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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
6/7/2023 12:43:56 PM

Romina Yaghubi
Posts: 7
Hi this is a poem I wrote. I want to hear your thoughts on it and keep in mind that I'm not a native English speaker. Thanks.

I couldn't hear a word of what he's got to say no more
As there was this war coming about in my head
Soldiers against soldiers
Men against men
Tearing each other apart
Eating each other's hearts
I only can define a tiny bit of it
For there was no war in the history
To be defined by the human race,
Humane enough to be borne by people's hearts
And this one was no exception
I might have to admit to the darkness of my soul
The wounds of my own
But wounds are nothing to be created by the wounded
The wounded is just a prey for a predator's words
As I was to him
As I am to anyone
The pitfall which I've been trapped in
Is the story of my life
edited by rominayaghubi on 6/7/2023
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6/7/2023 7:46:57 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Thank you romina for showing me there are honest people out there.

Have written many many anti-war poems, seems people just don't get it.

Arguments about who's going to win are to me insincere barbarity. Arguments

on the best way stop war cold are all I really want to hear.
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6/8/2023 5:03:26 AM

Romina Yaghubi
Posts: 7
Hi. Thank you very much. I totally agree with you.
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7/13/2023 1:24:32 PM

lelio trevisani
Posts: 3
Thank you romina for showing me there are honest people out there.
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