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Grook Poems | Grook Examples

Grook Poems. Examples of Grooks and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Grook poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Grook.

A grook is a form of short aphoristic poem characterized by irony, paradox, brevity, precise use of language, and often satiric nature, but there is more to a grook. What is grook in poetry (complete definition)?

Premium Member For the Oxymoronic
Keep away from an optometrist who greets you with a seeing-eye dog. ...Read the rest...
Categories: dark, humor,
Form: Grook
Premium Member Growing up Keeton
Celtics laud place of hawks mi ancestors move beyond the greenery the gravity of harsh findings rolling over meadows and mead craving the heavenly harness meeting between Devon Tullock missouri minding the mended fences crawling...Read the rest...
Categories: allah,
Form: Grook

Premium Member Bfeaking News
Flatulence diffused in a room overcrowded should never be heard as breaking news....Read the rest...
Categories: humor,
Form: Grook

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Double Entendre
Her spelling could be faulty and confusing, even naughty. To her mother she wrote: “I took a course in physics this year. It was hard at first, I admit, but with effort, I passed it.” ...Read the rest...
Categories: word play,
Form: Grook
The Importance of fitting nothing into your day
If you want your day to end on a productive note. It may pay, to this poem about nothing take note, In order to take away something of note. A well planned nothing in your day, Will help you...Read the rest...
Categories: age, analogy, appreciation, art,
Form: Grook

Yet another awkward thing about being human to address
On the one hand we are told not to blow our own trumpet and be humble, One the other hand we we must express Love for ourselves, And through the worlds not stumble, Or...Read the rest...
Categories: age, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Grook
Premium Member When an inmate is forced to type blackmail intimidating letters
According to Larry Hoover inmates are forced to type intimidating letters to fbi informants after my face was blown up with a car bomb the prison system began flying kites after all it was clear...Read the rest...
Categories: allah,
Form: Grook
Premium Member A Major Change
If you haven’t heard, it’s now official: All prayers henceforth must be digital if the Lord they are to reach – texting now is in, out is speech....Read the rest...
Categories: humor,
Form: Grook
Premium Member One Nut to Another
A almond to a peanut: I wish I had been born human. Yeah, right, said a pecan; as if the world needs another nut. ...Read the rest...
Categories: word play,
Form: Grook
Premium Member Double Jeopardy
Testicular cancer is every man’s horror. It’s bad enough his wife has cut him off, now his surgeon too? ...Read the rest...
Categories: dark, humor,
Form: Grook
Premium Member Food for Thought
People who live only to eat are doomed to a lifetime of wiping more than their mouths....Read the rest...
Categories: humor,
Form: Grook
Premium Member Gravestone
Soon after he died on his gravestone they inscribed: Born naked, ugly, bald, died inconsolably appalled. ...Read the rest...
Categories: dark, humor,
Form: Grook
A bus in the hand
A bus in the hand, Is worth two that fail to land, Or fail to stop on demand, Because they are needed, when trains do not run as planned, Or there has been slide of hand, From drivers...Read the rest...
Categories: absence, allusion, analogy, angst,
Form: Grook
Premium Member Experts
It cracks me up each time I hear “experts” expounding year after year on how to live, what to eat, what to drink, how to exercise, even how to think! It appears there’s no end to the range their...Read the rest...
Categories: humor,
Form: Grook
Premium Member Mutts and Butts
Dogs, to my thinking, I will admit lack decent public etiquette. When meeting one of their kind they quickly sniff its behind. Why this should be so, I have no desire to know. Naturally, this habit is to some squeamishly unwholesome. And yet,...Read the rest...
Categories: humor,
Form: Grook

Specific Types of Grook Poems

Definition | What is Grook in Poetry?

Poems Related to Grook

irony, paradox

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry