Beyond the Veil

A clever sphere through midnight's shadow rolls,
its course through clouds, like ships through hidden shoals
and drifting hearts out searching for their souls.
A game of hide-and-seek - through forest members peek.
A wishful lost mystique - to kiss a lover's cheek.
Like promises, you glow then disappear,
then gone, until you glisten in a tear -
too late to dry a page where ink-stains smear.
So, even through the day - in sunlit visage stay,
the brightness can't allay - a scentless heart's bouquet.
Your crescent grin is burned upon my soul,
yet, I cannot pretend to be unique;
to find clandestine countenance appear,
and capture daydream's wishes where they play.
Copyright © Craig Cornish | Year Posted 2023
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