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The Old Scribe

his tired eyes yet sparkled with the love of his craft a love steeped in awe and fear of its impact the hunched shoulders hovered o'er each stroke of his pen a quill dipped in an inkwell lined with holy men frayed ritual fringes swaying this way and that humming a wordless melody as a zaydie will do midst reverie about heavenly angels he's winking at or recalling a tender moment with his grandson of two but of a sudden, all's darkness zaydie's head thuds on his workbench his lamp extinguished for aye ~ the noble craft of a mensch June 27, 2020 The Old Scribe Poetry Contest Sponsor: Craig Cornish _________________________________________________________ Notes: The Jewish 'scribe' (sofer) was and is a time-honored profession 'zaydie' is Yiddish for grandfather a 'mensch' is Yiddish for a person of honor, integrity No capital letters were used, in order to help convey the innate modesty of a scribe of holy books.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/28/2020 10:22:00 AM
Your muse reflects layered tales with such vibrant emotions Gershon. It is a sheer pleasure to read it and feel enchanted. Congratulations on your win. Blessings :)
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/2/2020 12:25:00 PM
Such a lovely comment. Hope my poem deserves 1/2 of the praise you gave it. Thank you, Aditi! :) gw
Date: 7/24/2020 9:09:00 PM
Your words bring great honor to the "scribe" - a person revered for many centuries. I am so glad you entered this poem. It is very special and going into my "favs." Congratulations! Please write more that express the beauty of Judiasm.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/2/2020 12:25:00 PM
Sam, thank you for such an enthusiastic comment. I'll see what I can do about fulfilling your request, without getting overbearing, preachy, or heavy-handed. Gotta watch myself! Thanks, again. :) gw
Date: 7/23/2020 2:16:00 PM
Beautiful, endearing piece Gershon. Congratulations for your win, xomo!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 7/25/2020 9:09:00 PM
Hey, thanks for noticing me way down there on the list. Appreciate your support always, my dear friend. Peace and Light, Gershon
Date: 7/23/2020 1:07:00 PM
A beautiful tribute, Gershon. Love it ~ Bravo!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 7/23/2020 1:31:00 PM
Line, I know that it takes a special person to appreciate this 'heavy-on-the-Jewish-stuff' write. I honestly didn't think I'd get a placement with it, but I wanted more than one person to read it, if possible. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm about this, one of my own "self-favorites," to use a ridiculous term, for lack of a better one. Thanks again, Gershon
Date: 6/28/2020 1:20:00 AM
Love the imagery here Gershon, can just see him quill in hand writing away taking his time, long white beard and round glasses. Good luck in the contest Tom
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/28/2020 1:24:00 PM
Thank you so much for the appreciation on this one, Tom. Best to you! :) Gershon

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry