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Lyrical Daydreamer

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June 19, 2024

~First Place ~
Contest: Bio Poem
Sponsor: Eve Roper


Wordweaver inquisitive, imaginative, intuitive and playful daughter of Alice and Albert lover of my twin flame, family and Nature who feels appreciation, delight and empathy who fears oppression, the unknown and hateful emotions who would like to dream new dreams, believe in tomorrow and never give up resident of Acushnet, Massachusetts Gelinas My husband Bill my center flame and I the moth drawn in so close he bathes my life with candlelight — I shed my wings and fall for him again and again

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/5/2024 3:23:00 PM
So sweet a bio, Susan! Love it!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/6/2024 6:42:00 AM
Thank you for your gracious visit, dear Kim, and for your beautiful comments. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 8/8/2024 8:57:00 PM
Wonderful bio poem. Good to know you better. Congrats on your win. Loved that last stanza
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/25/2024 8:06:00 AM
Dear Eileen, please accept my apologies for my late reply to your wonderful comments and kind congrats. Thank you truly for your gracious visit. Your thoughts are treasured. Warmest wishes, dear gifted poetess.. ~Susan
Date: 7/21/2024 8:50:00 PM
Family and nature, that's great Susan!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/22/2024 6:42:00 AM
Dear David, thank you for your visit and wonderful comment. I appreciate both. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/19/2024 3:57:00 PM
Dear Susan, it was nice to get to know “Wordweaver Gelinas” better through your delightful bio poem :) Bill sounds like a great guy. Congratulations on your win in Eve’s contest!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 11:27:00 AM
Dear Mark, poet friend, I embrace the kindhearted tone of your wonderful comments! "Gelinas" is my maiden name which I am very proud of and very proud of my married name "Ashley" as well. Indeed, Bill is a great husband, father and friend. I am blessed :) Your wife sounds amazing too.. we are both blessed :)) Thank you for sharing in my bio poem and for your kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/18/2024 9:13:00 PM
how precious is it to know you a bit up close, even just online, susan... from this bio, I can see that your gift of words comes from your sense of self -expression...big congrats !
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 11:22:00 AM
Dear Nette, soulful poetess, thank you for sharing in my bio poem with me. I love how these "snapshot" poems allows us to get to know each other a bit better. Your golden presence here brightens my day as does your kindhearted congrats! Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/16/2024 12:26:00 AM
Wow! I love your very creative bio my dearest poet friend Susan. I'm so glad to know you more through this magnifiscent write. Hope to try this type of bio when I get enough time. Thank you so much for being a friend, a great mentor and one of my inspirations. Congratulations on your win! Blessings to you always and your writings. Hugs
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 10:27:00 AM
Dearest Len, soulful poet friend, its wonderful to see you! Thank you for sharing in my bio poem with me. When you have time, you should try composing a bio poem of your own, I would love to know a bit more about you :) Your uplifting presence here brightens my day as does your kindhearted congrats! Warmest wishes and hugs my sweet friend.. ~Susan
Date: 7/15/2024 12:27:00 PM
I am delighted to see your name on the winners' list. So romantic. Way to go. Congratulations to you. Sara K
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 10:22:00 AM
Thank you, dear Sara, for your wonderful response to my bio poem. Your kindness and uplifting comments are appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/13/2024 9:54:00 AM
How original and expressive, Susan, glad to know more about your personal life (love your parents' names!) and how you shed your wings and fall for your love again and again, pure magic! I see congratulations are also in order~
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 10:21:00 AM
Hi Michele, lovely poetess, it's so wonderful to see you! Your shining presence has been missed. Thank for sharing in my bio poem with me. I'm glad you loved my parents' names.. they were a dynamic duo and both beloved by our family and many many many friends! Your kind thoughts and congrats are received with my true appreciation. Warmest wishes my sweet friend.. ~Susan
Date: 7/12/2024 9:39:00 PM
Wonderful bio. You seem to have a full life. Congrats on the win
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 10:10:00 AM
Dear Andrea, thank for sharing in my bio poem with me. Indeed, I have a full life.. with my husband, 6 children (45 to 26 years old), 3 grandchildren and 1 new one on the way.. it's always busy! So when I'm away from PS for any length of time, they're to blame haha! I feel incredibly blessed :) Thank you for your kind congrats my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/12/2024 4:11:00 PM
Congratulations, Dear Susan. Your bio is so beautiful - the four-line poem is a masterpiece!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 9:58:00 AM
Dearest Mala, soulful poetess, its wonderful to see you! Thank you for sharing in my bio poem with me. Your lovely presence here brightens my day! Warmest wishes and hugs my sweet friend.. ~Susan
Date: 7/12/2024 6:57:00 AM
Wow! Congrats! Thanks for sharing this, letting me know you more, my mentor, and yes, poet friend. God bless you.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 9:55:00 AM
Dear Beata, wonderful poetess, thank you for your gracious visit and uplifting words. Thank you for sharing in my bio poem with me. It's as much a pleasure to see you here as it is to read your inspired and inspiring poetry. Warmest wishes my poetess friend.. ~Susan
Date: 7/12/2024 2:29:00 AM
Honored to know you dear wordweaver poet. Stunning poem, amazing write. Happy writing. +FAV
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 9:52:00 AM
Dear Thriveni, thank you for your gracious visit and uplifting words. I am touched and truly honored by your fav! Warmest wishes my poet friend.. ~Susan
Date: 7/12/2024 12:35:00 AM
Lovely write. God bless you. love, Gina
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 9:50:00 AM
Dear Gina, thank you for your wonderful thoughts. Your kind presence brightens my day. Warmest wishes, love and hugs to you my sweet friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/11/2024 11:04:00 PM
Awe love your romantic poem, Susan! I'm glad to hear you were lucky in love! Xo
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/21/2024 9:47:00 AM
Dear Crystol, thank you for your gracious visit and wonderful comments. Indeed, I am lucky in love to have my husband Bill in my life. Warmest wishes my poetess friend.. ~Susan
Date: 7/6/2024 5:55:00 PM
A beautiful bio!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/8/2024 11:20:00 AM
Thank you, dear Andrea, for your wonderful response to my bio poem. Your kindness is appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/30/2024 9:42:00 AM
Susan, sounds like you have a satisfying life. I've always thought daydreaming to be a wonderful thing since we can go wherever we need to be for that moment. If I weren't happy myself, I would feel envy, but I am really happy for you!!! Family and nature is a very good base of operations!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/30/2024 9:48:00 AM
Dear Duke, indeed, I have a beautiful life with my husband and our children and our expanding family of grandchildren. Life overflows the brim with all things good and I thank God everyday. I'm glad to know that life brims with goodness and satisfaction for you too. "Family and nature is a very good base of operations!" - So true, my friend!! Thank you for your lovely comments, they are valued. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/30/2024 12:54:00 AM
Dear Susan, Wow! i love the moth metaphor and how you "shed your wings and fall for him again and again". Wouldn't it be wonderful if other married couples could keep that flame going like you two have? Wonderful writing dear poetess
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/30/2024 9:32:00 AM
Dear Nancy, I relish your response to my poem. Indeed, it would be wonderful if all married couples could keep the flame going.. all I can say is that there is no better teacher than experience, and that the willingness to work on staying together over a lifetime is the ultimate in romance. Thank you for sharing in the imagery and emotions of this piece with me. Your poetic spirit is truly appreciated. Warmest wishes my dear friend.. ~Susan
Date: 6/25/2024 11:28:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, "wordweaver," indeed. Your words weave a mystical spell for me every time I settle into the magic of your words. What a precious gift your poem is. I love the metaphoric imagery of your tribute to Bill. I see all of your precious qualities in each poem you masterfully craft, sweet poetry sis, the consummate dreamer who captures the fullness of life like a moth to light in your words. Sending you blessings on the warm winds of a summer breeze!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/27/2024 7:51:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, I am thrilled to be the poetic spellcaster that intrigues and mystifies your blue-sky imagination :) Your comments are so fulfilling, so gratifying, so rewarding to receive. Reading your precious comments is like relishing your cherished poetry, so satisfying to my imagination, heart and soul. Thank you, my sweet poetry sis, you are an inspiration to me always and an uplifting force encouraging me to reach ever higher in poetic expression. Your friendship touches my heart deeply and you are truly appreciated. Warmest wishes sent on radiant rays of June.. ~Susan
Date: 6/24/2024 9:39:00 AM
dream new dreams and believe in tomorrow, now that sounds like a recipe for happiness in itself dear Susan. You are such a great poet, one of my fav here.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/27/2024 7:44:00 AM
Dear Rose, indeed, I feel like we both will dream new dreams and believe in tomorrow always. I am humbled and honored by your kindness and generosity. You are one of my fav, soulful voices here too. Both your beautiful poetry and poetry friendship are cherished. warmest wishes my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 6/24/2024 2:36:00 AM
This is a wonderful bio, Susan. So compact and well-worded. Best for a win.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/25/2024 6:37:00 PM
Dear Victor, thank you for your wonderful visit and lovely remarks. I'm glad you enjoyed my bio poem. Warmest wishes my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 6/23/2024 10:12:00 AM
Awww so sweet the words you penned for hubby. I'm glad you have not been the recipient here of "hateful emotions." Some of us have not been so lucky. You just keep right on dreaming Susan. And no, never give up!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/23/2024 10:24:00 AM
Dear Tom, it's wonderful to see you, my friend. I'm so glad you enjoyed my bio and my sweet words for my twin flame. Indeed, I am blessed to have my husband and wonderful family around me. My appreciation grows ever deeper as I get older. I'm fortunate that I've not encountered hateful emotions here, some minor negative things here and there, but not outright hateful. I know others here, some of you, have not been so lucky and for that I feel sad because it's unnecessary. I will keep dreaming, I will never give up.. and I think you should compose a bio poem and enter the contest! That would be awesome! Thank you for your gracious visit, your comments are inspiring. Warmest wishes.. ~Suze
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Tom Woody
Date: 6/23/2024 10:12:00 AM
PS. I've been tempted to enter the bio contest. We'll see
Date: 6/22/2024 6:37:00 AM
Susan, what a beautiful bio & with such a loving tribute to your husband - truly heartwarming, my friend
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/23/2024 8:58:00 AM
Dear Jack, my poet friend, thank you for your gracious visit to my bio poem and for your thoughtful comments - they are truly heartwarming and appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/20/2024 4:23:00 PM
An interesting bio with a sweet romantic ending. You are blessed.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/23/2024 8:56:00 AM
Dear Hilda, indeed, I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you for your gracious visit and heartwarming comments. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/20/2024 1:23:00 PM
Lovely poem Susan, this is a form I have not used before not seen much, but it gives an insight into people's backgrounds and who they are..
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/23/2024 8:56:00 AM
Dear Silent One, thank you for your wonderful comments. Indeed, this poetry form is a peek into who poets are, I think it give a deeper meaning to their poetry when you know a bit more about them. You should give this form a try, my inspiring friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/20/2024 7:53:00 AM
My dear friend, dear poet, you are a word weaver of the highest order, and the universe of your imagination and creativity is from another galaxy that is light-years from us mortal poets, I've seen your bio before, it's in your poetry...dear friend, dear poet...Frederic
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/23/2024 8:51:00 AM
Dear Frederic, my dear friend, dear poet, your comments are truly inspiring and deeply appreciated. I am elated, humbled and most of all honored to receive such beautiful comments from an extraordinary poet such as yourself. Your comments are most poetic, they reveal your soulful depths and are truly prized! Warmest wishes dear friend, dear poet.. ~Susan

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry