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The Music Of Heart In Verse Softly Whirred

What seems now old Used to be utterly new What was previously told We cease to over chew ***** All that is old hold a treasure If only we all knew Just weigh and measure Under the veil a unique hue ***** Out of memories we grow Been taught lessons to the bone We do reap all that we sow And for wrongdoing we atone ***** Pleasure and pain what we gain In a life not taken for granted Who can stop time or rinse rain Or suppress anger that should be vented ***** Life will continue to hurt and heal Vomit its villains to mould the meek Send its saints to instill ardency and zeal Never always the ones at the wheel ***** Deeply inside my prayers I recite To always endurance and faith embrace Be human of worth, decent and upright And paths that stain never retrace ***** A great depth of gratitude to God we owe For both strength and forbearance For age that vigorously flow And for the gift of Love in abundance ***** An abiding passion for her Majesty the word Delving into my smile and feel would draw The music of heart in verse softly whirred My poetic human soul imbued with awe.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/13/2024 5:52:00 AM
Dear Besma, I see the pearls of wisdom strewn before me. I have always admired your poetic skill, your personality and above all your abidance in God. Life doles out challenges and excitements, joy and pain in turn or simultaneously. As humans we have to respond to them with maturity without getting overly optimistic or dourly pessimistic. Time moves on. What was once new will become old. When seen through the right perspective, we may see worth in what we have discarded once as old. "Deeply inside my prayers I recite, To always endurance and faith embrace Be human of worth, decent and upright, And paths that stain never retrace" This stanza, I love most. Life is a continuing process of renewal where god comes at the centre. Gratitude to God and men makes one adorable and praise worthy. Congratulations dear Besma on your great win.
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Date: 3/1/2024 5:45:00 AM
Dear Besma, your poem is a profound reflection on life's journey, filled with wisdom and introspection. Your words beautifully capture the essence of growth, resilience, and gratitude, showing us to cherish both the joys and challenges life brings. The imagery and emotion in your verses are deeply felt, touching my soul with their sincerity. This is a heartfelt piece that celebrates the power of words and the human spirit. - Blessings, Daniel
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 3/3/2024 4:27:00 PM
I am immensely honoured by your graceful presence, deeply humbled by your appreciative and wonderful feedback, and deeply grateful to you Daniel.. I'm truly impressed by the depth of your words and blessed to have a poet of richness and of remarkable humility read my poetry and generously grant me a so uplifting and rewarding a response.. thank you so much! My most sincere salutations and regards. God bless your amazing soul.
Date: 2/6/2024 10:38:00 AM
Dearest Besma, how i have missed you. How often i have wanted to write and tell you how wonderful a poetess you always have been, are, and will be. Your kind loving soul and atmospheric spirituality radiated and boosted by a universal celestial presence shines, and will permanently and eternally be evident, but which cheerfully within our galaxy, is sanctioned by a smiley moon! Congratulations on your win dear special sister, who has so many more accolades to behold All my love Jenny
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/12/2024 8:51:00 AM
Poetic soul sister Jenny how happy I am to have you here and to read your amazing, kind and elating words on my humble soul and poetry.. I missed you too dear.. you are always so generous and kind to me spilling your so sincere feelings and inner beauty not just on my page but rather into my heart.. I'm deeply grateful to you for honouring my words and highly appreciating my poetry.. thank you so much for your warm wishes and congratulations! Stay always blessed and happy. Love and hugs.
Date: 2/4/2024 8:13:00 AM
Dear Besma, Assalamu Alaikum. If you please allow, I would like to translate your poem in Bangla. I will share with you when I am. Should I?
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/5/2024 12:41:00 PM
Dear Tamanna, wa alaikom essalam wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouhou. Thank you so much for reading my humble poetry and appreciating it! You are welcome to translate my poem if you like to dear. God bless you. Best regards.
Date: 2/3/2024 1:55:00 PM
Indeed a lovely poem written from the heart and based on wise words that plead to be read and heard, Besma. Very much enjoyed, my friend. I see that congrtaulations are also in order!! Well done! Warm regards & blessings (and I hope the new year is being kind to you) // paul
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/5/2024 12:38:00 PM
What I truly gained from being here on Poetrysoup is getting to know and meeting poets of great beauty and humility.. You do honour my page and humble poetry, Paul.. I'm truly honoured to have you here with your remarkable insight and kind words of praise. So grateful to you. Thank you so much! My most sincere wishes for an amazing year full of happiness and God's blessings. Best regards.
Date: 1/19/2024 5:28:00 PM
This is beautiful. Thank you Besma.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/5/2024 12:30:00 PM
So beautiful is your feedback! Thank you so much! I highly value your support.. my deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/18/2024 7:28:00 AM
Dearest Besma, soul sister, it’s been far too long since I’ve immersed myself in the shining universe of your poetic verse so full of thought, beauty and insight. The depth and breadth of your creative spirit and your spiritual “music of heart” is as deep as it is elating, “softly whirring” my heart and imagination to join yours in solidarity to explore the “pleasure and pain” of life in “gratitude to God”. An exquisite outpouring from your golden soul and poetic pen. Shine on my dear sweet friend and poetry sister. Your poem resonates with rich imageries of realities and inspirations. Warmest wishes and belated congratulations.. ~Susan
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/5/2024 12:29:00 PM
Dear poetic soul sister Susan, i so much missed you here! Though I have been away for a long time but my heart is always here.. I have a huge sincere feeling of belonging to poetrysoup.. a true Love to my dear friends and fellow poets here.. You are a very dear beautiful soul to my heart, an amazing poetess and an ardent reader of my humble poetry.. I always look up to your so unique read and responses.. I'm deeply grateful to you for your rewarding and kind words dearest friend. You are always welcome to my heart and page.. you do honour me. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/15/2024 4:16:00 PM
Congratulations on your contest win, Besma. This was a beautiful poem which I added to my FAVs list. I enjoyed reading your words of wisdom today and I'm happy to see you post again. I've been a little inactive for a few weeks, so I missed this wonderful offering. I like it all, but the last verse showed the spiritual depth we should all have as we read the Word and acknowledge the all-powerful God we serve. Smiles and Blessing, Bill p.s. Have a great 2024!
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/5/2024 12:18:00 PM
Dear Bill, I'm so much obliged to you for your honouring presence and your so wonderful and delighting response to my humble poetry.. I thank you profusely for your constant support and appreciative kind words of encouragement.. You are so attentive to evey single word, line and stanza.. It truly brings a huge joy and satisfaction.. thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and remarkable humility. Looking forward to reading you.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/15/2024 1:24:00 PM
Congratulations on your win, dear Besma. Your creativity is completely breathtaking and heartfelt! This gem is a favorite of mine. I absolutely enjoyed this! Many blessings to you, my friend.. Happy New Year!
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 2/5/2024 12:11:00 PM
Dear Robertina, how heartwarming and elating is your feedback ! Deeply humbled and grateful to you for such an honour.. So kind of you to highly appreciate my humble words.. My warmest wishes for a Happy New Year ! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/11/2024 1:25:00 PM
this is very heartfelt, and I see it won a contest. Big congrats to you.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/14/2024 12:57:00 PM
Dear Andrea, you are beautifully kind to visit my page and gracefully appreciate my humble words.. thank you so much for your great support and congratulations. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/11/2024 7:06:00 AM
Congratulations on your winning work. Way to go. Thank you for sharing it with us. Sara K
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/14/2024 12:55:00 PM
Dear Sara, what s delight to have you here! Thank you so much for your wonderful kind words! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/11/2024 6:30:00 AM
Dear Besma, I am delighted to witness your return to posting, after a period of absence. Your poem is unequivocally a valuable piece, exuding a resounding resonance, captivating with its melodic cadence, and evoking profound sensations of authenticity and verity. Your artistic prowess employs masterful strokes of diverse hues to compose a vivid portrait of life. Your poetic talent is sparkling with brilliance and highlighting the depth of your genius. Hearty congrats on your win.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/14/2024 12:53:00 PM
Dear Lasaad , I'm so much obliged to you for your uplifting words of great support, encouragement and appreciation.. I'm deeply elated to read your praising response to my humble poetry.. It really fills my soul with an enthusiastic feel and a deep gratitude.. I'm always here on PS heart and soul! Poetrysoup is where I thrive.. Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness.. Thank you so much for your remarkable humility and honouring presence.. God bless you. Best regards.
Date: 1/10/2024 11:38:00 AM
I did not realise this one was for my contest, so I commented earlier.. loved the flow of this one. Congratulations on your placement in the contest..
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/10/2024 12:21:00 PM
Deeply grateful to you Silent One for your great and uplifting support.. I like so much your contests and enjoy writing the poetry that speaks to my soul.. and it is always an immense honour to take part.. Thank you so much for all the amazing seeds that you sow.. God bless you. Best regards.
Date: 1/9/2024 6:36:00 AM
I am reading your poem after a very long time. I could not find any of your work recently. This, indeed, is a gem. It is ringing, singing, and tingling with truths and realities. Want to read more from you.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/10/2024 7:22:00 AM
Absolutely, I was away from PS for quite a long time but I'm heart and soul here and always acknowledging that I truly owe a lot to.. I always look forward to keeping up with my dear friends and fellow poets poetry and reading their beauties.. thank you so much, Christuraj for your kind words and genuine appreciation.. God bless you. Best regards.
Date: 1/9/2024 12:11:00 AM
This is so touching dear besma, so good to see you post and an honor to be able to read your work, which is as always so sincere and authentic with so much depth that depicts also the strength of your spirituality and wisdom, in sheer eloquence, flowing seamlessly, i agree with so many lines in this and cant help but feel the depth of lines such as “ Life will continue to hurt and heal” how profound! Soul hitting! “ The music of heart in verse softly whirred My poetic human soul”brilliant.FAV
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/9/2024 2:15:00 AM
I'm truly impressed by your passion for poetry and your zeal! You are a beautiful human soul bathing in the deep and powerful ocean of poetry! You breathe the word and you spill your inner wonder into the verse! I always try to keep up with all the gems that you carve.. I thank you profusely from the depth of my heart for all the kind and sincere words on my humble poetry.. God bless your amazing soul dear Empress.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/8/2024 4:40:00 PM
You've covered the basics of life in this reverent poem Besma. We do indeed owe our Creator much, our lives really. I hope this year is better for you than 2023 was. :)
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/9/2024 2:08:00 AM
Every single appreciation from you Tom honours my humble work.. with a deep gratitude to you for your kind remarks and unique responses to my humble poetry.. May the new year bring to your life and soul what you aspire to and what elates you.. Thank you so much! God bless you. Best regards.
Date: 1/8/2024 11:49:00 AM
My dear sister Besma, your poem skilfully weaves together reflections on time, life's lessons, personal growth, and the enduring power of words, creating a tapestry of thoughtful insights and heartfelt sentiments... he final stanza pays homage to the transformative power of words and poetry. The reference to the "Music of heart in verse softly whirred" beautifully captures the emotional impact of poetic expression, suggesting a profound connection between the poet's soul and the art of writing
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/9/2024 2:01:00 AM
I am in awe of your so wonderful and appreciative comment on my humble words, Silent One! You never cease to lend a poetic hand and spill your word to add a lot of beauty to the world! Thank you so much for your ongoing support and genuine encouragement.. I'm truly grateful and ever value your great endeavours.. Always an immense joy and honour to have you read and appreciate what I write. God bless you. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/8/2024 4:07:00 AM
Dearest Besma, I'm overwhelmed by your beautiful captivating poems,so many outstanding lines, though I would have to say these are my favourites...***** Deeply inside my prayers I recite To always endurance and faith embrace Be human of worth, decent and upright And paths that stain never retrace ***** That signifies YOU, in all your true value and worth. A fave for me dear friend...Hugs xxx
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/8/2024 9:56:00 AM
Dear sweet Maria, I am the one blessed to have an amazing beautiful soul a so dear friend who has been always here for me from day one on Poetrysoup following my steps on the path of poetry supporting encouraging and uplifting my humble poetry.. I'm deeply grateful to you dear.. You are so kind to caringly and lovingly write your genuine and generous impressions on my humble work.. A great lady and a poetess of great worth! Thank you heaps! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/8/2024 1:23:00 AM
Oh my, dear beautiful poetess, it feels so nice to see you posting and for me to be able to read this philosophical rich in this New Year..What a remarkable reflection of your glorious wisdom you've presented here in these words..So true,life is indeed a journey of hurt and healing, forever moving like a rollercoaster symphonies of reaping what we have sown.I could deeply connect with the profound and meaningful essence of emotions that you've conveyed here, so artistically! Truly very heartfelt
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/8/2024 9:47:00 AM
Dear beautiful soul Hiya, I really couldn't find of wondrous unique words that would meet the genuineness, generosity, depth, sensitivity of your response to my humble words! You are of remarkable humility and beauty dear.. you have poetically delved into my soul and captivated the essence of what I wanted to convey and share with my dear friends and fellow poets.. I'm so obliged to you and deeply humbled.. an immense honour and a huge delight to have you here reading mindfully and marvelously and delicately spilling an extremely touching feedback! Deeply grateful to you dear Hiya.. God bless your amazing soul! My best regards.
Sharma  Avatar
Hiya Sharma
Date: 1/8/2024 1:26:00 AM
Reminiscences really make a treasure of golden memories, which involve pain and pleasure, for, not everything is just lush roses.. Life comes with innumerable lessons which elevate our higher selves.. Those ending lines feel so compassionate and empathetic as they radiate such serene vibes.. Thank you so much for sharing this brilliant piem with us.. Sending you love, light and best wishes for the New Year as well ~ :) a FAV for me!
Date: 1/8/2024 1:02:00 AM
You have painted a canvas with power strokes of mixed colors a portrait of life. Visions that sparkle in your poetic genius. You have done well.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/8/2024 9:23:00 AM
What a beautiful touching poetic feedback! Thank you so much for your wonderful words Victor! So much pleased and humbled.. Stay blessed with the gift of Poetry. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/8/2024 12:52:00 AM
Your poem is deep engaging and full of inspiring wisdom! Thanks for sharing.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/8/2024 9:20:00 AM
So kind of you dear Karen to visit my page and generously appreciate my humble poetry.. Thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things