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Poems by Pat Adams

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Below are poems written by United States poet Pat Adams. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Pat Adams.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
01/31/2021 Our Silly Kids 502 Quatrain
01/11/2021 Accusations 469 Quatrain
01/03/2021 Avian In Nature 650 Quatrain
11/13/2020 His Own Business 429 Quatrain
11/12/2020 What Could Have Been 356 Quatrain
09/02/2020 The Monkey Bars 420 Rhyme
07/12/2020 The Animal In Me 488 Quatrain
06/21/2020 Pinocchio's Pet 313 Quatrain
05/25/2020 You Didn'T Hear It From Me 647 Quatrain
05/08/2020 It's a Mans World Or Is It 389 Quatrain
04/27/2020 Joker the Cat 496 Limerick
04/17/2020 Vanity Undone 341 Quatrain
03/14/2020 Hard To Handle 389 Quatrain
02/26/2020 Our Soul Connection 466 Quatrain
02/24/2020 Accidents Will Happen 538 Quatrain
02/15/2020 One Hump Or Two 506 Quatrain
01/28/2020 Forrest In the Woods 515 Quatrain
01/16/2020 One Night Stands 374 Limerick
01/15/2020 The Fallen Muse 527 Rhyme
01/08/2020 Sticks 756 Quatrain
01/05/2020 Half As Much Heard 589 Limerick
01/05/2020 That Magic Touch 357 Quatrain
12/30/2019 My Willie's Not Small Anymore 565 Quatrain
12/29/2019 My Man Cave Closet 526 Quatrain
12/28/2019 Say My Name Acrostic 353 Acrostic
12/26/2019 Too Much Relief Man 791 Limerick
12/23/2019 At a Dog Bar Out West 706 Quatrain
12/18/2019 Doing Duties 431 Quatrain
12/12/2019 Making Airplanes 629 Limerick
12/10/2019 The Unimpressed Owl 529 Quatrain
12/08/2019 An Aging Poet 609 Quatrain
12/02/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle 480 Quatrain
11/30/2019 Wait, He Said What 759 Limerick
11/29/2019 In His Chair 505 Quatrain
11/27/2019 Suspicious 561 Limerick
11/27/2019 Back On the Wagon 557 Quatrain
11/26/2019 Rudolph the Red Rose Reindeer 617 Quatrain
11/23/2019 Where Are the Batteries 408 Quatrain
11/20/2019 The Swimming Hippie 469 Quatrain
11/19/2019 Trouble On the North Pole 393 Quatrain
11/18/2019 Remarkable 375 Limerick
11/17/2019 Easy To Teach 429 Rhyme
11/15/2019 Cannibals Are People Too 736 Quatrain
11/13/2019 The Slow Toothless Mole 638 Quatrain
11/12/2019 Walking the Line 456 Quatrain
11/11/2019 Late To Supper 513 Quatrain
11/10/2019 It Doesn'T Add Up 452 Quatrain
11/06/2019 Hotdogs On the Run 1106 Limerick
11/03/2019 A Turkeys Eulogy 819 Limerick
11/03/2019 Daylight Savings Time 687 Quatrain
10/30/2019 Who's the Boss 791 Quatrain
10/29/2019 Shoes 670 Rhyme
10/24/2019 A Scholars Demise 676 Limerick
10/22/2019 Fighting At Sixty Five 419 Quatrain
10/20/2019 Bunny Love 493 Rhyme
10/19/2019 A Fishy Pot Luck Dinner 582 Quatrain
10/16/2019 The Mean Scene 545 Limerick
10/11/2019 Mary's Ordeal 507 Quatrain
10/08/2019 Pilgrams Party 373 Quatrain
10/07/2019 A Knotty Couple 447 Quatrain
10/03/2019 Walking Dead On Halloween 804 Limerick
10/03/2019 Ode Ear Those Ears 709 Quatrain
09/30/2019 That's Fur Out 512 Quatrain
09/28/2019 The Bare Handed Mole Toss 443 Quatrain
09/27/2019 That's Kinky 670 Quatrain
09/24/2019 The Back Yard Splinter 392 Quatrain
09/23/2019 Come Up N's 412 Quatrain
09/23/2019 Embracing the Bald 372 Quatrain
09/18/2019 A Harry Halloween 542 Quatrain
09/17/2019 A Palindrome Procedure 711 Rhyme
09/15/2019 Sometimes I Wonder 548 Quatrain
09/14/2019 What Are Idioms 715 Quatrain
09/13/2019 The Karma Restaurant 557 Quatrain
09/08/2019 If I Had My Druthers 452 Quatrain
09/08/2019 Some Say But 547 Quatrain
09/03/2019 Surely Knot That Many 518 Limerick
09/01/2019 The Morning After 380 Quatrain
09/01/2019 Peach Pie Guy 372 Limerick
08/29/2019 Two Hats Lost 438 Limerick
08/29/2019 Up To Their Name 3 419 Couplet
08/28/2019 The Fortune Teller 604 Quatrain
08/24/2019 Devine Retaliation 390 Limerick
08/21/2019 Us In a Nutshell 626 Quatrain
08/20/2019 Rock Song Allusions 538 Quatrain
08/15/2019 Not His Day 667 Quatrain
08/09/2019 The She He Saw 482 Quatrain
08/07/2019 Party Time 432 Quatrain
07/30/2019 Still Trying To Rock 384 Quatrain
07/27/2019 Humphrey 746 Quatrain
07/26/2019 I Was Schooled 422 Quatrain
07/24/2019 What Wood Eye Bee 605 Limerick
07/23/2019 Things Happen 407 Quatrain
07/22/2019 Chicken Tenders 486 Rhyme
07/18/2019 Shirley Has Fleas 526 Rhyme
07/16/2019 The Waddling Vagrants 555 Limerick
07/15/2019 The Land of Old Man 585 Quatrain
07/11/2019 Sunny Daze 447 Quatrain
07/10/2019 Strip Down 720 Quatrain
07/03/2019 Fly Your Colors 363 Quatrain
06/29/2019 Elderly Team Work 705 Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry