Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Permacultural Trust
The organic building of a coordinated artist begins with reconstructing competitively clumsy LeftBrain technicians. Whether learning to play the piano or learning to communicate in some new language or learning to adopt, and/or adapt, norms and nuances of some new cultural environment, human nature starts, and started, with RightBrain as inductive unconscious autonomic pre-programmed DNA/RNA receptivity, double-bind fractal-octave resonance, to and with and as externally and internally triggered changes, and builds out deductively reductively decomposing complexities of some performance system we notice in some other, including other humans, we are attracted to in some positive empathic-trust way, inviting further trust. But, stumbling across an anomalous situation, a creature, human or not ambiguously felt and has become historically suspect, we distrust due to negative threat, aggressive competitions where we would have normally anticipated cooperation; or maybe just too loud and stinky to mutually ignore in some tolerant kind of way. From perennially positive systems soliciting and supporting our further WinWin nutritional relationships, and from our negatively toxic attritions, our deductive LeftBrain builds labels to reduce the whole gestalt into its cause-effect cycling and spiraling parts until we can predict to our satisfaction, and sometimes hypnotizing horror, how to regenerate/degenerate this behavior with our own mindbodies through deliberate, step by consecutive technical step, building technique until this new pattern, sequence of rhythms within interdependently cooperative performance, becomes what we call "second nature" internalized, as automatic as finding our ways back home. But, this second nature, whether learning to perform a song that is also a compelling and resonant emotive narration, or venomously screaming threats at anyone you perceive as unlike your own egocentric self, in some unenlightened way, becomes incorporated into Left and Right Brain reiterative appositional flow. Technically learned performance moves from Left-deductive toward Right-inductive co-arising nondual nature-nurtured habit of "second nature" expression, thought, activation of a mastered behavioral-affective constellation of interior/exterior activity, as natural as writing with your left or right dominant hand. Given all the above, when and why would becoming a violent aggressor become an ego-acceptable, LeftBrain deductive dominant choice of encultured instinctive response to "non-kin" as opposed to "not yet kin"? How would one become attracted to, and sustained by, becoming a dissonance-creating and expanding bully, an aggressor against potentially immigrating strangers as aliens, labelled collectives of ecosystemic individuals, hives, nests, pests who have not themselves ever actually exhibited threatening behavior toward yourself, or those you already perceive as "kin"? It seems that terrorism and bullying might also be rabidly aggressive behavioral-affective negative patterns which can be as competitively-reiteratively contagious as cooperative trust in healthier patterns of becoming together rather than thrusting and parrying apart. In WinWin as NonZero ReGenerative Game Theory, and in Feminist EcoPolitical CoOperative ReProduction Theory, learning resonant-positive nurturing behavioral norms anticipates nonzero-sum, nonpatriarchal-competitive, outcomes, WinWin bilateral equivalence that normatively anticipates pay-it-forward more of the same as long as everyone follows Left-Right learned behavioral-affective Golden Rule matriarchal-maturation patterns toward mutually nutritional "second nature" norms. What is actually Elder brain stem "first nature" is profoundly matriarchal-cooperative ownership and governance except under unusual survival Win-Lose pressures of past experience as environmentally reconceived. It is here in anomalous primordial seas of survival of the "I Win so You Lose" fittest where might makes our ego's self-optimizing right to survive today despite knowing that doing so by accessible aggressive means predicts more of the negative same, or even more escalating, risk of loss tomorrow. But, this is not normative "first matriarchal-love nature" just as it is not first-nurture, for if zero-sum survivalist toxicity were our AntiGolden Rule primordial soup from which we arrived at this time on Earth, then human LeftBrain dominant nature could never have evolved decompositional technique at all. Declaring private or very public wars against alien terrorists is a suboptimizing zero-sum choice to play a negative LoseLife-LoseLife Game unless no nonzero-sum option has been more diplomatically learned that we have not yet responsively tried. The zero-sum "I must win" so "You must lose" of Either-Or bottom-line producer-over-consumer-oriented capitalism, with competitive ownership rather than cooperative ownership WinLose assumptions, is a sub-optimizing economic and political performer, still trying to relearn our first-nature matriarch-nurturing health and safety. Capitalism as might-makes-right evolutionary theory is patriarchally LeftBrain dominantly deductively mislearned, technologically over-shot, ecologically over-grazed ecopolitical error in its unmitigated incarnation away from baseline cooperative matriarchal stewardship and nurturing co-management roots. Ecologic, like sacred syncretic Logos and Mythos, is prime relationally, primally Original Matriarchal Source, WinWin, notnot zerosum, for the same reason economic transactions and politically positive relationships between kin, extending out to neighbors and those perceived more ambiguously as extending-extensive biological kin, are rooted in continuous Left-Right ego/eco-balancing extensions from co-empathic trust as positive and normative health-roots, embryonically matriarch-regenerative, while actively anti-pathic, sociopathic distrusts are suboptimizingly and violently degenerative.
Copyright © 2025 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Reflection on the Important Things