God As Brown As An Egg
If God is EggWhite
then Tao is His embryonic EarthYolk.
Why would you say such a confusing and silly thing?
What is the difference between a Paradise Tree of Life and Death
and a Great Chain of Being?
Is this a change of subject or are you answering my question with another confusing and silly question?
Easier question:
How are a ReGenerating Tree of HealthyLife then PathologicalDeath
and a Healthy ReCycling-ReProducing Organic MultiGenerational Chain of Being
If God is a Western ReGenerating/Degenerating Tree,
and Tao is an Eastern ReProducing/Unraveling Chain and Ground of (0)-Balancing organic health/pathology becoming,
then we might both Tree and ReChain Jean-Jacques Rousseau's empowering philosophy experience,
"I had perceived everything to be [regeneratively/degeneratively] radically connected
with [economic-ecological] politics,
and that, upon whatever [nutrition/toxin] principles these were [cooperatively/competitively] founded,
a people would never be more than that which the [ecosystemic] nature
of the [ego-self and Earth-other] government [inductively, more than solely deductively] made them."
Both Western dualist divide of nature from spirit,
and Eastern cooperative nondual co-arising nature-enspiriting political philosophy
portray The EcoPolitical Moral Order
through evolutionary and revolutionary WinWin both-and metaphors;
essentially contending with the double-bind appositional primal relationship
of cooperation OVER and/or UNDER
the WinWin-Yang v LoseLose Yin-understory of
EcoPolitical Elite LeftBrain-Secular
and RightBrain-Sacred NonElite bilateral integrity,
like life and death,
light and dualdark,
positive and double-binding notnot ambivalently pos/negative,
competitively oppositional deductions and cooperative appositional inductions.
ConVex with ConCave,
Yang with YinYin, etc...
George Lakoff's "Political Mind"
implies cooperative with competitive economy of bicameral nurturing flow powers,
the temporal ecologic of our God as Tao-given Morally Helpful Order
(and not so much condemning disorder).
"...since we owe every [regenerative-health evolving] thing we are--our very existence--to the workings of [Earth's] nature, nature is seen [by bicameral balancing ecopolitical minds] as [regenerative-health] moral."
And yet, also both-and ecologically,
degeneratively pathological
as absence of sufficiently nutritional moral-normative
co-arising nondual
self-as-part-of-Other governing dynamic organic balance.
Just as God's Tree of Life
includes Ego's Death,
just as Tao's Organic Chain of Earth's ReProductive-Evolving Health
includes Ego's DeGeneration-Devolution of self-centering supremacy,
so too our Moral Order of history
includes both "natural hierarchies of [LeftBrain] power emerge"
and unbalanced dissonant RightBrain disempowerment continues Earth's premillennial creation story of matriarchal NonElite repression.
Lakoff continues,
"According to the [eco]logic of the [regenerative/degenerative] metaphor,
to find out who is most [cooperatively Left-Win/Right-Win] moral,
look at who has been, over history
[but also within matriarchal embryonic understory]
most [Ego/EcoConscious] powerful in the [LeftBrain YangDominant] hierarchy.
From here,
Lakoff illustrates spatial-moral order metaphors of supremacy over subjects,
ecopolitical Elites over NonElites,
the Elite of nature's endowment
in more empowered contrast to their lower-tiered NonElite.
We begin to see some ahistorical,
temporal before-after
cause-effect reversal issues
about who and what came first,
then causally-regeneratively/degeneratively second,
in our Moral WinWin Tree-OrganicChain Order.
In our Western Tree of Life and Death,
God rules ProGenitor before and, therefore, above,
DNA-scripted regenerative biosystems.
But, in our nondual co-arising Eastern Organic Chain,
human bicameral Yang/Yin nature
co-evolves with and as Tao's regenerate/degenerate ecological
RedYolk/BlueEmbryonic integrative nurture-resonant balance.
In Western Moral Patriarchal Order,
HumanNature is more sacredly above,
yet not historically-naturally before Earth's MultiCulturing Natures.
In Tao's Moral ReGenerate/DeGenerate Order,
Earth's RNA-scripted Nature
nutritionally-organically predicts and precedes
and evokes and invites ecological healthy DNA climate precedence
toward bicamerally balancing Humane/Divine nondual Nature.
In Western Patriarchal power hierarchies deduced-reduced from above
as Moral Order,
Adults are above Children,
yet Tao Matriarchal/Patriarchal double-bind appositional nutritional empowerment of Both-And as WinWin
cautions us
to not loselose touch with historical-temporal facts.
We were all RightBrain dominant infants
and more Left/Right Patriarch/Matriarch balancing prepubescent children
before we became EgoDominant deductivists,
and RightBrain repressing eco-inductive nurturing adults.
Western God-YHWH-Allah Cultures claim ecopolitical competitive supremacy over and above
NonWestern too-cooperativist cultures.
Yet God has become, for some,
the Supreme WinLose Condemning LeftBrain Dominant personification
of nondual co-arising Tao's bilaterally cooperative
PatriarchalSecular/MatriarchalSacred Earth HealthWealth Optimization Landscape.
Where Conservative Fundamentalist residents
of USA-RedDominant
place these Uniting States above other Nations,
a more cooperative WinWin regenerative view of muticulturing history
might more humbly remember
this USA is a mere adolescent among Elder Regenerating ecosystemic Cultures,
ReGenerating HealthWealth WinWin Evolution more cooperatively than not
not DeGenerating Pathological Devolution
of immoral Patriarchal-YangDominant disorders.
BrownEgged Tao is older than God,
so it seems inappropriate to consider ourselves ecopolitically USA Conservative LeftBrain deductive dominantly and morally
and historically,
sacredly and naturally correct,
to competitively divide Earth
as Elite Christians.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2017
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