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On the 15th January 2009 flight 1549 had just taken off from LaGuardia airport in New York but minutes into the flight they encountered a flock of Canadian geese that destroyed both of the planes engines, Captain 'Sully'' Sullenberger knew there was not enough altitude to glide safely back to the airport and made a split second decision to attempt a landing on the Hudson River, that decision saved the lives of 155 passengers and crew.
Listen to poem:
At New Yorks LaGuardia airport passengers stood in line
Waiting to board U.S.airways, flight one five four nine
Chesley Sullenberger was the captain and Jeff Skiles the co pilot
They were bound for North Carolina to the city of Charlotte.
It was a very cold January day in two thousand and nine
As they carried out pre fight checks and reported everything was fine
They were given the green light to take off to the sky
Sully was an air force veteran pilot and he knew how to fly.
They were minutes into the flight when disaster struck
And Sully would call on his experience with a measure of luck
A flock of geese flew at them, now both engines were dead
There was no time to panic and Sully kept a cool head.
He radioed a mayday message saying both engines were lost
And was told to head back to the airport, at any cost
Without altitude and thrust they were gliding in the sky
Sully realised he wouldn't make it and everyone would die.
He decided the only option was to land on the Hudson River
With winters temperatures, the worst would be they'd just shiver
He sent a message to the crew and passengers, to brace for impact
And apart from the loss of an engine he landed on the river intact.
He rushed out of the cockpit shouting "Evacuate"
Water was now pouring in at an alarming rate
He was the last person to leave the plane ensuring everyone got out
He'd cheated the grim reaper, of that there's no doubt.
River boats nearby rushed to them, to give a helping hand
And soon passengers and crew were safely on dry land
They were taken to hospitals and given the all clear
Friends told Sully he'd made the right call and had nothing to fear.
The National Transportation Safety Board held an inquiry
And with computer simulations said Sully had compromised safety
They claimed one engine had power and he could have landed on tarmac
The video simulations supported that view when they were played back.
One engine on the plane was damaged; the other had been lost
They searched the deep Hudson River at an enormous cost
Finally they found it and the engine blades had all gone
It confirmed what Sully had said was true; that he'd been right all along.
Sully and Jim Skiles were exonerated and cleared of any blame
They became heroes of the nation and gained international fame
Even presidents congratulated them for their quick thinking that day
And for their brave and heroic efforts on that watery runway.
There were no fatalities and the fight for survival had been won
And it became known worldwide as The Miracle on the Hudson
Sully became well known, becoming something of a celebrity
He knew that if he'd made the wrong call, it would have been a tragedy.
Written on 8th May 2021
Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2021
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