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Fishy Science School of Geometric Arts

Math speaks through us within us of cognitive landscapes imagined still and/or moving. Primal metrics are rational and symmetrical, good as true as straightforward, complex creation story problems unfolding with precise answers, right as at least not not ecologically wrong, ecopolitically suboptimal perhaps, yet at least not full-blown subclimate of depressive pathology, no irrational remainders of wasted paper and trees and days and decades remaining. Tidy, if somewhat empty, zero-sum metric loving souls. But scientists need to understand how we climatically feel about these metric bicameral functions of cognition's agape through terror of dissonant irrationality, exterior landscapes of joy with some considerable unknown as yet dismay, empathically felt interior erotic-sensual trust fertilely opposing toxic hate of chaotic landscapes and lifespan dreams and meta-unphysical paradigms and ecological as ecopolitically correct global multicultural climates of and for not-so-much pathology. This appears to become our bicameral fractal spiral of three dimensional spatial landscapes with one bilateral temporal summerish-mature Yang climate of ecoconscious Left/Right Balancing coredemptive polypathy, bicamerally (0)-soul invested ecopolitical resonance, octave-crystal holonic harmonies of RNA/DNA Revolutionary EarthRights Solidarity, HistoriCultural ReWeaving, ReConnecting, ReLigioning, ReGenerating, resolving, revolving, evolving rainblown spirals of metric scientific enlightenment. Math erupts interior ecologic of healthy landscapes while science is about exterior ecopolitics evolving healthier climates of polypathic Left/Right optimal-health comprehension. This politics of science unveils economic health cooperating, perhaps even co-opting YangDominant capitalism, co-operating ecologically positive climates, regenerative of co-empathic trusting fully-democratically accessible co-messianic power as opposed to decomposing pathologies of static distrust, swelling toward LoseLose games and lack of passion displays, climatic disempowerment of EarthTribe's Common Rights. Politics of knowledge power, both positive and negative, relationships economically competitively ruined unwilling to share and play Golden Rule through Ratio nice, static monoculturing, repressing, self-oppressing, paranoid ecopolitical isolation, stasis, putrification, petrification, terror, fear of future times, anger about losses from potential regenerations past, negative psychology shadowing Positive Psychology becoming bicameral politics. All of us infantile deep learning scientists begin bilateral walking through nurturing climate landscapes. Some learn to bicamerally struggle with flying through days and most especially nights of health v pathology regenerate/decomposing climates, feelings of straightforwardly true and too often not so much lifting off co-gravity's ground of becoming. Few remember to swim erotically in our anciently sacred sea of Agape's implicating bliss ecoconscious self-governed kiss, kicking and revolving not too hard to soften old rememories of our ecologically graceful old school for/of co-empathically trusting fish. EcoPolitical Science as GraceFilling School for fish begins far back before graceful bipedal walking, on back to beginnings of wave-linear metric bilateral time swimming radiantly Yang with Yin prime relationally entrusting incarnating dualdark Elder Yin's implicating procreation born of Sun's Yang sperm waving warming embryonic Earth regenerating healthy cooling information of ecologically swimming bilateral identity, revolving resonant light, rainbow's metric timing. Where Father Sun greets Earth's primal rain there we scientifically engage our Elder metric strains of harmony, not merely cognitive-mechanistic predictability of constant boring reiteration, but profoundly politically embedded in organic love and lust networks of continuously revolving life through death functions, adding days to subtract nights, multiplying families to divide empathic trusting schools of ecopolitical fish swirling spinning spirals around and through coral boundary reefs, reflecting ultra-violet resonance of moon and star filtering almost light, bounding heartbeat dreamy landscapes and climates of septically bifurcating emptiness, zero-centric ecopolitical scientists still swimming toward bicamerally balancing identity. The scientific life is not all full-swollen fertile summers, not all hibernating depressive repressive monoculturing, isolated, hopeless winters of mistrusting discontent. What co-arises in adolescent springs of life will again co-gravitate in Elder's Harvest about what all those regenerative days and decomposing dialectic nights of summer's most Yangish WinWin outcomes were all notnot about, double-deductively as double-bind predicative, positive MEME-Yang as notnot negative MEME-Yin balancing, LeftDominant as RightBrain EcoPolitical/EcoLogical Climate DNA-health-nurturing yet too-repressive, non-elite, nutritionally undervalued, yet healthwealth optimization regeneratively (0)-primal Eulerian-spiral thermodynamic Prime Dipolarity (co-arising as co-gravitating, reverse-4D temporal) [as translated by Bucky Fuller's speed of light as geometric-fractal/fusion-holonic/sacred-prime (0)Core], Perelman-bilateral function Prime Relationship unfolding Tipping Point Universal Optimization, [with 4 prime dimensions, Thurston, Group Theorists et. al.] TaoTime WuWei= MidWay WinWin Gaming Theory reiteratively profound enthymematic communication (bilateral cooperative prime-septic (0)-sum Positive=ReGenerative Health aptic-bicameral-internal-assumption [Julian Jaynes, BiCameral Ethological/Ecological Theory of LeftBrain language-dominant teleology-logos-purpose-meaning as landscape/climate regenerative value], reiteratively, polynomially, resonantly-harmonically eco-light, polypathically bicamerally still speaking health v pathologies of ecopolitical science.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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