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Short Contst Poems

Short Contst Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Contst by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Contst by length and keyword.

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For Brian's April Footle contst  Won 3rd place...

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Categories: contst, funny
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member My Contst Pom
Climb to a high mountain shack
Pot and good porn in my pack
A hot Navy flick
A hot busty chick
My pants captain said, "Up stack!"...

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Categories: contst, funny, sexy, silly,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
A masochist plans his own burial
You'd think our man was malarial
  But a fallacy it is
  'Tis pain that is his
Ado for such an actuarial...

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Categories: contst, bereavement, dark, humor,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
A limrick for Viv Wigly,
I had to scrawl my words so Kwigly,
Vino a proposal
Alcohol at disposal
I barf’d and my writing is Sqwigly


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Categories: contst, funny, humor, humorous,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Good morning ma’am, how do you do?
How I wish I was going with you
On a trip on a boat
With a sail for a coat
Crossing rain, sky, and windy storms too...

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Categories: contst, humor,
Form: Limerick

My Contst Pom
I thought I saw a duck going amuck
In front of a racing truck,
Not much fun at first spy
To find as I go by,
That duck driving this truck was a cluck....

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Categories: contst, fun,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Contst Pom
a firkin of port and a glass
through my lips a last drop will pass
my thirst I now blunt
as thoughts it will stunt
in my john my food will amass


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Categories: contst, wine,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
A silly tall man from Walsall
   Thought that  climbing high on a wall
   And standing on top
   By starting his drop
   That this fall would turn him back small....

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Categories: contst, silly,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Zip lining across the blue sky,
I thought I saw Miss Piggy go by,
wearing a pink boa, 
yelling out "amore,'"
realized now that pigs can in fact fly!


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Categories: contst, animal, humor, star,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Stood looking down upon skin tan and glowing
As this bikini clad girl was not knowing
Soon I was blushing
My blood quickly rushing
For most of a ravishing boob was now showing...

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Categories: contst, humor,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Andy's crib was so small
For a gait or a crawl
Boos and tantrum
brought busy mum
Oh this was a catcall. 

vivs missing lttr contst - Poetry Contest for Money

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Categories: contst, fun,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
John Abbott was thrown from his mount
Right in front of a girl who might count
Cuss words ran from his lips
As his pants ran in rips
To mask it John sat down in a fount

My Contst Pom...

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Categories: contst, humor,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
By: Blake Myers 

Blowing trsss, sounding of rain,
It is that timn of yr again,
Crisp air, cool brzzz, soon to b night,
Hay and pumpkins always in sight,
If ol' scaircrow only had a brain....

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Categories: contst, america, autumn, travel,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Contst Pom
Last Christmas an ugly old frog

got fat drinking holiday nog.

But I saw him this fall

looking not fat at all -

in bright shorts out taking a jog!

Writtn Oct 10, 2016 for vivs missing lttr contst...

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Categories: contst, animal,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
In front of a blackboard I walk
Around in my classroom and talk
Of motion and fall,
Gravity on a ball,
My hands and my shirt full of chalk.

October 12, 2016
For vivs missing lttr contst
Sponsored by Viv Wigley...

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Categories: contst, humor,
Form: Limerick
'my Contst Pom'
May was riding on a duck
                         For thirty two odd days
                         What that girl was thinking of
                         Is difficult to say
                         But that pond got rid of muck!...

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Categories: contst, fun,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
my contst pom - compliant son!

Oh son, I pity you try but fail
In Biology, lizards, rats have tail
I told, mug up ,vomit words
You'll pass, you'll fly high as birds
In quiz, Madam said, you spit up a snail?!

12th October 2016...

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© Anu Nayak  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: contst, animal, funny, son,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
My Contst Pom

On day I saw a dog,
Who’s mug was that of a frog,
His bark was a croak,
That astonishd the folks,
Who stood by th swamp aghast.

Written: 10/11/16
Submitted for: vivs missing lttr contst - Potry Contst
Sponsored by: Viv Wigly...

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Categories: contst, animal, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Contst Pom
My Contst Pom

‘Josh Kibosh’ who has only small-scale splash cash
looks for a young woman’s copious plash stash
when his hogwash commands dosh
Josh’s gluttonous slosh habits turn posh
so Madam transforms flash in his pan into pulp-mash

08th October 2016...

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Categories: contst, nonsense,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Contst Pom
Poor Viv got caught in his loo (Was sporting his pink tutu) His Mrs. was mad Said you ‘stupid lad - your hairy thighs still show through! My contst pom Sponsor’d by Viv Wiggly chckd with how many syllabls 7,7,5,5,7 10~07~16

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Categories: contst, body, clothes, for him, humorous,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
An artist rolls his brush full of vibrant color across a Canvas
A window to a distant world soon forms, a Catalog or Atlas.
A land of curious blooms, and candy floss
Odd bits of colorful stalk brim floating moss.
This land of flamboyant fun, and pinkish bananas....

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Categories: contst, art,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Vape
Giving up smoking and taking up vape Hey! that's about as stupid As giving up sex and taking up rape!
Written July 22, 2022 [Thought as I passed a vape shop!] Submitted to "Bite Size Poem No. 51" Poetry Contst Sponsored by Line Gauthier...

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Categories: contst, humor, nonsense, silly,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member My Pom Contst
I know a guy from timbuktu.
Who works at his family zoo. 
Has body odor so strong,
That could shock Mr. King Kong.
Bo put on a mask and muu muu.

muu•muu ('mu?mu) 

n., pl. -muus.
a long, loose-hanging dress, usu. brightly 
colored or patterned.

Premiere Contest: vivs missing lttr contst
Sponsor: Viv Wigley...

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© Alexis Y.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: contst, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Work Or Leisure
and I have
not done a thing
but sit at my computer, read and write.

Why does this seem so lazy and wasteful?
Years of labor
should have earned
me some

is it
a type of
work or are my
writings to be considered frivolous?

Work ethics were imposed on me at birth. 
Mother abhorred
She banned

written for Jaryd's  tetractys contst

Written for...

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Categories: contst, work
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Always Half-Full
Always Half-Full My day is a happy affair with spirit my thinking is fair glass always half-full no 'half-missing' bull Fruition I do not impair. Sandra M. Haight ~1st Place~ Premiere Contest: vivs missing lttr contst Sponsor: Viv Wigley Judged: 10/12/2016 Rules: Write a Limerick without using words that contain the letter "e". Title the poem: 'my contst pom' ('my contest poem' without any "e").

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Categories: contst, happiness, hope, success,
Form: Limerick

Book: Reflection on the Important Things