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I breathe and wish that the air wasn't filled with a thousand ashen yesterdays that float aimlessly lost. I taste their bitter end and know they can never be put together again - memories ever so fragile, before they're blown into tomorrow's fires where I feel their helplessness... I know, without reason, that the flames, will never die because they are perpetually fed by what I fear...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/29/2024 2:54:00 AM
Dear craigsz, this is so heartfelt and i think many can resonate too with these emotions you’ve expressed in such a poetic and evocative manner, which you always do in your poems, i always find something that stirs the soul in such a way that would leave an everlasting impression. I absolutely love the lines “ I know, without reason, that the flames, will never die because they are perpetually fed by what I fear...“ fear often gets in the way of so many things, and its never easy to let go when the air we breathe reeks of ashen yesterdays. Well expressed and delivered: thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your win
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Date: 11/16/2024 6:21:00 AM
Craig clever way of associating the wasted time lost in your life with, " thousands of ashen yesterdays that float aimlessly lost." fearing continuing in wasting time and bad memories resurfacing and fearing to continue doing. Thanks for sharing...
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Date: 11/16/2024 5:59:00 AM
The vicious, ever repeating cycle of past, present and future where memories become daydreams become nightmares then back to memories again. We've all been there to some degree. Nice write maestro
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things