Cannibals Are People Too
Leaning toward cannibalism?
You might want to give it a go
Overall they're not a bad lot,
They are people too, you know
Paranoia runs quite rampant
Amongst any Cannibal troupe
Looking down trodden or weary
May cause you to land in the soup!
Careful you don't get too fat
A discerning diners first choice
They all speak deeply with power
No weakness should be in their voice
An unwritten rule in the tribe,
Is avoid a sneeze or a cough
They start thinking you may die,!
Not that it puts anyone off!
"Just a bit of pepper in my nose",
Sounds like you're already seasoned
Putting you out of your misery
Might be how your demise is reasoned
One cannibal bumped his elbow
He said, "Owww, about that weather!"
When he saw heads whipping around,
That was how he got it together!
Be careful what you do and say
You could join and be a winner
But watch out if they say to you,
They'd like to have you for dinner!
Copyright © Pat Adams | Year Posted 2019
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