Aw My Feathered Friends
This is my humble tribute to our dear Soup member Constance La France, using some of her poem titles. This is, again, inspired by the "Title Wave" contest that was sponsored by our Soup member Richard Lamoureux last year. Thank you Richard Lamoureux for the inspiration and thank you dear Constance for the wonderful titles in pages and pages of poems you had contributed to Soup and I enjoyed writing this. I wish that I/we find time to read more of the beautiful inspiring poems of Constance, that she has contributed to Soup. (Below, the titles I have used for this tribute for Constance are in quotes. I have not capitalized the words within the titles as they were.)
"In my dreamy spring garden",
I often hear the "melody of dawn".
"The birds call me" as they know
how much I revel in listening to their songs.
When I close my eyes, at times, I hear
"the fluttering feather" of birds and I feel
they wish to chit-chat with me.
"Wandering in nature" in my dreamy garden
"where memories linger"
I see the "sunrise, gold and yellow":
a "breathtaking" view indeed.
"In meadows of sun", I see
a beautiful "hummingbird"
rapidly "fluttering" his translucent wings
"oh! sweet hummer".
As "the beauty of birds" enthrall me,
in a sweet corner of a tree branch,
two "birds in love" were preening each other
"oh! happy spring".
The fine "tapestry of nature"
as seen in my enchanting garden
invites all kinds of birds
with bright colourful "feathers".
My garden is a safe haven for birds
"where the bluebirds sing".
My soul is soothed by the sweet song of "nightingale".
"A bird of green is singing",
Aw! what a melody -
"Oh, the echo of birds chirping" and
the warble of "the bird vireo"
bring harmony here to stay:
"A gang of sparrows"
are seen "flying in the sky"
"oh! how heavenly"
now, "I would like to fly away", along with them!
Date: 01/17/2022
Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2022
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