
Bicycle Playing Cards
| Rhyme | history, |
Daily Victory In the Lord
| Tristich | blessing,christian,faith, |
Injustice and Me
| Couplet | america,blessing,destiny, |
Treasure Hunting
| Free verse | assonance,fantasy, |
Naming Life
| Free verse | beauty,life, |
That Starry Night
| Ekphrasis | art,depression,night,pass |
The Daughter of the North Wind Sings In Soprano
| Imagism | passion,snow,winter,woman |
84 Charing Cross Road
| Free verse | books,giving,love,words, |
A Spotted Fawn
| Couplet | animal,beauty,flower,memo |
Separated By a Common Language
| Rhyme | america,england,language, |
The Woman They Know
| Free verse | analogy,courage,hope,wome |
| Haiku | autumn,bird,color,cool,fo |
Colors of My Day
| Lyric | color,love,romantic love, |
| Free verse | analogy,journey,life, |
All In a Day
| Sonnet | appreciation,hope,morning |
A Writer Born To Create
| Free verse | writing, |
African Anthology
| Haiku | africa,animal,nature,wate |
The Wonder of It All
| Free verse | introspection,philosophy, |
The Old Scribe
| Verse | grandfather,grandson,love |
Intersection of Interbeing
| Free verse | inspirational,memory,myst |
| Acrostic | courage,encouraging,endur |
Ode To the Sisters
| Ode | fantasy,fate,stars, |
| Free verse | beach,betrayal,desire,lus |
Wire Walker
| Free verse | betrayal,conflict,husband |
Lies Awake Scheming
| Rhyme | corruption,truth, |
Heart Universes
| Terza Rima | heart,universe, |
Methuselah Star
| Free verse | star, |
Patience V
| Epigram | metaphor,wisdom, |
Somewhere Over the Horizon
| Rhyme | imagery,senses,,western, |
Hand Washed
| Tetractys | 10th grade,11th grade,12t |
Can't Think It Through
| Rhyme | humanity,perspective,phil |
Triumphant Muse of Sam
| Rubaiyat | appreciation,blessing,chr |
The Leaf Fairy Queen
| Rhyme | 3rd grade,4th grade,5th g |
Daydreamers' Drift
| Tetractys | beauty,child,imagination, |
Autumn Awakes
| Villanelle | appreciation,autumn, |
Little Giants
| Quatrain | children,happiness,innoce |
Ekphrasis On Isles of Shoals
| Ekphrasis | appreciation,art,nature,s |
A Mountain From a Pile
| Rhyme | allusion,corruption,preju |
Prose Poem Temperament
| Prose Poetry | word play, |
In The Pages Of A Book
| Choka | 10th grade,9th grade,adve |
Soaking Up the Sun
| Rhyme | beautiful,color,flower,na |
Surpassing Beauty of Nature
| Verse | appreciation,beauty,chris |
Really Confused
| Limerick | confusion, |
Giving Godly Grace
| Acrostic | appreciation,faith,god,je |
Nestled In Daydreams
| Couplet | peace,perspective, |
- Haiku X 209 - Summer - Lazy
| Haiku | summer,sunshine, |
| Rhyme | analogy, |
A Paean To God
| Free verse | allusion,angst,appreciati |
Amberina Ballerina
| Free verse | destiny,emotions,inspirat |
All Encompassing
| Verse | 10th grade,11th grade,12t |
Marking Time
| Dizain | appreciation,nature,peace |
Autumn Reflections
| Couplet | appreciation,autumn,faith |
| Cinquain | beautiful,flower,symbolis |
The Nature of We
| Sonnet | angel,humanity,native ame |
Sunset Tableau
| Verse | appreciation,lost love,na |
| Personification | love,rose,sensual, |
Native Peoples Say
| Haiku | america,earth,life,nature |
Rose Buds To Remember
| Quatrain | death,flower,life,rose, |
O April
| Free verse | appreciation,april,beauty |
Lost In Darkness
| Lento | bird,weather, |
When I Get Home
| Couplet | god,heaven, |
| Verse | 10th grade,11th grade,12t |
In Reflections
| Quintain (English) | bird,sun,winter, |
Last Sigh
| Free verse | death,love, |
Muses In Gold
| Rhyme | muse, |
Presence of Absence
| Free verse | blessing,devotion,god,hea |
Blushing Rosebud
| Ninette | rose,snow,sun, |
Stradivarius - Mia
| Acrostic | child,music, |
Sundown Meditation
| Free verse | adventure,freedom,journey |
| Rhyme | confusion,crazy, |
Rock N' Roll Spin
| Free verse | age,appreciation,emotions |
| Free verse | peace,time, |
Dark Parts
| Sonnet | city,dark,fear,places,sil |
Winter Dreams
| Haiku | nature,winter, |
Compost Pile
| Couplet | beauty,poems, |
Whenever the Weather
| Rhyme | weather, |
Persephone's Plea
| Pleiades | death,god,prayer, |
Miracle On Ford Street
| Narrative | care,children,christmas,p |
Land of Lost Shadows: A Tribute To L S Lowry
| Ekphrasis | art, |
Easter Lilies
| Free verse | beautiful,christian,easte |
Spring Sonnet
| Sonnet | flower,nature,spring, |
An Ode To Love
| Ode | god,love, |
| Free verse | love,magic,mystery, |
| Couplet | flower,spring,sun, |
This Spring the Poppies Bloomed
| Free verse | beauty,flower,life,love,r |
Galactic Infinity
| Monoku | night, |
The Sound of Silence
| Haiku | nature,tribute, |
Tanka Feb 8
| Tanka | poetry,word play, |
Whispers Shared
| Free verse | appreciation,beauty,commu |
Seven Secret Garden Secrets
| Free verse | allegory,children,garden, |
Hope and Peace
| Free verse | anxiety,hope,inspiration, |
Beyond the West Window
| Rhyme | allusion,storm,uplifting, |
The Wealth of Spring
| Abecedarian | daffodils,spring, |
The Ides of March
| Alliteration | anxiety,april,beauty,chan |