Long Deductively Poems
Long Deductively Poems. Below are the most popular long Deductively by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Deductively poems by poem length and keyword.
Hellfire On EarthDear Donald John
and GoodFaith Followers,
ProActive Prayers for Rapturous Redemption
from Eternal Hellish
Left EgoVoices anger and fear
Right SpiritFeelings ecodarkly terrified
from and of dying death.
Your LeftBrain does not lack
for paranoid Win/Lose conviction
We must live in a dog eat...
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deductively, appreciation, bullying, caregiving, games, health, humanity, humor,
Political Verse
Urbane History LessonsI have a hardbound copy of
"The City of Hartford 1784-1984"
although most of this coffee table story
of unfortunate events
takes place between 1850 and 1950s,
before and after the UnCivil War,
like the U.S. Catholic Church
and many MainLine Protestant...
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deductively, caregiving, city, health, integrity, meaningful, universe,
Political Verse
Prophets and MessiahsThe difference between
competitively evolving
egg white privilege
And good-girl
cooperatively revolutionary
Foreshadows a symbiotic contrast
between prophetic performance
and messianic practice,
said Professor Glory
in her Gospel of Permaculture class,
one Friday morning
while sitting on her crass
desk of...
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deductively, destiny, environment, nature, science, truth, wisdom,
Political Verse
Community Health AssuranceTransparently robust private/public healers,
investigate, with appreciation,
cooperative health insurance
for people,
healthy homes,
resilient transportation,
and cooperative tree and plant and children and elderly nursing
preserved through winter kitchens
and solar-fueled composting centers.
Health insurance assurance,
transubstantiating health/wealth reassurance,
investing in cooperatively-owned and eco-managing
therapeutic non-violent...
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deductively, community, conflict, corruption, courage, freedom, green, health,
Political Verse
Answers Without QuestionsWhy do questions hope to end with answers
while answers seem to never end
without yet more questions?
As a case in point...
How are the Case Studies of economic and political history
different than Einstein's Thought Experiments?
Wait a...
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deductively, feelings, health, humor, integrity, language, relationship, science,
Political Verse
Fishy Science School of Geometric ArtsMath speaks through us
within us
of cognitive landscapes
imagined still and/or moving.
Primal metrics are rational and symmetrical,
good as true as straightforward,
complex creation story problems
unfolding with precise answers,
right as at least not not ecologically wrong,
ecopolitically suboptimal perhaps,
yet at...
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deductively, adventure, earth, life, light, math, science fiction,
Political Verse
Permacultural TrustThe organic building of a coordinated artist
begins with reconstructing competitively clumsy LeftBrain technicians.
Whether learning to play the piano
or learning to communicate in some new language
or learning to adopt,
and/or adapt,
norms and nuances of some new cultural...
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deductively, art, birth, bullying, earth day, giving, health,
Political Verse
Games We PlayYang, dear.
Yes, my lovely Yin.
Why do you map Game Theory
onto EcoFeminist Political Theory?
It comes across as either just confusing
or, even worse,
vaguely sexist.
How sexist?
Well you seem to associate competitive ZeroSum WinLose
with strong aggressive patriarchal effectiveness
for defending...
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deductively, birth, games, gender, health, history, humor,
Political Verse
Sins of Supreme SuppressionNot to play any blame game,
in this our new co-evolutionary capacity
for LeftBrained Language Enculturation
long become YangDominant associated
with 'civilization',
co-arising anthro-centrism,
including Earth's newer history
of revolution by Empirical Elitism.
Processes of empirical empire supremacy,
kill or be killed,
became not really...
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deductively, earth, health, language, math, religion, science, sin,
Prose Poetry
Remembering Radical RelativesExplain your historical evolution radically, inclusively, expansively, good-humoredly;
not carefully, deductively, reductively, sarcastically.
We once had a school of thought
among up and coming geneticists and historians
that the precursor to the regeneration of a species,
or even an...
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deductively, beauty, culture, health, humor, philosophy, psychological, science,
Prose Poetry
God As Brown As An EggIf God is EggWhite
then Tao is His embryonic EarthYolk.
Why would you say such a confusing and silly thing?
What is the difference between a Paradise Tree of Life and Death
and a Great Chain of Being?
Is this...
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deductively, earth, god, health, history, motivation, power, psychological,
Political Verse
Summer Reforesting SchoolYinYin,
what did you most appreciate
learning at school this summer?
Probably in Community ReForesting.
You know, the EcoTherapy Class
I took
instead of eating lunch,
using "lunch" loosely
as synonymous with edible,
or at least tangentially related to edibility.
Oh yes, that one.
What stands...
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deductively, culture, education, health, history, humor, integrity, psychological,
Political Verse
Why Blackwaters Cause BrownfieldsIf I have this right,
and I almost certainly don't have this Left-Deductively right,
our Environmental Health and Safety Protection Agency
and our Public Health and Safety Education Department
have recently co-invested in BlackWater WinLose EcoPolitical Empowerment
through PublicSector Piracy...
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deductively, confusion, culture, health, humor, integrity, peace, psychological,
Political Verse
New BeginningsToday we begin with a quote from Eisenstein
with commentary in brackets
informed by Bucky Fuller's cooperative metaphysic
of Synergetic Steerage.
"We have a[n autonomic neurosystemic] need to stay in contact with people with whom we share emotional...
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deductively, nature, philosophy, political, psychological, relationship, religion, science,
Parallelismus Membrorum
Advent of Healthier EconomicsIt's not only
our cultural value conditioning
that presents a health communication problem
about transitions of climate
without our Interior
and within our Exterior
It's also about internally incommensurable
cultural values,
norms enjoined throughout Earth's domesticated human race
toward humane evolution's economic journey
Whether transportive...
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deductively, adventure, birth, bullying, hate, health, life, true
Parallelismus Membrorum
What Are We LearningWhat have you learned from your family experience
that influences your position
on public health and safety,
national health defense
and economic offensives you might propose
for healthier individuals
and families
and nations
and even planet Earth, hopefully?
Could you give me an...
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deductively, environment, family, health, history, language, mental health,
Parallelismus Membrorum
Bothyang and AlsoyinIt's hard to think in Either-Or Deductive,
while speaking and acting in Both-And Inductive.
For example,
If my Brother is kind and loving
(and he usually is),
and really not all that judgmental and condemning
with his wife and kids especially...
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deductively, christian, earth, family, health, history, humor, usa,
Political Verse
PolyMathic RevolutionWorth Two in a Buddha Universal Bush
Our permaculturist agenda,
primal principle of economic/ecological design,
is developing,
hunting and stealing into fissures
fractally fracturing Business As Usual.
Nothing any one person or nation could do
or not choose to do
can stop this...
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deductively, culture, faith, math, nature, philosophy, psychological, science,
Political Verse
Learning To Recreate HealthFrom Edward de Bono's Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by [NonHierarchical] Step
The emphasis in education has always been on logical sequential thinking which is by [deductively analytical academic] tradition the only proper [true, good, and pretty]...
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deductively, creation, culture, health, humor, nature, power, psychological,
Prose Poetry
Future Self Among OthersFuture selves recycle past dynamic imaginations,
Greek Gods as muscular Yang athlete images
evolve from older internal messianic bodhisattva Yin,
double-edged incarnations of power.
It is in this coincidentia oppositorum,
claims Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
that the peaks,
the Taoist Tipping Points
of wu wei...
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deductively, christian, culture, earth, health, political, psychological,
Political Verse
Deep Wellhearted MindsI suppose my worldview life of mind
and witnessing view of few
deep well
hearted Earth
Would feel easier
more powerfully co-inviting
without chronic win/lose stressors
popping up
against downstream sundry, multiculturally
and yet Organically EcoGreen
Future prophets
without ecologically probable
Potential for...
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deductively, earth day, health, home, integrity, mother, peace,
Political Verse
Therapeutic Work and PlayYou mentioned you work with a therapist.
Has she encouraged you to incorporate centering exercises
and holistic thinking and feeling experiences
healing interior and exterior nondualistic climate events
in your everyday thinking/feeling mutually non-violent practice?
Has she encouraged...
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deductively, caregiving, deep, earth, education, green, health, love,
Political Verse
Perfect Love, Optimal LifePerfect love is perfection,
it is rare,
if such love exists at all
it must thrive beyond boundaries of my own experience
either receiving,
or giving.
Could this perfection of synergetic harmony and confluence
we have grown to love as love itself
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deductively, culture, love, nature, philosophy, science, spiritual,
Political Verse
Great Recycling RetransitionIcons are funny things,
she thought.
Heaven feels like a warm light circle
when we are thriving
and more like a cold dark triangle
of weaponed tipping points
against me
and mine
competitively not communicating
when we are barely surviving
above the mortally terrifying bottom
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deductively, health, identity, integrity, psychological, religion, wisdom, woman,
Political Verse
Zero-Souled ConsciousnessIn a surprise announcement today,
President Plan B Sandman's
EcoMinister of CoOperative Economics
translated bipartisan balanced ecologic
into "Full-Budda BiLateral Political Consciousness."
rather than presenting theoretical support,
he seems to offer analogical evidence
for his ecological thesis
about logic,
or logos,
or neurosystemic linguistics,
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deductively, culture, deep, environment, identity, philosophy, western,
Political Verse