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Robin Haiku

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the robins are back marking my heart with their song they stake their claim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Posted on 23rd December 2018 for contest sponsored by Tania.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/14/2020 7:06:00 PM
The robins are beautiful. I can just watch and listen to them for hours, if I'm not busy. We have a lot of them here in the summer :)
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/15/2020 2:56:00 PM
We get robins who come to escape the cold in their countries; they stay here from autumn to spring, and then they return to where they came from. I always get some in my garden. Thank you for stopping by, Angela:) Regards // paul
Date: 7/10/2019 6:37:00 PM
o Paul, Robins have a beautiful song. I hear them every morning. Regards Darlene
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Paul Callus
Date: 7/11/2019 2:16:00 AM
Looks like we both love robins, Darlene:) Thank you for visiting. Regards // paul
Date: 1/18/2019 2:06:00 PM
I haven't seen any yet but we were invaded by a huge flock of black birds this week. They usually stop here every year in their migration trip. Thanks for the visit to my page. Creative work. Sara
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Paul Callus
Date: 1/19/2019 7:44:00 AM
It's my pleasure to have you stopping by, Sara....thank you! Have a lovely weekend. // paul
Date: 1/16/2019 11:53:00 AM
Hi Paul, we have some beautiful birds in Africa but no robins. However although very young (about 6 or 7) remember our one year stay in England and the robin red breasts (I think they called them) and also walking through the woods with my father and collecting blue bell flowers. I wonder how safe the woods are anywhere in the world now - Lovely words, really enjoyed , warm regards, Jennifer.
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Paul Callus
Date: 1/17/2019 3:56:00 PM
Thank you for reading and enjoying, Jenny. In Malta we do not have many birds, though migratory ones visit us every year. Luckily robins seem to love my garden! ~ Warm regards // paul
Date: 1/3/2019 2:31:00 PM
Just saw your reply to me, Yeah, same thing happened to me with mine , Paul! I would give it to Brian, but he very rarely awards wins for haiku!!
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Paul Callus
Date: 1/3/2019 3:47:00 PM
Thank you for coming back, Andrea. Hope the new year greeted you with open arms and a smile :) Regards // paul
Date: 12/30/2018 3:34:00 PM
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/30/2018 4:21:00 PM
Glad you liked it, Andrea. It received an NA in the contest. Regards // paul
Date: 12/26/2018 7:06:00 AM
Lovely imagery Paul..
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/26/2018 9:13:00 AM
Pleased you like it, S-1 ... thank you. Regards // paul
Date: 12/24/2018 4:49:00 AM
Hi Paul, a wonderful Haiku flows so easily from your golden pen. Love the content. A fave. I do love Haiku. Excellent write. Have a wonderful holiday season. Your friend always....Mike
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/25/2018 4:36:00 AM
Thank you on all counts, Mike; as always I enjoy your comments ... and a fav as an added gift! May Christmas bring you peace and joy in your heart, my friend. // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 7:59:00 PM
How sweet Paul. The skies would be so lonely without our feathered friends and so would we! Lovely! : ) Happy Holidays! xxoo
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/25/2018 4:33:00 AM
I agree with you, Connie...birds bring us happiness with their visits and songs; unfortunately we do not have so many birds on our island. I hope you are enjoying Christmas with family! // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 4:18:00 PM
Wow that is neat about the Robins in the season of winter there :) I love to see the Robins here in spring !
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/25/2018 4:28:00 AM
We live oceans apart, Heidi, and seasons vary:) We are lucky to have robins visiting us at this time of year. Thank you for stopping by. Regards // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 1:52:00 PM
the flight of winter so endearing with your chirpy write, paul... merry christmas with huggs
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/25/2018 4:26:00 AM
Thank you, Nette:) Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas! Hugs // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 11:21:00 AM
The songs of birds are delightful gifts from God and I love your haiku, Paul. Best wishes in the Contest and have a wonderful holiday with your family. I hope Valentina likes the gift I sent earlier this year. Maybe you'll put it in her Christmas stocking. Love, Carolyn
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/23/2018 12:20:00 PM
Thank you for the insightful comments, Carolyn. I wonder how you're spending Christmas! You guessed correctly....that gift will definitely be in her Christmas stocking. ~ Love, paul
Date: 12/23/2018 9:45:00 AM
We have them visit our garden Paul and I always think of Christmas when I see them. Lovely image you have created. Good luck. Tom.
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/23/2018 10:04:00 AM
Thank you, Tom. I love it when they visit, and they make sure we take notice of their arrival! Regards // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 9:29:00 AM
That picture is so cute--loved the imagery in your poem, Paul.
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/23/2018 9:44:00 AM
Thank you, Vijay. Someone sent me that picture a couple of days back; thought I'd post it here, combining winter and Christmas at one go! Regards // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 8:34:00 AM
what a lovely poem Paul, we have robins all year round but they do seem so much more visible in winter:-) hugs jan xx
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/23/2018 8:37:00 AM
Thank you, Jan. They say that the same robins return to the same place, so I believe that the ones who settle in our garden are the same from previous years. Hugs // paul
Date: 12/23/2018 8:20:00 AM
Wow! Robins in Winter. Nice Paul :)
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/23/2018 8:23:00 AM
Thank you, Heidi:) In Malta we host robins for the duration of winter because here it is not excessively cold. They depart to go back home in spring. Have a lovely day. // paul

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