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Forum Home » High Critique » Nightfall Harp

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
11/25/2017 10:12:42 PM

Vermillion Scythe
Posts: 4
Note: This is my greatest work. I want critique on this poem.

It is now dark and under the dome
there are hands moving
inside a home

Notes of angelic sound
circulate the air
wandering beyond walls
flying into the city
making countless calls

Creators of footsteps below the full pearl
tread in the alleys
hearing musical melodies shout out for them to hark
their hearts dance to the hymn
coinciding to the tempo in the dark

Where is that rhythm coming from
There are no signs of the source that show their thumb
Stare at the moon, the nightfall harp is blessing the sadsome

Out there, a hundred miles far
the souls pick up their ear
from the bliss dispersing from afar

Nightfall harp,
where are you
Nightfall harp,
we hear you,
Nightfall harp,
we love you

Happiness shall now come to pass
as the angel sprouts his wings

Hand in hand
the city joins for a holy choir
as their voices wire
blazing spirit fire
showing love a step higher

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11/26/2017 1:11:00 PM

Stephen Wilson-Floyd
Posts: 49
I read this is a community of Christ in a larger sense. Not a building or even a specific group of people, but in the sense of when "two of you (or more) are gathered together". That said, for me, this is a question of audience. Some readers are looking for a poem to uplift and support them in a greater faith. I am not one to critique on that basis. I look for ambiguity in poems, something to help me make sense of it all (however small). The part I like best is "where is that rhythm coming from?" The poem seems to suggest that if there is "rhythm" then there must be a source. Sorry if I could not be more helpful. Best wishes1
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