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Aw My Feathered Friends

This is my humble tribute to our dear Soup member Constance La France, using some of her poem titles. This is, again, inspired by the "Title Wave" contest that was sponsored by our Soup member Richard Lamoureux last year. Thank you Richard Lamoureux for the inspiration and thank you dear Constance for the wonderful titles in pages and pages of poems you had contributed to Soup and I enjoyed writing this. I wish that I/we find time to read more of the beautiful inspiring poems of Constance, that she has contributed to Soup. (Below, the titles I have used for this tribute for Constance are in quotes. I have not capitalized the words within the titles as they were.) "In my dreamy spring garden", I often hear the "melody of dawn". "The birds call me" as they know how much I revel in listening to their songs. When I close my eyes, at times, I hear "the fluttering feather" of birds and I feel they wish to chit-chat with me. "Wandering in nature" in my dreamy garden "where memories linger" I see the "sunrise, gold and yellow": a "breathtaking" view indeed. "In meadows of sun", I see a beautiful "hummingbird" rapidly "fluttering" his translucent wings "oh! sweet hummer". As "the beauty of birds" enthrall me, in a sweet corner of a tree branch, two "birds in love" were preening each other "oh! happy spring". The fine "tapestry of nature" as seen in my enchanting garden invites all kinds of birds with bright colourful "feathers". My garden is a safe haven for birds "where the bluebirds sing". My soul is soothed by the sweet song of "nightingale". "A bird of green is singing", Aw! what a melody - "Oh, the echo of birds chirping" and the warble of "the bird vireo" bring harmony here to stay: "A gang of sparrows" are seen "flying in the sky" "oh! how heavenly" now, "I would like to fly away", along with them! Date: 01/17/2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 2/18/2022 6:32:00 AM
This is a lovely tribute to Constance and her poetry, Anitha. Congratulations on p.o.t.d award. Regards // paul
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Date: 2/11/2022 11:21:00 AM
Well done Ani! Congrats on POTD! Do not visit PS often so miss a lot of good poems.
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Date: 1/22/2022 5:02:00 AM
I am back to congratulate you on POTD Anitha. This is such a wonderful tribute. Blessings xxoo
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Date: 1/21/2022 7:59:00 PM
Congratulations on POTD!
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Date: 1/21/2022 6:35:00 PM
wow, a POTD. congratulations, Anitha. So well deserved. Soupmail for ya too.
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Date: 1/21/2022 2:01:00 PM
A belated congratulations on your mesmerizing POTD Ani ! A fav ! I must read and reread the whimsical melody and sights and sounds you have created with Constance’s titles . A quilt of magic indeed ! Happy beautiful year to you my friend . Keep writing your inspired poems . Love and hugs , Susan :)
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Date: 1/20/2022 9:50:00 PM
Hi! Anitha, back to say Congrulations on POTD. Blessings ~ Debra
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Date: 1/20/2022 3:20:00 PM
Aw! what a melody you have woven together into a tapestry of lovely images of our feathered friends, and a beautiful tribute to Constance, our Dear Heart of Poetry Soup! Blessings to you Ani, for the hard work and commitment of piecing these titles together into a cohesive quilt, and blessings to Constance for populating our shared garden with the lovely music of her poetic heart and adoration of nature. "My soul is soothed..." Congratulations to both of you for POTD honor, I hope it filled you both with joy!Blessings ~ John
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Date: 1/20/2022 7:05:00 AM
- A lovely tribute, dear Ani - I made a poem of song titles some time ago ... it was fun to do :) - Congratulations on your p.o.t.d. :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 1/20/2022 6:05:00 AM
An excellent tribute to a soulful poet, Anitha, very well composed:) congratulations on POTD:)
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Date: 1/20/2022 4:33:00 AM
Anitha, what a beautiful poem, a wonderful tribute to Constance as well, a belated congratulations on POTD!
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Date: 1/20/2022 1:23:00 AM
You are indeed a bird with such wingspan that you can fly to any height ! I just got lost in the beauty of your garden where feathered folks frequent and make their trills. A lovely tribute to a great poetess. Hearty Congratulations on your well deserved POTD Ani....
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Date: 1/20/2022 12:01:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD. Great poem.
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Date: 1/19/2022 1:48:00 PM
Congratulations on POTD, Constance would be honored.
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Jayasankar Avatar
Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:38:00 PM
Thank you so much dear Eve... Hugs... ~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 12:29:00 PM
Dear Anitha, you have composed a masterpiece, simply using poem titles from our dear sweet friend, Constance La France. I agree with her. "I would like to fly away", along with them! There is something about drifting in the sky, feeling the wind beneath your wings, that is so magical. So awe inspiring and wonderful. Such a beautiful tribute. Your thoughts caress softly around me and my heart. Congratulations, Anitha, on Poem of the Day. My best to you. :) Hugs, Brandy
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:37:00 PM
Thank you so much dear Brandy for coming here to read my tribute poem to dear Constance... I agree both with Constance and you, there is something magical about drifting in the sky, along with the birds... Have a blessed lovely day my friend...Big hugs... ~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 12:10:00 PM
What a lovely tribute to our Constance La France! Congratulations on your P.O.T.D.!
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:30:00 PM
Thank you so much Milton.. Much appreciate your visit and comment... God bless... ~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 10:54:00 AM
A beautifully written tribute to Constance. So nice to read today. Congratulations for this excellent POTD :)
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:29:00 PM
Thank you so much Heidi... Much appreciate your visit and comment... Hugs... ~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 9:57:00 AM
Ani, wow, on receiving the POEM OF THE DAY honor with this beautiful poem using my poem titles, it takes skill to make it all blend together and you did it perfectly, I recall writing each poem and you have selected some of my favorite poems, and oh yes I do love birds and wish I could fly with them. I am so honored and humbled, love _Constance
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 6:15:00 PM
Constance, am more humbled and honoured to use your poem titles to create this tribute poem. Thank you so much my friend. It's your POTD. It was so much fun, writing this. I knew you love birds and am happy I selected some of your favorite poem titles.. Big love and hugs.. ~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 9:10:00 AM
what a delightful tribute to Constance, many congrats on POTD Ani:-) hugs Jan xx
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:27:00 AM
Thank you so much dear Jan...Hugs...~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 8:43:00 AM
A beautiful tribute to Constance, Congrats on POTD
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:26:00 AM
Thank you so much Joseph...God bless...~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 6:55:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD, Anitha. What a wonderful tribute to a fine Poetess. The title of a poem is an invitation, and it draws the reader into the experience of poetry reading. Constance is worthy of such an effort. Your tapestry of titles is a masterpiece and well deserving of POTD. Thanks for sharing your gift of poetry with us, Bill
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:26:00 AM
Thank you so much Bill for the visit and the comment. The congrats is for Constance. Yes, you said it right, the title of a poem is an invitation into the experience of poetry reading, as the reader relates to what the poet has expressed in his poems. God bless...~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 6:53:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD win. A creative/beautiful write. A wonderful tribute poem to Constance La France and her writes. Have a blessed day......................
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:22:00 AM
Thank you so much dear Paula...You too have a blessed day...Hugs...~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 6:47:00 AM
Beautifully penned, Ani... Hope is the thing with feathers... May we treasure our ability to delight in our feathered friends... Congrats on POTD! Blessings, gw
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:21:00 AM
Thank you so much Gershon...So true...Have a blessed day...~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 6:26:00 AM
Smiths! Your pen has embroidered a masterful tribute to dear Constance from the finest of France-made threads, as renowned as they are along with their esteemed ribbons. Despite this cold winter morning temperatures, the birds are outside delightfully singing their joy over this poem. Hugs, Anitha!
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Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 1/19/2022 9:18:00 AM
Thank you so very much dear Sally for such a descriptive lovely comment that I will pass on to Constance...yes, birds are always a delight to watch during any season...Hugs...~ Ani
Date: 1/19/2022 6:13:00 AM
Thank you all so very much. Actually, it is Constance's POTD, it's her beautiful titles, that I used for this poem. Am glad that you all liked this. I have always been inspired by reading Andrea's and Constance's poems, hence got this idea of writing a tribute for both of them, using their poem titles. I will be happy if you all would find time to read the tribute poem that I wrote for Andrea too, using her awesome poem titles. Will be replying to each one of you, individually, and will be soon coming to read your inspiring poems ~ Ani
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