Thankful For Four O'Clocks

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My mother lived and died in her flower garden. Having missed her for 34 years, I was surprised when a series of rain storms revived the Four O'Clocks she loved so much. Their blooms open as if by magic each day at four o'clock.
The rain that seemed to wash my hopes away
Left an amazing gift for me to find
Beyond the puddles that remained behind
New signs of life revived one summer day
I had not planted anything at all
'Twas Mom who wanted me to find this prize
Her efforts surely took me by surprise
Three decades passed; her smile I can’t recall
But in the yard where she drew her last breath
A bed of Four O’Clocks awoke one day
It was as if my Mom were there to say
“My love for you survived beyond my death”
*Written November 7, 2018
“Thankful Poetry Contest” hosted by Tania Kitchin
Copyright © Carolyn Devonshire | Year Posted 2018
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