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D-Day In Malta:::Co-Write

We met in Valletta city on a fine November day Introductions...hugs and kisses; we got talking straight away. All agreed to go sight-seeing – architecture , harbour view Made a stop to buy an ice-cream where there is a constant queue . We strolled on and at Cordina’s chose al fresco to sit down Next to regal Queen Victoria, a stone lady with a crown. Drinks were ordered and pastizzi, which were followed by some cakes Freshly baked and appetizing, all adorned with chocolate flakes. We were served by cherub Fabio busy running out and in Second time the badge said Mario, then we found that he’s his twin. Jan and hubby soaked the sunshine, the Calluses hugged the shade Those around spoke multilingual, a musician plied his trade. We stayed there and spoke for ages, watched the tourists walking by. Valentina took our photos; she is young and sweet as pie. Jan and Bob will be returning in two years on Malta’s shore Although Maurice has predicted it will be a year before! They will then be celebrating married bliss with silver ware All on Soup will be invited; this occasion is to share. That’s a promise made for keeping – friends will meet for sure once more We shall have some cake and snickers; sweet surprises lie in store! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun poem ~ co-written by Paul-Jan-Valentina on 2/11/2014

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 11/9/2014 11:49:00 AM
I felt like I was there! I loved both the warmth an imagery. Bravo to all on this Colaberation.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/9/2014 12:51:00 PM
Light poetry makes for a good read; no great heights of poetry are expected and the reader accepts what's on offer without reservations! Txs for your warm visit. // paul
Date: 11/7/2014 8:33:00 AM
- Sounded so nice ..... Malta .... here I come !!! - A great poem, Paul :) - Have a lovely weekend :) - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 2:43:00 PM
You are welcome here any time, Anne Lise!! (I like watching the Norway airline planes landing here and seeing the portraits of famous people painted on the tails.) May you have a lovely weekend, too! /x/ paul
Date: 11/7/2014 3:10:00 AM
worthy of the POTD, paul... so heartfelt and full of moving lines!.. this is a wonderful experience for you and jan...congrats!
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 2:46:00 PM
Thank you Nette! So glad to have you stopping by! Yes, meeting Jan has been an enriching and lovely experience! Have a nice weekend. // paul
Date: 11/6/2014 9:11:00 AM
Hi there Paul. What a delightful read. I was in Valletta last night too and i can almost feel your steps and the delight that is Cafe Cordina opposite the regal Biblioteca. Thank you for the lovely poem.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/8/2014 5:01:00 AM
Hi Thomas! Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments. Nobody can really appreciate the beauty that Valletta contains without having been to it and experienced it in person. Have a nice day (although the weather is not so agreeable!) // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 8:54:00 PM
Hey Paul I posted a thank you poem for you for all your support it's a thank you for all your wonderful comments, I got a gold metal for it I hope you enjoy it. cheri it's called Frogger
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/8/2014 5:32:00 AM
Hi Cherl! Thank you very much for being so sweet and considerate!:) I visited "Frogger" and really enjoyed it. No wonder you got a gold medal for it! Have a lovely weekend. // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 7:55:00 PM
oh, and poem of the day?? BIG congrats.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/8/2014 5:53:00 AM
:))) thank you......shows that on Soup there is space for light/fun poetry, also!
Date: 11/5/2014 7:55:00 PM
gosh, I wish I could be there for that reunion. I can't even hardly get out of the state of utah!! VEry nice to read about his, paul. Great descriptions of the day.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/8/2014 6:03:00 AM
Andrea...meeting lovely people from Soup can be such a pleasant and enriching experience; meeting Jan has been exactly that. Who knows...we might meet one day...never say never!! // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 4:42:00 PM
Paul-Jan-Valentina, Congratulations on Poem of the Day!! Most wonderful indeed!! Cheers, Gary
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/8/2014 6:17:00 AM
Thank you Gary....Poem of the Day came as a surprise, considering this is only a fun poem! Cheers! // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 10:29:00 AM
Congrats Paul,nice to see this lovely one on this page today,it is an honour deserved. Kudos.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/8/2014 6:42:00 AM
Thank you Kayod5; very lovely of you to stop by. Have a lovely day. // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 10:07:00 AM
Very nice all. Congratulations on being feature as poem of the day... Verlena
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 2:31:00 PM
Thank you Verlena; your visits are always welcome. // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 9:50:00 AM
A lovely write indeed...congrats on the poem of the day!!!!
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 2:16:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed Pace; thanks for stopping by. // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 7:29:00 AM
Paul, Valentina it was wonderful to write with you but so so so much better to spend time with you and your wonderful family. i have such precious memories. Thank you:-) hugs jan xxx
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Jan Allison
Date: 11/7/2014 2:08:00 PM
The feeling is mutual Paul and love and hugs back to you and your lovely family:-) Hugs Jan xxx
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 2:06:00 PM
Hi Jan.....First impressions mean a lot to me, and at first sight I knew that you were special! may these memories stay forever clear in our minds. hugs.......paul ps...Valentina sends you a big X.
Date: 11/5/2014 7:11:00 AM
Sounds like a delightful time . . . precious memories to savor . . . all the best to the three writer-travelers . . .
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 2:00:00 PM
Thanks for stopping by, David. Yes, we all had a most enjoyable time together!! // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 7:08:00 AM
beautifully painted picture paul congratulations on poem of the day dear friend
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 1:46:00 PM
Thank you Liam; poem of the day is an extra bonus! glad that our fun poem has been appreciated. // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 6:33:00 AM
Very nice Paul, congratulations on poem of the day. Sounds like a good time. :) love and hugs eve
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 1:32:00 PM
Thank you Eve...oh, yes....we really had a good time!! Pity we can't have a Soup reunion! Hugs /x/ paul
Date: 11/5/2014 5:10:00 AM
Congratulations to all three of you writting and then being chosen as poem of the day.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 1:30:00 PM
txs :)))
Date: 11/5/2014 5:08:00 AM
Great write Paul, Jan and Valentina of course it went straight to my faves.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/7/2014 1:29:00 PM
Thank you Maurice...glad you enjoyed...and extra thanks for the fav + wishes on pod!! // paul
Date: 11/5/2014 3:49:00 AM
Woohoo... Congrats to all three on sharing this trip with us....
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Date: 11/5/2014 2:22:00 AM
very nice Paul. congradulations on poem of the day
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Date: 11/5/2014 1:39:00 AM
Wow ..Great work ...Malta bestow your beauty to my aging eyes.
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Date: 11/4/2014 12:01:00 PM
Dear Paul, I'm so happy you and Jan had a chance to meet and enjoy the sites in Malta. With so many friends on the Soup, we all have people to meet no matter where we go. You had me giggling with the Fabio/Mario twins. Thank you for sharing this special visit with us. I feel like I was there with you - and wish I had been! Awesome collaboration for all three of you! Love, Carolyn
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Jan Allison
Date: 11/4/2014 2:51:00 PM
Hi Carolyn. Paul and his family are absolutely delightful - we all hit it off from the moment we met on Sunday and they came and waved us off at the airport today - can't wait until we visit again:-) Hugs Jan xx
Date: 11/4/2014 8:33:00 AM
So lovely Paul! Memorable moments beautifully penned! Sweet Valentina also there, jan n U, must hv been awesome! Envy thy name is Upma! Luking forward to meet u somewhere in my lifetime!
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Date: 11/4/2014 12:53:00 AM
wow!!! :D so love the picture.. :D!!! I wish I too can be there :O!
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Date: 11/3/2014 6:04:00 PM
What a fabulous piece...Sounds like a great time had by all....It would be great to meet all of you...cheers and hugs Tim
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Jan Allison
Date: 11/4/2014 2:50:00 AM
2016 Tim:-) hugs Jan x
Date: 11/3/2014 5:15:00 PM
It sounds like lots of fun here, Paul. A very delightful poem! Enjoyed it all, my dear friend. I wish I could fly to Malta and meet you in person and your lovely family and Jan. Love and hugs! ;) xxxx D.
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