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Zero-Souled Consciousness

In a surprise announcement today, President Plan B Sandman's EcoMinister of CoOperative Economics translated bipartisan balanced ecologic into "Full-Budda BiLateral Political Consciousness." Curiously, rather than presenting theoretical support, he seems to offer analogical evidence for his ecological thesis about logic, or logos, or neurosystemic linguistics, or whatever the hell he was talking on and on about instead of actually doing something bipartisan healthy for democratic choice-making. "Prevailing winds of electromagnetic and thermodynamic change flow counter clock-wise, Western power toward Eastern light; in reverse of SunFather's Common enlightening nutrinomial passions, double-bound transparent in each speaking co-invested Now point of nonverbally co-infested Time, flowing Eastern panentheistic bright history toward Western monotheistic power culture, at this hourglass point in belief/practice time, as through all transparent vocal movement and vulnerable body transitions. Consciousness of Tao indigenous wisdom moving power forward in lightened formation and reformation and deformation and information and exformation. Consciousness of Time flowing backward in a bicameral mindbody with normal mental and physical health in/ex-formating. In other words, permacultural re/decomposing to sustain health-nurtured ecosystemic life, as RNA/DNA double-fractal Anthro/Earth cobalance re/degenerates living/dying organic neurosystems. Permacultural decomposition bicamerally sorts through Lose-Lose Win-Lose and Win-Win ecological healthcare scenarios, to produce climaxing beloved outcomes; sifts through affective and deductively dominating distance separation division dissonance disassociation, apparent mutual immunity of egocentric with ecocentric, dissonating analogical-fractal rhythms of RNA/DNA Elder Right hemisphere/ Left verbal hemisphere body/mind dis-normation. Julian Jaynes and Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein shared an assumptive win/lose trauma history, sub-optimizing ecotherapeutic win/win consciousness. Jaynes' evolutionary/revolutionary theory of birthing a deductive languaged Left-dominant ego-selfconsciousness, flew away from Left-Right hemispheric nondual co-arousal of Self as also part of Other consciousness, by only looking at the history of narcissistic madness, anthrosupremacist re-creativity, struggles between internal monotheistic mortality and panentheistic divinity. EgoLeft is an intrinsic deductive DNA-human consciousness child of SuperEco Right's co-arising Buddha consciousness, balancing Yangish-Left with DoubleBinding Yintegral-Right to intuitively know as Elder RNA has co-mediated empowerment, but never allowed to speak of Earth-enlightened political cooperative orchestration beyond the folds of co-gravitating time's fractal-Fullerian RNA syntax. Their mistake in common, to confuse the endo v ecto-symbiotic inside v outside mind v body light v power dualism of evolutionary v devolutionary change rather than dipolar co-arising win/win co-passionate primal positive healthy poli-economic co-relationship of ecological Buddha mindbody neurosystemic peak/valley experience reconnecting interdependent Anthro/Earth spirit/nature indigenous consciousness. While dipolar related as Left logic crown light to Right ecologic rootsystemic power, Anthro EarthTribe co-investment repeats this prime relationship ruddering our way through individual lives and tribal win/lose evolutions and transitional win/win revolutions/devolutions. Erik Erikson's evolutionary theory of human health cultural development spread across our verbal history of nations supporting Positive Psychology democratic experience as social-cultural maturation of comprehensive trust and co-investment. Combined with Jaynes' bicameral intelligence, Erikson's model might suggest we are in last stages of releasing adolescent anthro-narcissistic religiosity to embrace a deeper balanced confluent ecology of Buddha egoLeft/ecoRightc bipartisan woke consciousness, liberally enlightened universal political salvation and conservationally co-empowering unitarian cooperative economic co-redemptive EarthTribe ownership. This neurosystemic ego/eco win/win consciousness appears nondually co-arise dynamically re/de-generative intelligence, with double-elliptical dipolar dynamisms of spirit/nature 0/1 concave/convex vortex/vertex balance and full-octave-fractal harmony, bilateral strings of resiliently brilliant nuclei networking toward this timeless Beloved AuthenticMind/IntegralBody political EarthTrust economy." While I hesitate to comment, the EcoMinister did not appear to anticipate applause, much less future headlines.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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