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Forum Home » Be Gentle » A poem dedicated to Cassidy Megan, a person I adm

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9/22/2018 11:35:40 PM

Inna Ayrapetova
Posts: 1
Canadianie, take my lavender ribbon:
I will stretch it to you, my dear, from Russian coasts.
My "Hallelujah!" will at once be free-born
As soon as you reply those loud and distant calls.

I write about the Western very rarely
But this is not your case, undoubtedly, dear.
Don't answer like ice-crust, I ask, I beg you!
Open the secret, kind soul! I would like to hear!

Don't be afraid: the ribbon is not poisoned
But there is Holy water and some chrism.
Don't hide in snow floor, and don't hide in noise, and
Come to my land! Give bravery through your prism!

I'd share my health with you to make my great dream
Come true! Canadianie! Please, tell me what to do!
Well, on the whole, I ask: let's be a straight team
So that my land with me is like your land with you!
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