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Pic Poems - Poems about Pic

Premium Member PALMER POEM PIC
PALMER EKPHRASIS the Shoreham     garden scent of blossom fills   a white blaze of spring in a profusion of clouds an extravaganza of stylised  enigma proliferates before   the eye  &    stays imprinted Inspired by Samuel Palmer’s in  A Shoreham Garden 1827...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Honkers pic prompt sb Margarita Lillico
Three bros., Wideye, Snaggletooth, and Zonkers When in town went a little bit bonkers With the girls that walked by What was level with their eye Was ogled, whistled at, or they'd honk-hers! ...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, cute, funny,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member My Profile Pic Memories
Being brought up in the country living in a farm cottage so white an only child adopted as one many memories always in my sight Always had animals around also, garden hut with many a hen my job was collecting eggs such...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, childhood, life, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Shutter Speed Memory
A image whispers through my contemplations I feel like I’ve awakened in a dream of the past Emotions surround me, gracing me with prayers Bidding me wisdom from this reflection elapsed A representation of what once gave me joy Selections...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, blessing, image, imagery, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Lookin' For My Plastic Pic One Night In June
Written In Iambic Heptameter utilizing an aabb rhyme scheme throughout the entire six stanza poem. thank you. easyeverett Just sittin' in my touring bus, alone, throughout the day, Then found my little plastic pic so I began...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, america, car, culture, truth,
Form: Quatrain

Unpleasant Bruises To a Pg Pic
Here she come in a cloud of rage. ...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, art, aubade, word play,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pic Motifs Inhale the last you will of this planet’s wholesome gift blowing out grey cells and bits of a life ..distance.. until a stranger ...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, cancer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pic Motifs: Visual 2
Smok’n hot in his black suit, a cool dude - he’s not. Sickle swings shattering glass - silencing bitter sand. Your ignominious ghost broods your grim image, under the reaper’s hood. Nette Onclaud’s Pic Motifs: Visual 2 11/17/2017 29 words...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, dark, death,
Form: Verse
Pic Motifs Visual 2
My boyfriend is smoking hot. I kid you not. Under that hood I understood lay my destiny. In the dark I felt the spark as we passed. Love to last. 18/11/2017 30 words, 137 characters....Read the rest...
Categories: pic, addiction, boyfriend, fire, how
Form: Verse
Premium Member - Pic Motifs--Visual 2
Tempter shrouds his cold flame hovers dwelling in pleasure, with no remorse to lay a kiss on the sleeping soul at their weakest as they lodge in fear. 11/18/2017...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, fear,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pic Motifs: Visual 3
I've traversed this wondrous world Captured through the windows of bird's eyes, Enclosed within a body with silver wings, So blessed I've been to fly the friendly skies. 11-14-17 PIC MOTIFS: VISUAL Contest Sponsor Nette...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, flying, sky, world,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pic Motifs: Visual 2
Grimly he comes. Day after day, hour upon hour second by second - for centuries into eternity. The face beneath his dark hood he will reveal when he comes for you. 30-word poem/ Nov. 17, 2017 Based on pic #2 for nette onclaud's Pic Motif...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, death,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pic Motifs - Visual 3
His world hangs on a wall. His wheeled chair sits in a corner. His tillered escape – the Barque, Astral Traveler. //20 words// ©11/17/2017 submitted to – PIC MOTIFS – poetry Contest...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, freedom,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pic Motifs - Visual 1
The Night Lamp As night stumbles in The lamp crinkles on And the evening rides The light - Which upon The lamp’s tenderness And glory encapsulates Its harmony within… It escapes the night 17 November 2017 Pic Motifs Contest, Sponsor: Nette Onclaud 29 words...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, light, night,
Form: Verse
Pic Motifs: Visual 1
An Enchanted Lamp-post Neither the serenade of crickets nor the waltz of moths could appease her enough. Secluded in a glass castle her glowing beauty flickers, unaware of the blazing beast trapped within. Date: 11/16/2017 Note: For the contest (Pic Motifs) by Nette...Read the rest...
Categories: pic, allegory,
Form: Verse

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