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Long Multilingual Poems

Long Multilingual Poems. Below are the most popular long Multilingual by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Multilingual poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Blind Date - Now a Collaboration
My bestie blind dated big Humpty
His hairstyle resembled Don Trumpty
He was constantly rude
Foul mouthed and so crude
No wonder she soon ditched the numpty!


Your bestie's blind date was a weird one
An hour of boredom and she...

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Categories: multilingual, best friend, humorous, relationship,
Form: Limerick

Fur Elise
Für Elise 

walking through the hidden realm of 
my heart,

whistling close by me, a poisoned 

burning lightning in a pearly orb,

the essence of my agony you 

echoes of a dog's anguished howl,

the opening eyes...

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Categories: multilingual, feelings
Form: Free verse
The Headless Greenlandic Horseman
The Headless Greenlandic Horseman
A Meditation in 6 parts.


The sky is starry
The night is scary
I'm very afraid
of the living dead;

On a mission; or Fugitives in the city

The headless Greenlandic horseman
speaks Kalaallisut very well indeed,
plus Dansk and...

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© Ivo Cos  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: multilingual, best friend, city, courage, culture, death, uplifting,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Wondrous Words
Words forming stories on my mind-canvas…
The written words, letters drawn upon a page are, power; 
a force to be celebrated and dreaded.

The images of the artist; 
words paint profound stories within paintings.
Communication illustrated to teach;...

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Categories: multilingual, poems, poetry, words, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wondrous Words
Words forming stories on my mind-canvas…
The written words, letters drawn upon a page are, power; 
a force to be celebrated and dreaded.

The images of the artist; 
words paint profound stories within paintings.
Communication illustrated to teach;...

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Categories: multilingual, poems, poetry, words, writing,
Form: Free verse

Day of the Dead
"Dia de Los Muertos", the Spanish name it.  Eve
of All Saints, saw we of the church of blessed assurance
of an observance ushering in fall while easing
our multilingual obsession with death.  The sun shines

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© Nola Perez  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: multilingual, death,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member D-Day In Malta:::Co-Write
We met in Valletta city on a fine November day
Introductions...hugs and kisses; we got talking straight away.
All agreed to go sight-seeing – architecture , harbour view
Made a stop to buy an ice-cream where there is...

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Categories: multilingual, fun,
Form: Light Verse
Sweet Tooth
Grimoire enchantress beguiles vetala invictus, slicka min kisse, hehe just kidding, just a u’i lata spreading sugar, a sweet gift. A snarl like smile crosses my countenance as I manifest into a deity of quintessential...

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Categories: multilingual, beautiful, beauty, dark, death, desire, evil, extended
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 2023 Might Be
Oh 'Santa's Gift' attack,
A Greenland-based hacking group,
Bypassing input sanitation,
Root access to your cloud will soon be scooped.

Privacy and security advocates,
Fighting to eliminate cookies,
Rethinking their Bits,
As an overflowing stack of cookies is the key.

The drive to...

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Categories: multilingual, allegory, anxiety, humanity, irony, scary, technology, visionary,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Multilingual Birds of a Feather

     The Mockingbird sings out his misleading best,
     in hopes to attract a dupe with a nest,

     where the squatter believes...

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Categories: multilingual, allusion, betrayal, bullying, irony, sound, spoken word,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Multilingual In Love
Did you hear about Don? What a guy!
On the pretty gals he had his eye.
But he had zero chance
with them all. At romance
he kept messing up, for he was shy.

In a language school Don then...

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Categories: multilingual, funny, love, language, language, love, i love
Form: Limerick
Some languages are fluently translatable
but only by how the mouth
utters and shapes them,
they are too musical to be not sung,
like Gaelic; it was my mother’s tongue
and her grandmother’s elder tongue.

Romani is acoustically spell-binding,
Grandfather was a...

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Categories: multilingual, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Silliness Hat
My 'sillyness' hat is atop my head
As I begin this September day
Who knows where this weird mind of mine
Will take me, who's to say

Could go where no man's tread before
To the outer limits of comedy

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Categories: multilingual, humor,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member My Silliness Hat
My “silliness” hat is atop my head
As I begin yet another day
Who knows where this weird mind of mine
Will take me, who's to say

Could go where no man's tread before
To the outer limits of comedy

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Categories: multilingual, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Atonement
It will happen naturally to me: I will be lucky.
I'm supposed to be watching all mild night.
Multilingual worship and prayer plucky.
That seems to be harps and is a slashed sight.

We would be on obedient terms...

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: multilingual, analogy, appreciation, forgiveness, love,
Form: Sonnet
Hoot Owls
They come as close as they can.
The tree line is a frontier edge
between them and the brick barricades. 

I imagine them peering over their world 
into mine, and though their hooting 
may be only a...

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Categories: multilingual, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Oh, how high your brow ripe with laurus
ascends above the literary world!
Your multilingual bottomless thesaurus
is full of diamonds, emeralds and gold.

I'm sorting through these treasures in the shadow
of your memorial chosen by the birds:
the butterflies,...

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Categories: multilingual, inspiration, poetry,
Form: Sonnet
Newer Choices
Tourists here to visit
In their multilingual voices
Have so many things to see
Including lots of newer choices.

The High Line, great for walking,
Built on railroad tracks forsaken,
Now endowed with gorgeous plantings,
Is a route most often taken.

The Oculus,...

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Categories: multilingual, new york,
Form: Rhyme
Glory To the Maker
It is good to be alive.
The date and time on a digital clock
sings me a sotto voce halleluiah
as I roll over into the surf
of a shallow listlessness.

This is how a poem arrives,
In a leaky boat...

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Categories: multilingual, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Mother Tongue
The first language that you learn 
when you are a baby.
Rather than a language learned 
at school or an adult.

The language which a person has grown up 
speaking from early childhood.

Persons's local language.... That is,...

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Categories: multilingual, appreciation, celebration, culture, language,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs