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Seven Secret Garden Secrets

Coming To The Garden Long-lost secrets at Misselthwaite Manor. Mistress Mary moves from self-centeredness to self-awareness, leading to self-healing. This tale's secret seems simple but not so. A space to sense one's spiritual serenity, children seek silence in a stillness place to go. *Nature's worlds open in a hidden garden.* Inside The Walls Overgrown, returned tragically wild, thistle to roses, red curtain banquets. Lilies, larkspur, wildflowers, ivy 'n ferns, transforming passion in perennials. Tend nature's unknown order in an air of grand garden's restorative powers. *Lilias left a inner refuge for us.* Sounds And Surroundings Amidst such soulful moors, meadows, marshlands or seas o' streams as wilderness wanders, in wailing winds where Colin's cries are heard. Waters glisten as they slide slowly o'er cresting murmurings of our brother rocks as it mindfully meanders in song. *Crippled cries can be heard on the moors.* Touch The Divine This enchanted Eden, "bit of earth" in resurrection it proved its worth. Animals, plants conscious to humankind, a sentient kiss to roses, forbidden friends. For all its magic nature displayed, through one's own mind all fears are allayed. *See sublime divine in living beings.* Living, Thinking Things Robin Redbreast chirps, chirps at a lost crease where the key was kept that unlocks wonder, the green gate to the walled mansion's mind. When beautiful, positive thoughts to push out the ugly, new life imagined! Two thoughts cannot ever be in one place. *Listen to Dickon's voice, it will still sound.* Nature Of Love Between sky 'n soil all life is noble affection for all castes is knowable. Humans build walled castles with money nature sparks the breath of life from nothing. Mary Lennox sought true meaning of other's happiness and found her heart's salvation. *Master Craven, blind to his own sorrow.* Be Good, Be Well The children will let all others inside - a garden, a secret space - one can hide. Where everyone becomes well by doing well, good actions leave less room for the bad ones. Worldly work we must do on ourselves. Miss Mary speaks truth to herself and to them. *When no one was left, Mary was not alone.* Notes: Free verse, seven stanza, seven lines each, 49 text lines (seven subtitles, 57 lines total). Opinion analysis with some Eastern thought commentary on Frances Hodgson Burnett's 1911 classic, The Secret Garden, romantic novel. Opinion/comments on this multi-level, children's/adult story: Theosophy, Christian Science, New Thought and Positive Thinking - ideas of the era. (Last lines of each stanza make a summary poem of secrets)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 4/23/2022 7:17:00 AM
Congrats Greg on your 1st place-- it looks like I'm the only one here who has read The Secret Garden but nonetheless the poem is compelling.
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Greg Gaul
Date: 4/23/2022 1:47:00 PM
LJ, my poem only works if you've read the book. It is a drawback. Nonetheless, the book is iconic and multi-layered. Loaded with philosophy, it's way more than a children's classic. My poem points out some its major concepts. Thank you for your comment and, as always, your visit is most appreciated.
Date: 4/21/2022 10:16:00 AM
Simply amazing Greg! The Secret Garden has always been one of my favorites but this poem encompasses so much more! Your seven gardens - each one with unique blooms - is a rich floral tapestry of thought provoking experiences and evocative lines. Going right into my favs. Congratulations! Blessings for your seven gardens of philosophies - seven being a number rich in meaning!
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Greg Gaul
Date: 4/21/2022 4:15:00 PM
Sam, this is an ambitious, somewhat contrived poem, actually more of a syllabus, on Burnett's most notable story. It's iconic secrets appealed to my philosophic opines and I tried to pay tribute to all the messages in this classic novel. Thank you for your always kind comments and visit.
Date: 4/21/2022 3:39:00 AM
Greg, I felt it was high time to revisit your poetry and I'm so glad I did. The first thing that struck me about your wonderful poem was its structure. It led me in to the story and the garden. I have read Frances Hodgson Burnett's 1911 classic and watched a film recently of it. (The book was so much better and your poem really compliments the classic read) So much thought has gone into writing this Greg. I've read it a few times and it gets better on each read. Cheers - Gary
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Greg Gaul
Date: 4/21/2022 4:26:00 PM
Gary, so nice of you to visit and comment. Your analyitic abilities pierce my thin veil of contrivance in an attempt to pay tribute to Burnett's most lauded classic. Yes, the structure was unique to accommodate my opines but it suffers as pure poetry due to the fact that the reader must have read the book. It has so many layers it represents, so many philosophical viewpoints, it needed a bizarre structure. Anywho, I take your comments to heart with much thanks.
Date: 4/20/2022 7:19:00 PM
All seven are great secrets, indeed. Congratulations!
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Greg Gaul
Date: 4/23/2022 1:51:00 PM
Christuraj, thanks for looking over the seven secrets. Your comments are appreciated and respected. Be well.
Date: 4/20/2022 5:54:00 PM
The Secret Garden is one of my all-time favorite stories Greg, and I love this SO very, very much! Thank you for your submission and congratulations on your first-place win in the Garden Inspirations Poetry Contest! This poem is spectacular! <3 ~BJ
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Greg Gaul
Date: 4/21/2022 4:34:00 PM
BJ, I greatly respect and share your feelings for Burnett's iconic classic. It offers so many layers and life lessons. My poem was a bit bizarre in structure because of what I wanted to communicate. So, I thank you for in your hosting for recognizing it. Only Secret Garden fans could get my poem, I know that. Your award was most appreciated. Great hosting.
Date: 2/10/2021 2:18:00 PM
Nice to discover this great write, Greg:-) I would've placed it 1st had you included contest name, name of sponsor and date submitted. Congrats for placing in my contest!
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Greg Gaul
Date: 2/10/2021 6:10:00 PM
Edward, so glad you enjoyed the poem and thoughtfully noted you'd have placed it higher. So sorry I missed the requirements that you wanted included. Regardless, I appreciate your recognition.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry