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Why Blackwaters Cause Brownfields

If I have this right, and I almost certainly don't have this Left-Deductively right, our Environmental Health and Safety Protection Agency and our Public Health and Safety Education Department have recently co-invested in BlackWater WinLose EcoPolitical Empowerment through PublicSector Piracy... No, honey, not piracy... privatization. Well, yes, privatization of public-sector cooperative health and safety regeneration by contracting mercenary pirates of WinWealth for me or LoseHealth for you. Robin BlackWater stealing from rich Empire USA cooperative Original PublicSector Constitutional Intent, to feed the poor starving NonElite military-industrial-educational-financial-insurance Elite BiggestWin for Upper Management and StockOwner Wealth whether or not this is good for Earth's ecological Regenerative-Cooperative Health and Safety. Well, when you put piracy in that Robin BlackWater WinElite/LoseNonElite context, it feels appositionally reversed, like you see piracy as robbing from the entitled rich to not give out to the lumpenproletariat working-class farmers, patriarchal hunters and matriarchal gatherers, also bicameral LeftDeductive and RightInductive CoEmpathic Health and Safety Trust DNA-enabled, but sometimes also concerned about their thin boundaries from conjoining the even more NonElite LoseLose homeless and hungry. Yes, well, that is probably where this image of Robin BlackWater, stealing from GreenEarth disenfranchised regenerative potential to give us BrownField-growing cognitive-affective toxic dissonance toward ecopolitical rabidity and military-industrial blasted overpopulation further removed from potential health and safety WinWin cooperative PublicSectors co-owning and managing polypathic fields of co-empathic OriginalIntent endeavor. My Robin BlackWater iconic images began with wondering why? Why was BlackWater our obvious international nation-state choice, whether you reside in the Americas, or the MiddleEast, or China, or Africa, our choice for subcontracting military-industrial WinLose responses to Piracy, theft of health and/or wealth from Elite EcoPolitical Corporations, both Public and Private, Cooperative WinWin EnCultured and Competitive WinLose Elite/NonElite Patriarchal Fundamentalist Robin BlackWaters not playing cooperatively-regeneratively nice with Matriarchal Radical AntiRevolutionaries Loving SlowGrowth (0)-Sum EcoPolitical EcoJustice Yang/Yin EgoDeductive/Eco-Inductive Integrity Health and Safety CareFlow, Owned and Administered for Left/Right Health and Safety Dominating Peace and Internally Equivalent RightBrain Integrative EcoJustice. Then I realized that BlackWaters, to create nothing more than new BrownFields throughout what was MultiCulturing Green/Blue AquarianEarth, are the logical LoseLose firing line when LeftBrain would rather DominateOver than DanceWith RightBrain's cooperative health and safety public/private sector ownership and management of WinWin co-regenerating democratic Elite/NonElite GreenEarth Health and Safety PublicSector constitutions of humane-divinely nondual co-arising Mutual Left/Right Assured Health and Safety Optimization, rather than more BlackWater WinLose Mutual Piracy Destruction. This way of seeing BlackWater as WinLose PrivateSector Piracy Experts flirts with LeftBrain ElitistDominance of PolyPathic WinWin TruthClaims, yet is neither intended or accepted as merely another paranoid conspiracy theory about the bad old Capitalist PrivateSector Elite grabbing hard-won exhausted dollars from the poor little lumpenproletariats, provoking their fears of themselves becoming terrorized and enslaved homeless and hungry pathetic alcoholics addicted to RealityShows with WinLose ethically ambiguous, and therefore smuggly humorous, emotionally positive-deviant outcomes so long as our Elder RightBrain remembers to identify only with the Elite, and not so much the loser nonelite also ranWin to eventually Lose rational-enlightening egoLeft/ecoRight-consciousness, balancing cooperative visibility. Alright love, but I do worry about demonizing BlackWater for so successfully becoming what our WinLose U.S. EcoPolitical Elite AND cooperative NonElite have supported, prevailing WinHealth Cooperative Ownership and Upper-Management as Fully EcoLogical Wealth through LongTerm LowerManagement disinvestment from PreExisting Pathology Expenses. After all, isn't that the only way for Elite PrivateSector health and safety corporations to grow further TopHeavy HealthyWealth? You know what Jesus said, the rich should get richer and the poor will inevitably WinLose down to ecosystemic poorer. Yes, well, he more likely said Blessed are the PeaceWaters for they shall inherit this BlueGreen Aquarian Cooperative Earth. I would not demonize BlackWaters by becoming my avatar of Global PrivateSector WinLose Piracy upon NonElite PublicSector cooperative ecopolitical Original Intent. Perhaps it would help if you could move on from what you don't intend, to more positively state what you do more regeneratively WinWin intend. I think we could be more cooperatively WinWin productive by unveiling how we see our diverse ecopolitical hierarchy, our health and safety care as WinWin regeneratively optimal and WinLose degenerative-dissonant piracy, predation by mercenary transfer of WinWin responsibility to WinLose competitive authority structures with inevitable recycling of degenerating pathological climates chaotically and often violently erupting LeftBrain competitions struggling against RightBrain bilateral Elite/NonElite CoEmpathic ReGenerative CoMentorship. Elder RightBrain's Original Health and Safety Protection Cooperative can only become WinWin owned and contractually LeftRight eco-managed therapeutically rotating economic/political healthwealth consumer resources with cooperative (0)-sum production of global GreenEarth self-regenerative balance-- not so much BlackWater to BrownFields Piracy of lumpenproletariat co-investors.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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