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Forum Home » High Critique » Packaging Gone Wild - by Bob Atkinson

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1/7/2016 6:44:46 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Packaging Gone Wild

- by Bob Atkinson

TSA nabbed him cold

they put him in a cage

he didn't know what hit him

yet, his emotions didn't rage

he sat and pouted openly

wasn't his fault in the least

he had those tools to conquer

the packaging beast

scissors, saw and scalpel

screw driver, chisel, hammer

ice pick, tire iron

mallet, hammer, jack

dynamite explosive

fuse, matches, cap

testament to how hard we work

to open bubbled wrappings
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2/2/2016 10:20:20 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Peggy Dear, your answer is much more funny than my poem.
Thanks for an extended laugh.
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3/2/2016 9:59:01 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Victoria, thanks for your kind comments.
Evidently you haven't see a .45 barrel touching
the head of a passenger at the ticket counter
who couldn't control their emotions.

p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

A Ticket Encounter

-by Bob Atkinson

we stood in line for hours
to get home's a daunting task
here at Rhein Main we stand
next to our hard packed bags

had a good vacation
Budget gave us a car that worked
drove many miles on autobahns
saw a different kind of world

but here, in our saddest time
must return to our home in L.A.
and begin again a savings game
driving miles and miles to work each day

announcement comes on speakers
if you're headed to Los Angeles
please go to line forty-five
as quickly as possible

we step over to that que
a few minutes this would take
then hopefully be on our way
on the other side of gates

"sir if you will please give
your passports and tickets please
for on this flight we've booked a team
Americans have to leave

we've given you a voucher
for a comfortable night in town
but you'll not be going home
until that time comes 'round"

reality sinks in slowly
when a situation's so bizarre
they threw Americans off this plane
so a ball team could travel far

I felt this a travesty
and told him what I thought
then saw futility in my plight
further frustration would gain naught

so we turned around to go to bus
and sleep this nightmare away
the guy behind me threw a rage
for which this didn't pay

a guard next to him
took his knees out in one move
his shoulder met the counter
his bottom on ground stood

a forty-five touched his temple
"please calm yourself dear friend
this fellow's only doing duty
you shouldn't yell at him"

we spend a night in a soft bed
got on our plane next day
was late for work, but didn't matter
my mind wasn't blown away
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3/14/2016 7:27:29 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Thank you Marugu for your kind insights. As for Cage as another word for jail cell, well.....
seems no other word would be more appropriate that I can think of. Your suggestion would be?
To me "jail cell" doesn't describe the idea of a human being caged like a wild animal with freedom removed from life. An awful thought being treated like an animal by society, wouldn't you agree? Doesn't "cage" describe it fully?

Regards, Bob
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3/15/2016 5:05:33 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
"... Crammed into a cage ..." ????? You think with a meek attitude they'd manhandle him?
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