Dizain Poems. Examples of Dizains and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Dizain poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Dizain.
A dizain poem is a form of poetry consisting of ten lines rhymed in the a b a b b c c d c d format and in iambic pentameter, but there is more to a dizain. What is dizain in poetry (complete definition)?
Rainbow bodyTruth sounds like a believe it or not tale,
when interpreted by limited mind,
which can but offer a concoction stale
but if we leave conditioned thoughts behind,
light of wisdom we can in heart’s cave find.
We are not...
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rainbow, spiritual,
Form: Dizain
We see it nowThe flame of awareness is held by God,
who is distanced from soul by the ego,
so to awaken in mind-body pod,
all beliefs and concepts, we must let go,
shifting into silence in stillness slow.
When released from fetters...
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god, light, self, spiritual,
Form: Dizain
Secrets of The BreezeSecrets of The Breeze
A breeze, a playful inquisitive breeze,
Drifting over slippery slated roof tops,
Teasing the silent secretive trees.
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nature, surreal,
Form: Dizain
sage speakHave ye been touched not yet by magnetism,
ushering deep wisdom, unknown to mind,
rapture of bliss pervading body prism,
causing us to become with love aligned,
with fears and desires to the bin consigned?
Befriending silence, piercing the vast...
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joy, light, love, self,
Form: Dizain
OPEN AND CLOSED HEART-BEATS--As my soul heart has a door that is closed;
Noise speaks loudness of per encapsulates;
My vessel contrite I am breathing bruise;
Broke heart open door that I may embrace;
Tears drops down my chin, my cheek, my...
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allusion, analogy, anxiety, confusion,
Form: Dizain
For The Life Of Me
God, for the life of me, I know not why
we have not learned a way to live in peace.
As in the past, our wars still nullify
this yearning by not finding ways to cease.
The feuds between...
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peace, prayer, world,
Form: Dizain
In Another Life
In another life I could be happy,
have no grief or forever sad sorrow,
would not have another day unhappy,
wish another life could be my 'morrow.
Would I still love the song of a sparrow ?
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Form: Dizain
Child born from water and fireI witnessed a body lying
On the dead earth while formless and dismal
A mire swollen and dying
From this body arose a child so small
Out of the flesh stinking of gall
A child whiter...
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birth, change, child, death,
Form: Dizain
An Advent PraiseA joyous tiding on this hallowed night:
That for our sake, a virgin would conceive.
The Child would promise everlasting light
To all who in His saving love believe,
And for our sin we may no longer grieve.
Among the...
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christian, christmas, encouraging, faith,
Form: Dizain
Etched In Stone
Etched in stone, are names of living souls
who once breathed air and walked our earthen land.
The graves will honor their past roles and goals.
With memories held dearly close and grand,
we touch these names, yet know...
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death, heaven, inspirational,
Form: Dizain
Stone StatueIf a person only thinks of themselves,
They lose the meaning of this life, like a dream.
If your heart turns to stone, cold and unkind,
Among the statues, you will surely be found.
A stone statue does not...
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august, beautiful,
Form: Dizain
My liver is LongingMy liver is Longing,
There’s a fortune in the longing,
To lands I’ve never seen,
To the green hills and fields between,
Take me there, my longing.
It’s not meat in my chest,
But feelings that have left,
When a thousand...
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home, paradise,
Form: Dizain
Resurrecting dawnSoul’s creative urge springs forth from our heart,
with childlike intent to sing a love song,
which however no sooner does so start,
wayward ego sounds an ominous gong,
stating head, not heart, is where we belong,
thus strangling the...
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innocence, joy, muse,
Form: Dizain
expressing the inexpressibleDivine Mother Herself anoints our form,
borne by magnetism ushering cool heat,
wherein all our presence does is conform
to divine bliss pulsations that repeat,
each strobe unique, bending low at God’s feet.
Are we the witness or the performer,
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god, joy, spiritual,
Form: Dizain
Easy breezySages who have walked the earth have proclaimed,
that this world as we know it is a dream
but we are blind since our soul has been maimed
by endless thought chatter we choose to stream,
failing to...
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Form: Dizain
Specific Types of Dizain Poems
Read wonderful dizain poetry on the following sub-topics:
christmas, friends, funny, kids, love, music, nature, school, sports
and more.
Definition | What is Dizain in Poetry?