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Demi - Glace - Craig Cornish's Blog

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Demi - Glace

Blog Posted:9/17/2023 8:23:00 PM

A novel, fiction, non fiction, and all the genres is the sauce - Espagnole and brown stock and a bouquet garni reduced until it becomes a novella and then a short story and finally, after the impurities are skimmed and it's seasoned, it becomes a demi-glace - a poem, yet, it's not that simple. A true poem has more reponsibilities than what it's derived from. Restructured prose is not truly a poem because a book tells us a story, while a poem elicits emotions from which we internalize our own story. It doesn't answer questions, it creates them. It shouldn't be overladen with descriptions like fancy adjectives and adverbs but clever triggers that inspire their own colors. A book ends, but a poem never truly does... .. and adjectives 

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Date: 9/25/2023 1:38:00 PM
I remember one of my college writing professors repeatedly tell me, "Moderation, dear heart, moderation." You see, I loved imagery but became obsessed with it to the point it was detracting from my writing and my message. When I became an English teacher, I remember telling my writing students the same thing. I had to be patient just as my professor was with me. Learning to write is a process, a complicated one that requires patience, experimentation, focus, and self awareness. Okay, I've said enough. Sara
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Date: 9/20/2023 9:16:00 AM
Hello, I'm coming here to thank you for the kind support that you've shown towards me, it truly means a lot. Especially, when I'm very new to this platform and possibly one of the youngest here too.. Thank you for your precious guidance. And I always look for various opportunities of learning and growth, so definitely this is a very helpful blog. Like Ink said, using less adjectives is definitely a challenge for me as well but I will really try to do that and refine my techniques, always good to try different styles. Also, I must say that your contest looks very interesting to me and I might write on it whenever the muse inspires.. It's certainly a very unique idea! Have a wonderful day :)
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Craig Cornish
Date: 9/20/2023 10:21:00 AM
Hiya, you are wise beyond your years and that's evident in your writing and your maturity about life. I started writing in high school also - it's at the very least a great way to express and release inner emotions - from there we can try to make it artful or just simply release? You do both! Life flashes by so quickly, I was your age just yesterday (57 years ago - good god!) and probably older than your grandparents but ... it is, and will always be only a number - the rest is up to us to celebrate or lament - I choose celebrate. There's an old proverb that states that we're not old until our regrets take the place of our dreams --- keep celebrating and keep dreaming ... hugs!
Date: 9/19/2023 1:17:00 PM
I didn’t read this before but i am now and this is something ive been mentored and reminded to do too, as a learner, i appreciate this, as you are an experienced poet, its always good to learn. Ive been looking at your contest very interesting and i will challenge myself to write with less adjectives and do somethng. Thank you for the advice. Sincere guidance like this is always appreciated but not when some others bully poets like me and hiya. Loved this blog
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Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 9/20/2023 8:45:00 PM
Dear Craig, you must be a teacher or professor by profession? This explanation is one of the most creative and artistic explanations iv ever read in ages, a lesson ill forever remember, thank you so much. Yes I finished my poem not sure if it is good enough but it is the experience that counts and i think with time we learn. Look forward to read and learn more, appreciate your time.
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/20/2023 5:05:00 AM
It's more how you think it flows and looks and feels like a poem more than it looks and reads like restructured prose which is the most difficult part of a poem like this or any poem in specific form. Don't know if this is a poor analogy, but it's like an addition on a house, it shouldn't look like an addition, it should look like it's always been there (belongs). Like the necklace with a beautiful dress, if all that is noticed is the necklace, it's a failure because it's only part of the whole.
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 9/19/2023 10:45:00 PM
Tom Woody i appreciate your support always! And you too is one of them very honest with your feedback. I appreciate that
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 9/19/2023 10:44:00 PM
I am left with 6 lines in my poem for your contest was fun doing it , good brain exercise, but i will have to make it more concise and try doing with less adjectives. I wanted to ask you whether 15 syllables per line is considered too long for a line? Wasnt sure. Please let me know. And yes, my father always tells me to keep learning, always be a learner, so yes, i am always learning. This is one reason i enjoy soup, because of blogs like this. Thank you and thats a brilliant explanation!
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/19/2023 7:18:00 PM
There's always that edge - the chaos theory of being close enough to the cliff to not fall off, but close enough to see...beyond? Thank you - we learn from each other! Actually, my current contest is not really a good inspiration and I won't do the same again, because it's difficult enough to be creative without last words being forced upon us--write on! My bad - the next more inspirational, I hope!
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/19/2023 3:09:00 PM
You're so gracious inky
Date: 9/18/2023 10:20:00 AM
“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.” ~ Stephen King “Adverbs are the tool of the lazy writer.” ~ Mark Twain “When you catch an adjective, kill it. No, I don't mean utterly, but kill most of them--then the rest will be valuable. They weaken when they are close together. They give strength when they are far apart.” ~ Mark Twain
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Parker Avatar
Arlo Parker
Date: 9/18/2023 5:45:00 PM
Season, taste, season as you go AND doesn't the reader eventually "finish" the poem? :-)
Fowler Avatar
Linda Alice Fowler
Date: 9/18/2023 11:38:00 AM
I read these quotes at the top of my "working poetry" file whenever I begin a new endeavor. :)
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/18/2023 10:51:00 AM
Exactly - My second artistic love is culinary and spices are essential, but too much or too many, destroys a dish. With writing we can remove them (embellishments), but they cannot be removed from food - yet always added. Some put their pen down and see perfection - I agree with Charlotte that "a poem is never truly finished"... except for those with some truly significant emotional attachment. Thank you, Linda for your very pertinent comment.
Date: 9/18/2023 7:57:00 AM
i would also add that a poem is never truly finished! i agree there shouldn't be so many adjectives and adverbs that they weigh a poem down; if they're layered too thickly the reader can become overwhelmed and can't catch a breath; less is sometimes more..thought provoking blog, craig
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Craig Cornish
Date: 9/20/2023 10:26:00 AM
Always get lost in your writing Charlotte - hmm, interesting that when you're lost, you find things you didn't know you were looking for?
Fowler Avatar
Linda Alice Fowler
Date: 9/18/2023 11:34:00 AM
I agree Charlotte. Less IS more and a poem is never truly "finished". :)
Date: 9/18/2023 6:38:00 AM
So many writing styles. Who is to say one is better than another? Some fill their poetry with colors, textures, feelings, emotions. Others write bare bones with few words to express a feeling, or an idea. Still others, like myself, enjoy telling a poetic story with a set theme, a beginning, and an end. Not trying to argue. Just saying there's room for all types of artistic expression. Interesting blog Craigster
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Craig Cornish
Date: 9/18/2023 10:15:00 AM
I'll leave this for now - Robert's blog post takes priority...
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/18/2023 8:00:00 AM
But I do agree there's a tried and true path toward improvement. Reading the greats. Studying forms. Practice practice practice. Lots of hard work.
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/18/2023 7:57:00 AM
Poetry is so subjective. In the past I would have argued your same point. And, like anything else in life, there's bad, good, better, best. In every field of endeavor. But over the years I've learned to be more flexible in my poetic views, less rigid. There's room for everyone
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/18/2023 7:37:00 AM
True, there is room for all types of expression but like anything in life, we can strive to learn how to polish our skills. Some can take the same collection of flowers and produce a magnificent arrangement, while others produce something not so special with the same flowers. No one is stopping anyone from being average if they're happy with it, but some want to do "better" and there IS a way. Yet, we are all restricted by either lack of effort or lack of inherent ability or both. Read up on adjectives and adverbs (overuse) and in NO way am I implying bare bones.
Date: 9/18/2023 4:33:00 AM
..."a book ends, but a poem never truly does...That one line, I believe, sums it all up.
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Date: 9/18/2023 1:36:00 AM
Interesting and worth pondering Craig, thank you - good blog
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Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 9/18/2023 12:54:00 PM
Haha it's a great tag line :)
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/18/2023 12:52:00 PM
I do so love to be pondered, but for too long! I might expire!
Date: 9/17/2023 11:43:00 PM
I enjoyed this truly inspired write, Craig.
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Craig Cornish
Date: 9/18/2023 12:51:00 PM
Thanks Su
Date: 9/17/2023 8:57:00 PM
Demi-glace: a reduction. Poetry: a distillation. Heart and soul emulsified to produce a delicious and substantive essence revealing life in ways unique to every poet and a declaration of viewpoints on any subject that one's mind must, indeed must, announce. Evocative Blog, CC. :o)
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/18/2023 12:50:00 PM
Right on Arlo - even if it's's soul!

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Silence SPEAKS
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Who Wrote about a Lamb Where?
Date Posted: 4/20/2024 7:13:00 AM
Some Tidbits on Writing
Date Posted: 3/27/2024 11:19:00 AM
Black and White
Date Posted: 3/22/2024 10:21:00 AM
Shizumano Taiyo Contest etc.
Date Posted: 3/3/2024 9:40:00 AM
Haiku 201
Date Posted: 12/27/2023 11:56:00 AM
Date Posted: 12/23/2023 1:00:00 PM
Why Do You Write
Date Posted: 12/19/2023 7:01:00 AM
Simply Complex
Date Posted: 12/8/2023 5:40:00 AM
Joyce Johnson
Date Posted: 11/29/2023 8:03:00 AM
Veterans Tribute
Date Posted: 11/10/2023 5:37:00 AM
10 Years ago and One Year Before he Quit Living
Date Posted: 10/28/2023 9:37:00 AM
Sometimes song lyrics are poetry
Date Posted: 10/14/2023 2:14:00 PM
Date Posted: 10/13/2023 6:19:00 AM
Golden Shovel Admissions
Date Posted: 10/3/2023 11:54:00 AM
Demi - Glace
Date Posted: 9/17/2023 8:23:00 PM
Date Posted: 9/3/2023 7:12:00 PM
A Sonnet for Becca
Date Posted: 8/26/2023 7:41:00 AM
Out my window contest
Date Posted: 8/16/2023 8:09:00 AM
One of a Kind is Now Two
Date Posted: 7/30/2023 7:39:00 PM
The Warden
Date Posted: 7/29/2023 11:12:00 AM
An Unanswered Joke
Date Posted: 7/4/2023 7:27:00 AM
Sitka Contest Result Thoughts
Date Posted: 6/20/2023 2:25:00 PM
Sitka Sunset
Date Posted: 6/18/2023 7:38:00 PM

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2/10/2023 The Clearing Free verseintrospection,
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12/24/2022 The Cardinal and the Rose Free verselife,
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11/15/2022 The Notch Free versenature,
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10/18/2022 All Hallows' Eve Sonnethalloween,
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6/5/2022 A Moon In June Quintain (Sicilian)memory,
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9/9/2021 Autumn Sapphic stanzaautumn,
8/30/2021 Vagabond Dreams Free verselonging,
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8/19/2021 A Widow's Walk Free verselonely,
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7/5/2021 Blinded Love Sonnetlost love,
5/6/2021 Worm Hunting Free versenature,
3/29/2021 Contemplation Free verselife,nature,
3/25/2021 Breakfast Balls Free versegames,
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